Donald Trump can’t wipe the smile off his face after these experts admitted one major change is on the horizon
We have all suffered economically under Joe Biden and Democrats’ “leadership.” But thankfully working-class Americans will soon get a reprieve. And now Donald Trump can’t wipe the smile off his face after these experts admitted [...]
Why can’t we wash dishes anymore? The throw away society wants to eat on paper plates and drink from paper cups. It takes only a few minutes to wash the cup or plate that you just used. I was standing on a chair washing dishes when I was 6 years old! It would not hurt these children of today to learn work ethics!
We’ll see if he’s still smiling four years from now.
I’ve just about cleaned out my savings account. I hope I can be able to get savings account back again. I’m not traveling or doing anything but it’s costing me more money. I’m so glad that Trump is back!!!
Fact, my savings under 47 were going up at $1500 a month and that is $18000 a yr. Biteme allowed me to gain $7000 in 4 yrs. I was so far down, I had to ride the storm. $7000 compared to $72000. A lot of money to me. At least both amounts have a 7 in them!!!!! We also need to remember bitme/kamaho murdered 13 in Afghan w/o remorse. This needs to be said weekly so ppl remember. The blue bellies murdered 13 and got away with it.
The people spoke loud and clear. People are tired of the bullshit.Freeze all money illegaly stolen in the bigest frraud in America perpetrated by democraps on the receiving end.Even illegals were getting kick backs.
Our European/NATO allies are in need. Putin is cutting sup
Lies. “Drill, Baby, drill !”