Donald Trump is ready for a fight after one of his advisors pulled a brutal betrayal over J.D. Vance

J.D. Vance has been taking fire from all sides since he became Donald Trump’s running mate. Now he’s facing an internal sabotage campaign that seems eerily familiar to past issues the former President’s campaigns and [...]


  1. People here in Fresno California Central Valley LOVE & SUPPORT J.D. Vance. He really connects with young & older conservative voters. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  2. JD Vance is a vet and is a family ma and is a credit to we Republicans verses the horrible Demonrats!!!!

  3. It isn’t just Conway who deserves the mantle of RINO. About half of the ins in the GOP rate that! We the People elect them based on their stated beliefs. Then they turn on us and vote for the cash. They represent themselves, and nobody else!

    • Be careful it could be that the writer of this article does not like Conway.
      I for one will wait and see if this is true

    • Absolutely 100% correct!! These self serving bureaucrats and their political masters are all in it to amass as much power and wealth as they can regardless of the collateral damage they inflict? It’s time to investigate every last one of these fraudulent conservatives and their minions! And then hold them accountable for their actions!!

    • Absolutely 100% correct!! These self serving bureaucrats and their political masters are all in it to amass as much power and wealth as they can regardless of the collateral damage they inflict? It’s time to investigate every last one of these fraudulent conservatives!

  4. Kellyanne has been a fervent supporter of Trump. She is respected across the board on both sides. This is another attempt by MSM to disrupt the Trump train and get her out. She may support Ukraine but many of us do only not the way it is going and what has been done. We support Israel even stronger.

  5. I do not know J>D VANCE personally but we had some little email changes and he made me to be a serious , sincere person who who President Trump can trust sincerely I am surprised with this terrible ugly procedure happening to President Trump he is a sincere fighter and now the ugly left is attacking him from each side ugly behavior but President trump will prevail!~

    • With the attempted assignation on Donald Trump and his reaction, I believe him! He give praise and Glory where it is due; a miracle. God saved him! Who are we to judge him? He had a “Demarcus Road experience” and he acknowledges it!As a Child of the King Jesus, he is forgiven of sins that he has committed, what ever they may be. We cannot Judge him! God can and will use him in such a time as this!

  6. In my opinion, the worst decision Mr. Trump could make would be to defund the Ukrainian defence effort. One must consider what would be the cost of allowing Russia to get away with their invasion of Ukraine. Their imperialistic goal is to also take over other Eastern European nations, as well as destabilizing NATO and the USA. We need Mr. Trump to be a Churchill, not a Chamberlain.

    • Sounds like you’ve bought into the demonKKKrat and RINO establishment’s line of crap. Trump will get Russia and Ukraine to sit down and agree to peace. Zelenskiy is a corrupt Marxist backed by corrupt demonKKKrats.

    • It seems that some of the Rino’s are trying to be smarter than Trump . I don’t have enough information to make a coherent argument. But I have listened to SEN. Vance and he impressed me with his ability to overcome his challenges and work his way through College and earned highest awards.

    • I disagree
      Ukraine was ranked as the more corrupt country in Europe.
      The USA is being played by that POS Zelinski

      • Remember who was involved with the utilities in Ukraine? The big guy and son 2. Ask yourself the question as to why we the taxpayers should still greese that hand? Just saying think about it.

      • I agree completely! I read that someone who lives in Ukraine, says the Billions that Biden is giving Zelinski, is being stolen! They really should check HIS Bank Account. Come to think of it, Biden is probably his share too!!!

    • The problem is these corrupt politicians are dumping billions of dollars into Ukraine without any oversight whatsoever? This must stop immediately!! That’s enough money to give every legal American man women and child a million dollars each and have plenty left over to invest in the infrastructure of this country!

    • John, the Ukraine war could’ve been stopped. Putin and Zelensky were going to sign off on no war but Obama called Boris Johnson and told him to stop this agreement, because Obama is money laundering and weapon laundering to get rich and rebuild Ukraine with US taxpayer money. Putin is dangerous but not more than Obama. Putin knows about the bioweapons labs throughout Ukraine. Zelensky was installed by Obama to control the Marxist agenda. What if China set up in Cuba..I don’t blame Putin for calling the US Marxists out. The US Navy and Ukrainian Navy blew up the Nordstream pipeline to Germany and Europe. Putin is a communist but not trying to kill his citizens or the world’s citizens like the illuminati led by Obama and Pelosi. Obama is a war criminal. Zelensky called off the election and his tenure is expired. He’s no longer the legal president. He is murdering his own people and burning down churches. You still believe in the MSM. Ukraine is their country. Full of Marxists. It isn’t our ally and does not belong in NATO. Putin is smart and knows they are satanic. Russia bad. Lmao.. Trump could’ve stopped this but now they created Mpox and declaring an emergency. Haha..70% of the world took the AIDS shot known as the covid19 vaccine. Each shot, if you live, takes 5% of your immune system each year and add 5% more for each additional jab..
      It’s not’s China and the US Marxists controlling the US and destroying conservatives, whites abd Christians. Putting people in jail for going against abortion and transgenders and “their” science. This is propaganda by the Marxists all over the world.

  7. Irrelevant deflection to distract every maga rube from one fact.

    Psst! The DNC election fraud apparatus is alive and well for 2024!
    Congress, the DOJ, Feral Courts and the SCOTUS will, once again do nothing about it!

  8. What is bad and evil, about helping Ukraine? What is wrong with everyone to oppose Ukraine that is simply fighting for its freedom? WE must help Ukraine gain their freedom back, otherwise, who are we in the USA? If we do not support freedom, then what are our ideals? There is only freedom or slavery. If the USA was attracted, would we not want help too??? If we do not help to support freedom, there might not be anyone left to help us when we need it.

    • Jorge, they are killing people off for nothing. Ukraine used to be a good breadbasket but now it’s full of money laundering Joos who use it for their illegal works. TransZelensky is just a paid actor. There is no freedom there. Look what they do to all the Churches – closed. They hate Christians. Its turned into another democratic swamp.

    • Helping is one thing, financing their war is another. How many billions of OUR DOLLARS has these ppl pocketed?

    • WHO would help us???? Isreal is our only real ally. All countries hate America. Plus this communistic government that Obiden and Kabama has set up. IT is totally against anything American. WAKE UP!!!!!BEFORE IT IS GONE!! YOU like living in a third world country? I DO NOT! These commies are tearing our country down! You vote the scumbags in office it will only get worse. You’ll have nothing and YOU will be happy! They don’t need you,they have all those that has been let come here. You like Exchange programs, I don’t!! NOT LIKE THIS!!! DID YOU HAVE A SAY IN THIS? YOU DID IF YOU VOTE FOR THOSE THAT HAS LET IT HAPPEN. DO YOU SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING IN UK??? WE DON’T NEED THAT!!

      • Venezuela also!!! After millions coming into our Country,
        from all over the world!! Not sure we’ll recover after 4 yrs
        of our enemies walking into the USA

        • You are so right! Biden had hundreds of criminals from Venezuela and other countries, FLOWN into OUR Country, so they wouldn’t go through the Our Border Officer Checkers! Venezuela said how happy they are since their Criminal problems have disappeared!!!

    • Ukraine is used for one reason and one reason ONLY. Money laundering for all of the ‘billions’ of our taxpayer money that were sent there. All that money has not helped anyone except the ‘swamp’ in DC. Pulled the wool over your eyes though.

    • It has absolutely nothing to do with helping Ukraine it has everything to do with accountability of the huge amounts of money being dumped into Ukraine without any oversight or accountability? Also Zelenskyy has shown his true colors in line with the current regime that’s ruling over our country? He has silenced his political opponents and just negated the Ukrainian constitution by declaring martial law? He’s taken over all the news outlets and media and made them state run which sounds eerily familiar to what’s happening today in this country? Why continue to fund a tyrant while we have one of our own to deal with? Help Ukraine with stipulations not just massive cash dumps that are being funneled right back into the pockets and campaigns of the corrupt left!

    • One thing. Do we know where the funds are going? No. There is no accountability. Negotiations should be given an opportunity to solve the differences of these two countries.
      Tearing up each others countries, killing your citizens is a mixed up crazy idea! We are civilized pe
      People! War only makes more pain, and those who make the ammunition and what ever propels them more wealthy! I believe it was Gen Mac Arthur who made this comment: “Be aware of the military complex!”

  9. Trump needs to confront Conway and get some answers. If she is backstabbing Vance, she needs to go. Trump can’t allow her to leak information and foster hate towards Vance! If she is truly a Trump supporter( which I question) she needs to stop the crap against Vance! He is Trump’s choice, and he needs to keep him on the ticket, they are a winning combination, which scares the hell out of the demonrats and rinos. When he wins( which he will) their nefarious plans will go up in smoke! GO MAGA!!!!!! Trump and Vance all the way, take our country back!


  11. When it comes to dirty political tactics, the DEMONRATS are experts in lies, false information, twisting the law, creating false narratives, falsifying votes, causing high inflation, wars around the world, weakening Americas strength, killing the economy, increasing crime and eventually causing the worst depression yet to come,if they ever get back into the White House. A vote for Kamala is pure masochism.

  12. Just a little side note here! Don’t get wigged out about the reports about the donations and the polls! Look who is reporting them. Many lies have poured out from them for months now! Remember this is a Spiritual war and God is in control of this whole affair! Trust Him to steer this Ship all the way to “safe port”!

  13. Both sides need to STFU and stop acting like they are in the 3rd grade. Im going to tell the teacher on you. My God what has become of our country and its values. This all started when people decided it was wrong to reprimand your kids for doing wrong.

  14. John, the Ukraine war could’ve been stopped. Putin and Zelensky were going to sign off on no war but Obama called Boris Johnson and told him to stop this agreement, because Obama is money laundering and weapon laundering to get rich and rebuild Ukraine with US taxpayer money. Putin is dangerous but not more than Obama. Putin knows about the bioweapons labs throughout Ukraine. Zelensky was installed by Obama to control the Marxist agenda. What if China set up in Cuba..I don’t blame Putin for calling the US Marxists out. The US Navy and Ukrainian Navy blew up the Nordstream pipeline to Germany and Europe. Putin is a communist but not trying to kill his citizens or the world’s citizens like the illuminati led by Obama and Pelosi. Obama is a war criminal. Zelensky called off the election and his tenure is expired. He’s no longer the legal president. He is murdering his own people and burning down churches. You still believe in the MSM. Ukraine is their country. Full of Marxists. It isn’t our ally and does not belong in NATO. Putin is smart and knows they are satanic. Russia bad. Lmao.. Trump could’ve stopped this but now they created Mpox and declaring an emergency. Haha..70% of the world took the AIDS shot known as the covid19 vaccine. Each shot, if you live, takes 5% of your immune system each year and add 5% more for each additional jab..
    It’s not’s China and the US Marxists controlling the US and destroying conservatives, whites abd Christians. Putting people in jail for going against abortion and transgenders and “their” science. This is propaganda by the Marxists all over the world.

    CharlieSeattle says:
    AUGUST 10, 2024 AT 9:43 PM
    Irrelevant deflection to distract every maga rube from one fact.

    Psst! The DNC election fraud apparatus is alive and well for 2024!
    Congress, the DOJ, Feral Courts and the SCOTUS will, once again do nothing about it!

    Jorge says:
    AUGUST 10, 2024 AT 10:00 PM
    What is bad and evil, about helping Ukraine? What is wrong with everyone to oppose Ukraine that is simply fighting for its freedom? WE must help Ukraine gain their freedom back, otherwise, who are we in the USA? If we do not support freedom, then what are our ideals? There is only freedom or slavery. If the USA was attracted, would we not want help too??? If we do not help to support freedom, there might not be anyone left to help us when we need it.

    Pene says:
    AUGUST 10, 2024 AT 11:41 PM
    Jorge, they are killing people off for nothing. Ukraine used to be a good breadbasket but now it’s full of money laundering Joos who use it for their illegal works. TransZelensky is just a paid actor. There is no freedom there. Look what they do to all the Churches – closed. They hate Christians. Its turned into another democratic swamp.

    JohnT says:
    AUGUST 11, 2024 AT 2:16 PM
    Helping is one thing, financing their war is another. How many billions of OUR DOLLARS has these ppl pocketed?

    Diane says:
    AUGUST 11, 2024 AT 3:01 PM
    WHO would help us???? Isreal is our only real ally. All countries hate America. Plus this communistic government that Obiden and Kabama has set up. IT is totally against anything American. WAKE UP!!!!!BEFORE IT IS GONE!! YOU like living in a third world country? I DO NOT! These commies are tearing our country down! You vote the scumbags in office it will only get worse. You’ll have nothing and YOU will be happy! They don’t need you,they have all those that has been let come here. You like Exchange programs, I don’t!! NOT LIKE THIS!!! DID YOU HAVE A SAY IN THIS? YOU DID IF YOU VOTE FOR THOSE THAT HAS LET IT HAPPEN. DO YOU SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING IN UK??? WE DON’T NEED THAT!!

    Brenda Sheetz says:
    AUGUST 20, 2024 AT 7:02 PM
    Venezuela also!!! After millions coming into our Country,
    from all over the world!! Not sure we’ll recover after 4 yrs
    of our enemies walking into the USA

    Jane Jenks says:
    AUGUST 20, 2024 AT 11:01 PM
    You are so right! Biden had hundreds of criminals from Venezuela and other countries, FLOWN into OUR Country, so they wouldn’t go through the Our Border Officer Checkers! Venezuela said how happy they are since their Criminal problems have disappeared!!!

    Timothy Edward Nikles says:
    AUGUST 11, 2024 AT 9:45 PM
    WHAT freedom the people are under the control of an evil dictator
    How can you not see it?

    Sally says:
    AUGUST 11, 2024 AT 10:58 PM
    Ukraine is used for one reason and one reason ONLY. Money laundering for all of the ‘billions’ of our taxpayer money that were sent there. All that money has not helped anyone except the ‘swamp’ in DC. Pulled the wool over your eyes though.

    Jane Jenks says:
    AUGUST 20, 2024 AT 11:05 PM
    Sally, you are absolutely right! We are literally filling their pockets and Zelinsky’s too!!!

    Jeffrey Romero says:
    AUGUST 12, 2024 AT 1:52 AM
    It has absolutely nothing to do with helping Ukraine it has everything to do with accountability of the huge amounts of money being dumped into Ukraine without any oversight or accountability? Also Zelenskyy has shown his true colors in line with the current regime that’s ruling over our country? He has silenced his political opponents and just negated the Ukrainian constitution by declaring martial law? He’s taken over all the news outlets and media and made them state run which sounds eerily familiar to what’s happening today in this country? Why continue to fund a tyrant while we have one of our own to deal with? Help Ukraine with stipulations not just massive cash dumps that are being funneled right back into the pockets and campaigns of the corrupt left!

    Jane Jenks says:
    AUGUST 20, 2024 AT 11:07 PM
    Bingo, Jeffrey!!!

    Nell says:
    AUGUST 12, 2024 AT 4:38 PM
    One thing. Do we know where the funds are going? No. There is no accountability. Negotiations should be given an opportunity to solve the differences of these two countries.
    Tearing up each others countries, killing your citizens is a mixed up crazy idea! We are civilized pe
    People! War only makes more pain, and those who make the ammunition and what ever propels them more wealthy! I believe it was Gen Mac Arthur who made this comment: “Be aware of the military complex!”

    Patty says:
    AUGUST 10, 2024 AT 10:20 PM
    Trump needs to confront Conway and get some answers. If she is backstabbing Vance, she needs to go. Trump can’t allow her to leak information and foster hate towards Vance! If she is truly a Trump supporter( which I question) she needs to stop the crap against Vance! He is Trump’s choice, and he needs to keep him on the ticket, they are a winning combination, which scares the hell out of the demonrats and rinos. When he wins( which he will) their nefarious plans will go up in smoke! GO MAGA!!!!!! Trump and Vance all the way, take our country back!

    Diane says:
    AUGUST 11, 2024 AT 3:05 PM
    Couldn’t have said it better. 🎯

    Timothy Edward Nikles says:
    AUGUST 11, 2024 AT 9:46 PM
    This article may be complete BS

    Nell says:
    AUGUST 12, 2024 AT 4:42 PM
    Could it be that money talked and she listened? It happens to the best of us if we don’t stay alert as to why and where the $ are coming to reward us!

    Linda Barlow says:
    AUGUST 10, 2024 AT 10:56 PM
    LOOK OUT ,THE DimWits are going to do anything and everything to win this ELECTION

    Nell says:
    AUGUST 12, 2024 AT 4:42 PM
    You are right there! Including taking lives!

    Betty Waterbury says:
    AUGUST 10, 2024 AT 11:02 PM

    Bob Roizman says:
    AUGUST 11, 2024 AT 3:35 AM
    When it comes to dirty political tactics, the DEMONRATS are experts in lies, false information, twisting the law, creating false narratives, falsifying votes, causing high inflation, wars around the world, weakening Americas strength, killing the economy, increasing crime and eventually causing the worst depression yet to come,if they ever get back into the White House. A vote for Kamala is pure masochism.

    Nell says:
    AUGUST 12, 2024 AT 4:46 PM
    Just a little side note here! Don’t get wigged out about the reports about the donations and the polls! Look who is reporting them. Many lies have poured out from them for months now! Remember this is a Spiritual war and God is in control of this whole affair! Trust Him to steer this Ship all the way to “safe port”!

    Charles Rollin Swaim says:
    AUGUST 20, 2024 AT 4:53 PM
    Kellyanne, Either get with it or get out. What’s wrong with you?

    Joe Williamson says:
    AUGUST 21, 2024 AT 12:40 AM
    Both sides need to STFU and stop acting like they are in the 3rd grade. Im going to tell the teacher on you. My God what has become of our country and its values. This all started when people decided it was wrong to reprimand your kids for doing wrong.


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    Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

    “Rolling Stone” is having a total breakdown over these rappers’ pro-Trump song
    George Soros was just caught red-handed bankrolling a scheme to buy these votes for Kamala Harris
    Kamala Harris just promised to do one thing that will make home ownership impossibly unaffordable
    Donald Trump turned the tables on Kamala Harris with this power move
    Kamala Harris hit Americans with one nasty surprise that will cost her big time
    © 12-Gauge Media
    John, the Ukraine war could’ve been stopped. Putin and Zelensky were going to sign off on no war but Obama called Boris Johnson and told him to stop this agreement, because Obama is money laundering and weapon laundering to get rich and rebuild Ukraine with US taxpayer money. Putin is dangerous but not more than Obama. Putin knows about the bioweapons labs throughout Ukraine. Zelensky was installed by Obama to control the Marxist agenda. What if China set up in Cuba..I don’t blame Putin for calling the US Marxists out. The US Navy and Ukrainian Navy blew up the Nordstream pipeline to Germany and Europe. Putin is a communist but not trying to kill his citizens or the world’s citizens like the illuminati led by Obama and Pelosi. Obama is a war criminal. Zelensky called off the election and his tenure is expired. He’s no longer the legal president. He is murdering his own people and burning down churches. You still believe in the MSM. Ukraine is their country. Full of Marxists. It isn’t our ally and does not belong in NATO. Putin is smart and knows they are satanic. Russia bad. Lmao.. Trump could’ve stopped this but now they created Mpox and declaring an emergency. Haha..70% of the world took the AIDS shot known as the covid19 vaccine. Each shot, if you live, takes 5% of your immune system each year and add 5% more for each additional jab..
    It’s not’s China and the US Marxists controlling the US and destroying conservatives, whites abd Christians. Putting people in jail for going against abortion and transgenders and “their” science. This is propaganda by the Marxists all over the world.

    CharlieSeattle says:
    AUGUST 10, 2024 AT 9:43 PM
    Irrelevant deflection to distract every maga rube from one fact.

    Psst! The DNC election fraud apparatus is alive and well for 2024!
    Congress, the DOJ, Feral Courts and the SCOTUS will, once again do nothing about it!

    Jorge says:
    AUGUST 10, 2024 AT 10:00 PM
    What is bad and evil, about helping Ukraine? What is wrong with everyone to oppose Ukraine that is simply fighting for its freedom? WE must help Ukraine gain their freedom back, otherwise, who are we in the USA? If we do not support freedom, then what are our ideals? There is only freedom or slavery. If the USA was attracted, would we not want help too??? If we do not help to support freedom, there might not be anyone left to help us when we need it.

    Pene says:
    AUGUST 10, 2024 AT 11:41 PM
    Jorge, they are killing people off for nothing. Ukraine used to be a good breadbasket but now it’s full of money laundering Joos who use it for their illegal works. TransZelensky is just a paid actor. There is no freedom there. Look what they do to all the Churches – closed. They hate Christians. Its turned into another democratic swamp.

    JohnT says:
    AUGUST 11, 2024 AT 2:16 PM
    Helping is one thing, financing their war is another. How many billions of OUR DOLLARS has these ppl pocketed?

    Diane says:
    AUGUST 11, 2024 AT 3:01 PM
    WHO would help us???? Isreal is our only real ally. All countries hate America. Plus this communistic government that Obiden and Kabama has set up. IT is totally against anything American. WAKE UP!!!!!BEFORE IT IS GONE!! YOU like living in a third world country? I DO NOT! These commies are tearing our country down! You vote the scumbags in office it will only get worse. You’ll have nothing and YOU will be happy! They don’t need you,they have all those that has been let come here. You like Exchange programs, I don’t!! NOT LIKE THIS!!! DID YOU HAVE A SAY IN THIS? YOU DID IF YOU VOTE FOR THOSE THAT HAS LET IT HAPPEN. DO YOU SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING IN UK??? WE DON’T NEED THAT!!

    Brenda Sheetz says:
    AUGUST 20, 2024 AT 7:02 PM
    Venezuela also!!! After millions coming into our Country,
    from all over the world!! Not sure we’ll recover after 4 yrs
    of our enemies walking into the USA

    Jane Jenks says:
    AUGUST 20, 2024 AT 11:01 PM
    You are so right! Biden had hundreds of criminals from Venezuela and other countries, FLOWN into OUR Country, so they wouldn’t go through the Our Border Officer Checkers! Venezuela said how happy they are since their Criminal problems have disappeared!!!

    Timothy Edward Nikles says:
    AUGUST 11, 2024 AT 9:45 PM
    WHAT freedom the people are under the control of an evil dictator
    How can you not see it?

    Sally says:
    AUGUST 11, 2024 AT 10:58 PM
    Ukraine is used for one reason and one reason ONLY. Money laundering for all of the ‘billions’ of our taxpayer money that were sent there. All that money has not helped anyone except the ‘swamp’ in DC. Pulled the wool over your eyes though.

    Jane Jenks says:
    AUGUST 20, 2024 AT 11:05 PM
    Sally, you are absolutely right! We are literally filling their pockets and Zelinsky’s too!!!

    Jeffrey Romero says:
    AUGUST 12, 2024 AT 1:52 AM
    It has absolutely nothing to do with helping Ukraine it has everything to do with accountability of the huge amounts of money being dumped into Ukraine without any oversight or accountability? Also Zelenskyy has shown his true colors in line with the current regime that’s ruling over our country? He has silenced his political opponents and just negated the Ukrainian constitution by declaring martial law? He’s taken over all the news outlets and media and made them state run which sounds eerily familiar to what’s happening today in this country? Why continue to fund a tyrant while we have one of our own to deal with? Help Ukraine with stipulations not just massive cash dumps that are being funneled right back into the pockets and campaigns of the corrupt left!

    Jane Jenks says:
    AUGUST 20, 2024 AT 11:07 PM
    Bingo, Jeffrey!!!

    Nell says:
    AUGUST 12, 2024 AT 4:38 PM
    One thing. Do we know where the funds are going? No. There is no accountability. Negotiations should be given an opportunity to solve the differences of these two countries.
    Tearing up each others countries, killing your citizens is a mixed up crazy idea! We are civilized pe
    People! War only makes more pain, and those who make the ammunition and what ever propels them more wealthy! I believe it was Gen Mac Arthur who made this comment: “Be aware of the military complex!”

    Patty says:
    AUGUST 10, 2024 AT 10:20 PM
    Trump needs to confront Conway and get some answers. If she is backstabbing Vance, she needs to go. Trump can’t allow her to leak information and foster hate towards Vance! If she is truly a Trump supporter( which I question) she needs to stop the crap against Vance! He is Trump’s choice, and he needs to keep him on the ticket, they are a winning combination, which scares the hell out of the demonrats and rinos. When he wins( which he will) their nefarious plans will go up in smoke! GO MAGA!!!!!! Trump and Vance all the way, take our country back!

    Diane says:
    AUGUST 11, 2024 AT 3:05 PM
    Couldn’t have said it better. 🎯

    Timothy Edward Nikles says:
    AUGUST 11, 2024 AT 9:46 PM
    This article may be complete BS

    Nell says:
    AUGUST 12, 2024 AT 4:42 PM
    Could it be that money talked and she listened? It happens to the best of us if we don’t stay alert as to why and where the $ are coming to reward us!

    Linda Barlow says:
    AUGUST 10, 2024 AT 10:56 PM
    LOOK OUT ,THE DimWits are going to do anything and everything to win this ELECTION

    Nell says:
    AUGUST 12, 2024 AT 4:42 PM
    You are right there! Including taking lives!

    Betty Waterbury says:
    AUGUST 10, 2024 AT 11:02 PM

    Bob Roizman says:
    AUGUST 11, 2024 AT 3:35 AM
    When it comes to dirty political tactics, the DEMONRATS are experts in lies, false information, twisting the law, creating false narratives, falsifying votes, causing high inflation, wars around the world, weakening Americas strength, killing the economy, increasing crime and eventually causing the worst depression yet to come,if they ever get back into the White House. A vote for Kamala is pure masochism.

    Nell says:
    AUGUST 12, 2024 AT 4:46 PM
    Just a little side note here! Don’t get wigged out about the reports about the donations and the polls! Look who is reporting them. Many lies have poured out from them for months now! Remember this is a Spiritual war and God is in control of this whole affair! Trust Him to steer this Ship all the way to “safe port”!

    Charles Rollin Swaim says:
    AUGUST 20, 2024 AT 4:53 PM
    Kellyanne, Either get with it or get out. What’s wrong with you?

    Joe Williamson says:
    AUGUST 21, 2024 AT 12:40 AM
    Both sides need to STFU and stop acting like they are in the 3rd grade. Im going to tell the teacher on you. My God what has become of our country and its values. This all started when people decided it was wrong to reprimand your kids for doing wrong.


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    Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

    “Rolling Stone” is having a total breakdown over these rappers’ pro-Trump song
    George Soros was just caught red-handed bankrolling a scheme to buy these votes for Kamala Harris
    Kamala Harris just promised to do one thing that will make home ownership impossibly unaffordable
    Donald Trump turned the tables on Kamala Harris with this power move
    Kamala Harris hit Americans with one nasty surprise that will cost her big time
    © 12-Gauge Media

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