Donald Trump issued this dire warning to the police about Kamala Harris

Donald Trump is trying to bring law and order back to the country.  He’s worried about the future he sees for law enforcement under Democrats.  And Donald Trump issued this dire warning to the police [...]


      • these democrooks are just that crooks..they are compuslive liars…they have no soul..It blows my mind how they can look you in the face and lie to you..they lie so much they actually believe their own lies…these democrooks are the ones who have divided the unitedstates..if they truly loved the unitedstates and their friends and family like they say they do then why do they steal from the general fundand have so much corruption…these are very sick evil people..obama removed God’s name from everything..were does obama come off to think it is ok to do that?? obama seems to forget when your in the whitehouse you work for the people..not the people work of you…plus just to remind obama God created Adam & Eve for a reason..NOT Adam & Steve…getm o0ver it obama…

    • Thia one goes without saying. She may as well call it ‘catch and release’ for that matter where thieves, rapists, thugs, you name it – they walk, ‘scott-free’. Yet the victims have to bear the scars (physical and psychological) for a lifetime, which is what these gangs should be serving. Whatever happened to true justice in this country? Would Kamala actually endure any of this crime in her neighborhood, much less in her own home? Oh, she already is in San Fransisco, CA! And that is Pelosi’s ‘hometown’! Didn’t her husband suffer an attack? You know, there’s not a day goes by he doesn’t think about that.

        • It’s already happening with Jokementia but it’s NOT “justice”, just corruption/crime…

      • All the Elitist need to loose everything they own to the true American taxpayers! We need to make examples of each and every one of them. Look at these Senators and Congress members, they don’t work but yet they’re million and billionaires!

  1. All those Democrat elites need to be robbed or accosted at gun point and they’ll change their minds real fast. Until you’ve been robbed or raped at knife point or a gun shoved in your face, you can’t appreciate the police. Believe me, they are a lifesaver.

  2. If she gets elected every one in America should buy a gun for protection. Your going to need it, because she loves criminals and she will let all of them out. God Bless America if she gets in.

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