Donald Trump took a wrecking ball to the Deep State with one surprise decision

Donald Trump returned to Washington, D.C. with a score to settle.  He’s finishing one fight with an old enemy.  And Donald Trump took a wrecking ball to the Deep State with one surprise decision.  Trump [...]


    • Democrats are afraid to try anything now because Trump can throw out the whole bundle of rotten worms the next day… and they can only pay lawyers to fight it…

  1. I knew some very good people who were in the FBI and worked with my husband when he was working undercover for the sheriff’s department in our county. They have since retired but I know that they were distressed by what they saw was happening to the FBI. As was my husband with police departments. A lot has to change. I’m hoping that common sense will prevail and things will get fixed. I wouldn’t trust the FBI or the DOJ under any Democrat administration. They were running it like a third world government. Using it to go after anyone who disagreed with them.

    • Lets hope that more and more true Americans see the resistance, lies, deception, and threats that the current crop of Democratic Politicans are throwing at Trump. Lets hope they really feel a huge loss in the mid term elections as well. In fact I doubt anyone but the crazies and corrupt will be supporting the Democrats after finding out how much money the Democratic Leaders ship has been stuffing in their own pockets for God only knows how long. Thats why our taxes are so high!

  2. Now we need to start a Judicial investigation, and removal for political skullduggery that has been going on there. Some of these Judges feel they are untouchable and I highly doubt that.

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