Donald Trump revealed the one question that Kamala Harris fears most

Kamala Harris is hiding from voters in an attempt to cover up her radical left-wing agenda. Donald Trump has a plan of attack. And Donald Trump revealed the one question that Kamala Harris fears most. [...]


    • Why reveal the question and give the corrupt Kamala time to think on it and give a response that doesn’t sound like a work salad! Think about it why let her know what it is.

  1. If she truely wants to build a wall she has the power to start building right now. This applies to all her false promises “on day one.”

    • When you’re a Donald Trump Supporter you don’t have the room to call anyone corrupt. Kamala Harris followers Joe Biden’s policies. Donald Trump loves this country but he is also corrupt.

      • Trump is a strong leader. Trump is a smart leader. Trump is a negotiator. Trump loves America. Trump is the right choice for President. Look back and see what we had and how we all lived when Trump was our President. Then look at today with the Biden/Harris. The Harris/Waltz will be worse. These idiots will kill America. They are really far left radicals that are pros at lying and coming up with the dumbest ideas that will not support or strengthen our country. They abandoned our allies. IDIOTS!!

        • Asj her! Wait she probably want admitted sleeping with several older married men to get to where she is. Adultery is breaking of the ten is lying etc or maybe you Don’t believe in the bible.normal isn’t coming back, but Jesus is!! God is the only thing that can save us.our country can’t survive another term of joe biden’s policy’s,and that is what she will do!!

  2. She is a liar and I saw where she laughed about 220 thousand people died from covid in a short time. And then she laughed. I call her the laughing cow, no brains. Why laugh about someone dieing. Karma will bite her hard

    • Kamalla cannot be trusted. She has lied and is still lying NOW! Thee will be no more U.S.A. if this corrupt, Communist Bitch is elected! Please, Please, Please Americans VOTE FOR DONALD J. TRUMP!! You will have your country back with Donald J. Trump. He is the One and ONLY Candidate you can trust!
      Trump Loves America and Loves American Citizens!!

  3. Back to many years ago she was against any wall and all through this administration where she was VP and was supposed to be the border czar. What did she and Bide do, she traveled to other countries to address their borders?? Now that we have all these illegals in our country and they plan to use them for illegal voting, now to get herself in to be president, she is now taking all of Trumps policies and promising to build the wall, no tax on tips etc. Promise anything for that vote. They promised everyhing when Biden ran and got in, what happened? To me unless you get in writing, like any other contract, she will promise you everything, just lip service, and gas lighting those that are ignorant to believe her. She could have done this from day one but didn’t, instead Biden and her were selling off the material that was suppose to be used for building the wall.

    • KAMALA HARRIS is not interested in building the wall, if she was she would not have let millions of immigrants into this country. Donald Trump when he left office,the border was closed. Soon as Joe Biden got into office he opened the dam border, when KAMALA was made border czar she did absolutely nothing but let more immigrants into the country.

  4. You ask what is the question, watch the debate on ABC 9/10 2024 you will hear the question. Let it be a surprise to Harris if she even shows up. I am glad that some people are finally waking up to all her lies! Only hope more people do. Harris and Walz are both say nothing but lies!

    • The one Sept 10 debate rule change Trump better not agree to is allowing notes. U know Kamileon’s best friend at ABC will get the questions to her ahead of the debate. If she’s allowed to bring note’s it’ll be like having her teleprompter on paper in front of her!!!!!!

  5. The biggest part of this is -all the supplies have to be re-bought. It was NOT on the news, but was in the news online [for just a short period of time]. Biden SOLD the ‘wall’ as scrap metal. Where he put the money was not disclosed; is anybody’s guess. Anyway, NOW the ‘wall’, has to be repurchased & it will surely cost more than ‘scrap metal’. They will put a lot of ‘garbage’ into the bill that allows it & we, the taxpayer will be paying AGAIN!. It’s not the democRATs money. It’s OUR money– they have NO integrity &/or sense of morality. They are NOT honest- they lie, lie, lie & do it, with smirks. They NEED to be voted OUT. Being ‘female’ is NOT a qualification for president. America deserves MORE than DEI!!! 64 days

    • This administration is by far the most deceptive, delusional, and just plain evil to date. You know when Kacklemala is bout to tell a lie her mouth opens. Good point Naomi on wasteful $$$ of wall scrap-I’m sure some pockets got padded on that deal……along with $7 billion in military equipment left behind in the Afghan withdrawal debacle and don’t forget the more recent $$$millions for the not so successful Gaza floating supply pier. These are a few examples of decisions made from the oval office /current leaders of the free world !!! In a word DUMB !!!!! No Accountability

  6. When she establishes a policy isn’t a reflection of her values? When she flip flops on a policy is that a flip flop on her values? You can’t have both ways.

  7. When she establishes a policy isn’t a reflection of her values? When she flip flops on a policy is that a flip flop on her values? You can’t have both ways. When she establishes a policy isn’t a reflection of her values? When she flip flops on a policy is that a flip flop on her values? You can’t have both ways. When she establishes a policy isn’t a reflection of her values? When she flip flops on a policy is that a flip flop on her values? You can’t have both ways. When she establishes a policy isn’t a reflection of her values? When she flip flops on a policy is that a flip flop on her values? You can’t have both ways. When she establishes a policy isn’t a reflection of her values? When she flip flops on a policy is that a flip flop on her values? You can’t have both ways. When she establishes a policy isn’t a reflection of her values? When she flip flops on a policy is that a flip flop on her values? You can’t have both ways. When she establishes a policy isn’t a reflection of her values? When she flip flops on a policy is that a flip flop on her values? You can’t have both ways. When she establishes a policy isn’t a reflection of her values? When she flip flops on a policy is that a flip flop on her values? You can’t have both ways. When she establishes a policy isn’t a reflection of her values? When she flip flops on a policy is that a flip flop on her values? You can’t have both ways. When she establishes a policy isn’t a reflection of her values? When she flip flops on a policy is that a flip flop on her values? You can’t have both ways. When she establishes a policy isn’t a reflection of her values? When she flip flops on a policy is that a flip flop on her values? You can’t have both ways. When she establishes a policy isn’t a reflection of her values? When she flip flops on a policy is that a flip flop on her values? You can’t have both ways. When she establishes a policy isn’t a reflection of her values? When she flip flops on a policy is that a flip flop on her values? You can’t have both ways.

  8. If you support:
    -Massive Tax Hikes
    -Universal Welfare Payments
    -National Bankruptcy
    -Defunding the Police
    -Open Borders
    -Abolishing ICE
    -Government-run Healthcare
    -Late-term Abortion
    -And High Gas Prices
    Then definitely vote Kamala in 2024. She’s all yours!

    • You forgot Digital Dollars which is steamrolling our way, which will ruin America! Those Satanists will do anything to harm, kill, steal our money by taxation or just take it by proxy.
      Trump has four years of record and so does Cackles Camera. There is only one real choice unless you already have nothing and don’t care! I also think Bidumjb needs to be imp0eached or ridden out on a rail so he can’t do any more damage as a lame duck.

  9. Cackling Kammy allegedly went to South America to find the “root cause” of illegal immigration. Well, the “root cause” of illegal immigration is our open border. Close the border and the problem will be solved. Simple. But Kammy is too stupid to figure it out.

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