Democrats just hit Donald Trump with a major reality check on what his future will look like if he loses in November

There’s no denying the fact that the very survival of what’s left of the American constitutional republic is on the line in November’s election. But for the Republican Presidential nominee, there’s plenty on the line [...]


  1. Those demos,are rich is why they want to win to destroy America and keep killing innocent babies,they’re cheaters and liars.

  2. If I were a democrat, I would fear the wrath of God for persecuting a man trying to save our country from the evil surrounding USA and the evil within the USA.

    • For democrats to fear God, they must first believe in His existence, many claim to believe in a go but, the god they worship may be a pure pagan myth!

    • Demroids think they can do all this vile, horrible stuff, and the second before death, say God forgive me. Unfortunately for them, God will not hear their fake plea. But the god they worship will hear loud and queen, er, clear. And off to the pit where they belong. And there’s no such thing as the elite, in hell.

    • IF the Dems Cheat again and stop TRUMP from being in the White House again, The American PATRIOTS will Stand up and fight back and there will not be ONE Communist/DemonRat left alive in America. the Dems do not realize what they are messing with.

  3. It is very obvious that the demoncratic party had politicised this charges against the great President Donald J. Trump

      • I tend to agree with you. I also see certain States seceding from the Union should Harris win, so as to not live under Communist dictators.

  4. There can be no doubt, the Communists are now in control of our government! Congress has known their intentions since the 1960s! In 1963, the 45 Communist goals were read to Congress! Our Congress has apparently done absolutely nothing to counter their intentions. Their most important goal was to take over control of education and the news media! Here is where you can find the record of the Communist Party of the USA’s 45 goals (their intentions) for America: Congressional Record–Appendix, pp. A34-A35 Current Communist Goals EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. A. S. HERLONG, JR. OF FLORIDA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, January 10, 1963. With a few exceptions, our Congress is also in bed with the Official Communist Party USA ( [democrats??]), founded in 1918 and it is still active!

  5. One only has to read the Bible and believe what it says, and the picture of mankind in the very near future, because of our abandonment of God the Faher Almighty, is not a good one, though ultimately in spite ofn the suffering we will endure, Father God does not abandon us, and ultimately rescues us!

  6. So rule of LAW doesn’t mean jack—that’s what you’re saying?????it’s more about rule of the filthy rich—right????

    • well all of their money won’t do any of them any good when they are laying in the ground stiff and cold.

  7. Early in my life my SCUMBAG dad braged about democrat . Whin i left home i told him i will VOTE Republican all the days iam alive. now iam 77 years old and WILL VOTE FOR Donald Trump Again.

    • we are NOT a DEMOCRACY, we are a Constitutional REPUBLIC which means that WE the people are in charge NOT the Politicians. in a Democracy the GOVT runs the country in a Constitutional Republic, We the PEOPLE Run it. We have allowed the Government Far to much control over our lives over the Decades because we have NOT been paying attention, The TV set, foot ball and all the other so called sports have been more important to the Public than paying attention to what the Politicians have been doing to out country and our rights. It’s Past time for America to wake up to the Facts and take our country back from those we elected to watch out for us.

      • WE have not been in charge for a long time. this is what happens to an outsider when he challenges the deep state. Some folks say they will leave the country if Trump is not elected. News flash! this country has left us.

  8. The country would be in chaos should he not win this election especially with Kennedy and others joining him..
    All of these occurrences have never happened before in the history of our country…A democratic candidate who was not even chosen by the people……
    We must take back control from the American Oligarch’s ! They must be put into their place and Trump is our only hope. Money cannot corrupt him………Trump…….
    God willing we are headed in the right direction and more people are seeing the truth…Say a Prayer…….
    Vote Trump even if you don’t care for his mannerism’s…Look at his policies……………Look at his competitor’s…..


  10. AS disgusting as this election is, we must accept the fact that it will be rigged, in one form or another, to give our country over to people who hate it and wish to destroy it! It is pretty bad when Kamila’s own dad says she is EVIL!!!

    • I agree prayer and lots of it will be our key to victory: Trust/Pray/Vote/Believe ..this is an election that scripture speaks of in the last days a battle for good vs evil …..Observation: Kamala Harris Emhoff (666) 6 letters in each of these names and not to mention her middle name is Devi …..think the “L” was dropped in order to hide the “Kamelion”

  11. I pray that God will be present during these elections and Trump will win as he did in 2020 and Democrats rigged, corrupted it to install China Joe as their puppet to destroy America and now these same people installed Harris as the Democrat not the people to run against Trump because she is another puppet of our enemies within this country. Anyone who votes for a Democrat or cheats for a Democrat are out to destroy America, And we all know that the media will lie and cover up for Democrats, and Courts will ignore rule of law to help Democrats destroy President Trump with their biased rulings not by law but for their Democrat dictator Party. We need to turn the lieing media off and do our own research because right now the enemy is everywhere! If Trump doesn’t win our country will be gone and a communist regime will reign from now until the end. We need to fight fight fight for our children and grandchildren to live a free happy life without government interference and taxing them to the poor house!

  12. Kamala Harris is evil and is a killer of God’s children Democrats worship Satan we will have a civil war here

  13. With God Almighty we have happiness, love, worth, & eternal joy. We have All strayed too far without HIM as Our Center. May Jesus Christ lead our path to HIM. AMEN.

  14. Kamala Harris is evil. She reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. I have seen her talking and heard her say that she is going to make sure that everyone is on Medicare and there is no need to have other medical insurance. The tax payer’s will have to pay for everyone. She agrees that it’s OK to abort a child and let it die or be torn apart for its parts. She believes that the pregnant woman is entitled to get rid of the fetus at any period.

  15. Kamala Harris is evil. She reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. I have seen her talking and heard her say that she is going to make sure that everyone is on Medicare and there is no need to have other medical insurance. The tax payer’s will have to pay for everyone. She agrees that it’s OK to abort a child and let it die or be torn apart for its parts. She believes that the pregnant woman is entitled to get rid of the fetus at any period. Kamala Harris is evil. She reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. I have seen her talking and heard her say that she is going to make sure that everyone is on Medicare and there is no need to have other medical insurance. The tax payer’s will have to pay for everyone. She agrees that it’s OK to abort a child and let it die or be torn apart for its parts. She believes that the pregnant woman is entitled to get rid of the fetus at any period. Kamala Harris is evil. She reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. I have seen her talking and heard her say that she is going to make sure that everyone is on Medicare and there is no need to have other medical insurance. The tax payer’s will have to pay for everyone. She agrees that it’s OK to abort a child and let it die or be torn apart for its parts. She believes that the pregnant woman is entitled to get rid of the fetus at any period. Kamala Harris is evil. She reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. I have seen her talking and heard her say that she is going to make sure that everyone is on Medicare and there is no need to have other medical insurance. The tax payer’s will have to pay for everyone. She agrees that it’s OK to abort a child and let it die or be torn apart for its parts. She believes that the pregnant woman is entitled to get rid of the fetus at any period.

  16. Kamala Harris is evil. She reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. I have seen her talking and heard her say that she is going to make sure that everyone is on Medicare and there is no need to have other medical insurance. The tax payer’s will have to pay for everyone. She agrees that it’s OK to abort a child and let it die or be torn apart for its parts. She believes that the pregnant woman is entitled to get rid of the fetus at any period. Kamala Harris is evil. She reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. I have seen her talking and heard her say that she is going to make sure that everyone is on Medicare and there is no need to have other medical insurance. The tax payer’s will have to pay for everyone. She agrees that it’s OK to abort a child and let it die or be torn apart for its parts. She believes that the pregnant woman is entitled to get rid of the fetus at any period. Kamala Harris is evil. She reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. I have seen her talking and heard her say that she is going to make sure that everyone is on Medicare and there is no need to have other medical insurance. The tax payer’s will have to pay for everyone. She agrees that it’s OK to abort a child and let it die or be torn apart for its parts. She believes that the pregnant woman is entitled to get rid of the fetus at any period. Kamala Harris is evil. She reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. I have seen her talking and heard her say that she is going to make sure that everyone is on Medicare and there is no need to have other medical insurance. The tax payer’s will have to pay for everyone. She agrees that it’s OK to abort a child and let it die or be torn apart for its parts. She believes that the pregnant woman is entitled to get rid of the fetus at any period. Kamala Harris is evil. She reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. I have seen her talking and heard her say that she is going to make sure that everyone is on Medicare and there is no need to have other medical insurance. The tax payer’s will have to pay for everyone. She agrees that it’s OK to abort a child and let it die or be torn apart for its parts. She believes that the pregnant woman is entitled to get rid of the fetus at any period. Kamala Harris is evil. She reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. I have seen her talking and heard her say that she is going to make sure that everyone is on Medicare and there is no need to have other medical insurance. The tax payer’s will have to pay for everyone. She agrees that it’s OK to abort a child and let it die or be torn apart for its parts. She believes that the pregnant woman is entitled to get rid of the fetus at any period. Kamala Harris is evil. She reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. I have seen her talking and heard her say that she is going to make sure that everyone is on Medicare and there is no need to have other medical insurance. The tax payer’s will have to pay for everyone. She agrees that it’s OK to abort a child and let it die or be torn apart for its parts. She believes that the pregnant woman is entitled to get rid of the fetus at any period. Kamala Harris is evil. She reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. I have seen her talking and heard her say that she is going to make sure that everyone is on Medicare and there is no need to have other medical insurance. The tax payer’s will have to pay for everyone. She agrees that it’s OK to abort a child and let it die or be torn apart for its parts. She believes that the pregnant woman is entitled to get rid of the fetus at any period. Kamala Harris is evil. She reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. I have seen her talking and heard her say that she is going to make sure that everyone is on Medicare and there is no need to have other medical insurance. The tax payer’s will have to pay for everyone. She agrees that it’s OK to abort a child and let it die or be torn apart for its parts. She believes that the pregnant woman is entitled to get rid of the fetus at any period. Kamala Harris is evil. She reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. I have seen her talking and heard her say that she is going to make sure that everyone is on Medicare and there is no need to have other medical insurance. The tax payer’s will have to pay for everyone. She agrees that it’s OK to abort a child and let it die or be torn apart for its parts. She believes that the pregnant woman is entitled to get rid of the fetus at any period. Kamala Harris is evil. She reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. I have seen her talking and heard her say that she is going to make sure that everyone is on Medicare and there is no need to have other medical insurance. The tax payer’s will have to pay for everyone. She agrees that it’s OK to abort a child and let it die or be torn apart for its parts. She believes that the pregnant woman is entitled to get rid of the fetus at any period. Kamala Harris is evil. She reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. I have seen her talking and heard her say that she is going to make sure that everyone is on Medicare and there is no need to have other medical insurance. The tax payer’s will have to pay for everyone. She agrees that it’s OK to abort a child and let it die or be torn apart for its parts. She believes that the pregnant woman is entitled to get rid of the fetus at any period. Kamala Harris is evil. She reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. I have seen her talking and heard her say that she is going to make sure that everyone is on Medicare and there is no need to have other medical insurance. The tax payer’s will have to pay for everyone. She agrees that it’s OK to abort a child and let it die or be torn apart for its parts. She believes that the pregnant woman is entitled to get rid of the fetus at any period. Kamala Harris is evil. She reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. I have seen her talking and heard her say that she is going to make sure that everyone is on Medicare and there is no need to have other medical insurance. The tax payer’s will have to pay for everyone. She agrees that it’s OK to abort a child and let it die or be torn apart for its parts. She believes that the pregnant woman is entitled to get rid of the fetus at any period. Kamala Harris is evil. She reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. I have seen her talking and heard her say that she is going to make sure that everyone is on Medicare and there is no need to have other medical insurance. The tax payer’s will have to pay for everyone. She agrees that it’s OK to abort a child and let it die or be torn apart for its parts. She believes that the pregnant woman is entitled to get rid of the fetus at any period. Kamala Harris is evil. She reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. I have seen her talking and heard her say that she is going to make sure that everyone is on Medicare and there is no need to have other medical insurance. The tax payer’s will have to pay for everyone. She agrees that it’s OK to abort a child and let it die or be torn apart for its parts. She believes that the pregnant woman is entitled to get rid of the fetus at any period. Kamala Harris is evil. She reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. I have seen her talking and heard her say that she is going to make sure that everyone is on Medicare and there is no need to have other medical insurance. The tax payer’s will have to pay for everyone. She agrees that it’s OK to abort a child and let it die or be torn apart for its parts. She believes that the pregnant woman is entitled to get rid of the fetus at any period. Kamala Harris is evil. She reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. I have seen her talking and heard her say that she is going to make sure that everyone is on Medicare and there is no need to have other medical insurance. The tax payer’s will have to pay for everyone. She agrees that it’s OK to abort a child and let it die or be torn apart for its parts. She believes that the pregnant woman is entitled to get rid of the fetus at any period. Kamala Harris is evil. She reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. I have seen her talking and heard her say that she is going to make sure that everyone is on Medicare and there is no need to have other medical insurance. The tax payer’s will have to pay for everyone. She agrees that it’s OK to abort a child and let it die or be torn apart for its parts. She believes that the pregnant woman is entitled to get rid of the fetus at any period. Kamala Harris is evil. She reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. I have seen her talking and heard her say that she is going to make sure that everyone is on Medicare and there is no need to have other medical insurance. The tax payer’s will have to pay for everyone. She agrees that it’s OK to abort a child and let it die or be torn apart for its parts. She believes that the pregnant woman is entitled to get rid of the fetus at any period. Kamala Harris is evil. She reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. I have seen her talking and heard her say that she is going to make sure that everyone is on Medicare and there is no need to have other medical insurance. The tax payer’s will have to pay for everyone. She agrees that it’s OK to abort a child and let it die or be torn apart for its parts. She believes that the pregnant woman is entitled to get rid of the fetus at any period. Kamala Harris is evil. She reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. I have seen her talking and heard her say that she is going to make sure that everyone is on Medicare and there is no need to have other medical insurance. The tax payer’s will have to pay for everyone. She agrees that it’s OK to abort a child and let it die or be torn apart for its parts. She believes that the pregnant woman is entitled to get rid of the fetus at any period. Kamala Harris is evil. She reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. I have seen her talking and heard her say that she is going to make sure that everyone is on Medicare and there is no need to have other medical insurance. The tax payer’s will have to pay for everyone. She agrees that it’s OK to abort a child and let it die or be torn apart for its parts. She believes that the pregnant woman is entitled to get rid of the fetus at any period. Kamala Harris is evil. She reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. I have seen her talking and heard her say that she is going to make sure that everyone is on Medicare and there is no need to have other medical insurance. The tax payer’s will have to pay for everyone. She agrees that it’s OK to abort a child and let it die or be torn apart for its parts. She believes that the pregnant woman is entitled to get rid of the fetus at any period.

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