Donald Trump dropped the mic after countering this NBC News host’s propaganda attack with an epic truthbomb

Donald Trump is the ruling class elites’ worst nightmare as he humiliates their heroes and proudly stands up to their mainstream media puppets. All their scheming to catch him in some grand “gotcha” moment goes [...]

1 Comment

  1. This host couldn’t help herself out of a wet paper bag. Her questions were just plain stupid. President Trump shouldn’t bother with these traitors. They have never told the truth. To this day they are still liars. Hope your boss is paying you a lot. Because once your fire this money is all you have left to live on. Well maybe you could be Chuck Schumer water girl, following him around when he needs a drink of water or go over to Nancy Pelosi at least you might get some wine if she shares any. Stupidity is still roaming through CNN and other news outlets.

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