Donald Trump shut down a Biden-Harris scheme to stop his campaign with one move

Democrats are using every dirty trick in the book to beat Donald Trump.  They thought they found an ingenious way to upend the election.  And Donald Trump shut down a Biden-Harris scheme to stop his [...]


    • So true, last nights speech by Obama called all Republicans names, and then hypocritcally in the next sentence, called for unification of all people. He evidentally forgot what he said just before that. Nothing but ranting by him and his wife making horrible remarks about Trump and Vance.

      • I have refused to listen to anything the Obama’s have said ever since his speech about Fundamental Transformation of the USA

    • I think by now we out number the dem voters.
      Its now catching on in Kendall, Wisconsin . More TRUMP yard sign are showing up in peoples yards, I became the first one to put up a TRUMP FLAG. in Kendall

  1. Just KEEP TRUMP inside NOT OUT when he starts up his campaign….There’s a Soros funded Anti Trump site in Nevada….

    • Soros & his son need to be sent to Gitmo. They are pure EVIL. Most people don’t know what he & his father did to their neighbors when the Nazis were taking over Hungary. He was 14 & they told the Nazis where where they were all hiding so they could live. They even helped them take all of their valuables.

      • People just do not get it…..they do not look into the backround of these individuals. What if it were one of their families that he turned in and was murdered. Just like the Democrats do no believe the holocaust happened, or the concentration camps where people and our own soldiers were held captive and starved. That is why veterans, and the jewish people support Trump…Democrats are for war no matter at all costs.

    • One thing I can say good about Liberals, they’re amazing liars. The one thing they’ve perfected.

  2. Trump should have a bullet proof enclosure around him, then he can have his outdoor rallies in safety. He also needs his own security detail, not the secret service. They dropped the ball big time last time, that can’t happen again!

  3. Trump, And Vance , Musk Is the start of a good team. To make America great again and keep it that way. Let the house cleaning get under way and take our country back.
    There is no time to to sit down, Its Now OR Never

  4. prediction” Soros was a nazi collebrator as a 14 year old secondly, he wants to revive the dictstorship role for obama so that would be Obamas 4th term in office. stupid Harris is the vehicle to achieve his goal, just a suspicion, but to attain this, they need the justice system destroyed.

  5. One thing I can say good about Liberals, they’re amazing liars. The one thing they’ve perfected.

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