Border Czar Tom Homan was seeing red after Democrats hatched this terrible scheme
Democrats are trying to undermine the Trump administration’s deportation plan. They are using every dirty trick in the book. And “Border Czar” Tom Homan was seeing red after Democrats hatched this terrible scheme. Left-wing groups [...]
So they want criminal illegals to stay in the USA. God forbid we should deport them
Stop all funding to the sanctuary states and let’s see how long they Will be sanctuary States….
To go ond step further is to arrest these Directors of these organizations and employers as well. to remove (using correct word would a comment denier) the snake you have to remove the head
Concur they are aiding and abetting criminals. Last I checked that was at least a misdamenor.
Protect ILLEGALS… let them hurt and kill Americans… Democrats don’t think like MAGA… until it happens to them… have to laugh every time a Democrat politician with no empathy is a victim of an ILLEGAL and suddenly does a 180 degrees in thinking… Too bad normal Americans are hurt and murdered in the meantime… by mean Democrats’ warped nonthinking…
It appears the ONLY WAY to get people to stop harboring and/or covering for ANY ILLEGAL, is to start Prosecuting them. If Judges Or DA’s do not give a warrant, prosecuted them also for obstruction and violation of Federal Law. Get U.S. Attorneys involved to prosecute the stupid judges and others. I guarantee, they will not want to go to jail for these criminal illegals! Drop the hammer on some, the rest will soon be more cooperative.. A 1 year jail time minimum. send the to Arizon and let sheriff Joe Arpio take care of them. They will soon learn to restpect the law.
Sheriff Joe hasn’t held any office for a while but “common sense ” has seen fit to make Arpaio’s protege’ the new sheriff in Maricopa County
One year or more makes it a felony and that means good by to their cusshy court job and maybe even their law license.
Illegal aliens are not US citizens so they do not enjoy the protections of the Bill of Rights. This seems obvious on its face. Can some state or federal attorney general initiate a case that, if necessary, could make it to the Supreme Court and settle the question once and for all? Why should ICE need a warrant to arrest people who have no right to be in the US?
If civics classes were still being taught, as they should be, there would be a lot more people who would be aware of that fact
You are correct, Richard.
But President Trump and his very capable crew will handle this one way or another.
Just withhold federal funds from these sanctuary cities and sanctuary. states.
Maybe then, the mayors and governors in these locations will finally get smart
Agreed. The only “right” illegal aliens have is the right to live without undue punishment while exiting the country.
Most Americans have nothing against people immigrating to our country, but come here legally! What Obama and Biden did to subvert our laws was illegal! Several of these people came here illegally! Yes, people have been crossing the southern border for years prior to Obama and Biden! Due to Obama and Biden giving them free handouts, they’ve started coming in masses! Criminals have used the system Obama and Biden created to enter and continue their criminal activities! Also as many criminals we have in the country now, is not to say was Trump right! Trump stated some South American countries were emptying their jails and such or criminal organizations took advantage of the system to broaden their organizations! My opinion is, due to Biden, Harris and Mayorkas all illegals need to return to their country and return legally, if they have committed crimes should be returned and not allowed to return legally! If any legal immigrant or illegal that has taken the life of an American citizen or legal visitor to our country should receive the death penalty! We the tax payers have supported these people under the Biden regime, why should we continue to support them while incarcerated! All these organizations in the country or citizens helping the illegals should be charged under the law, that also includes Federal, State and local government officials! Ilhan Omar informed Somalians in their language that are here illegally how to not be arrested, New Jersey governor stated he had an illegal in his house! My opinion is, every Democratic government official is doing this to stay in power, through wanting them to be allowed to vote! As we have found out, several Democrat states and Democrat government officials have fought over voter rolls purge to hid illegals voting! Also Democrats feel illegal immigrants have the same rights as any American citizen! Liberal and Democrat judges assist in protecting illegals by twisting the law!
If they commit any felony in this country they need to be locked up in facilities worse than those in their parent country with 4 walls isolation being the norm (no prison gangs that way). Do offer the men a way out, manual castration. Then whether they stay here or get deported they will mosy likely become productive noncriminal citizens.
Harold, I could agree with your comment but with correction that being the death penalty for killing of American or tourist ,this becomes another expense to us taxpayers. Iwould suggest another alternative of deporting to countries who have extradition treaties with us to supply justice
Every governor and mayor who claim there city’s a sanctuary state should be arrested and prosecuted for adding and abetting illegals on taxpayers money. They should be charged with Federal crimes against America.
You can’t fix stupid democrat voters they keep voting for these corrupt politicians and your the schmucks paying
For them to fund illegals
What I write is the truth so don’t censor my comments
Why not arrested those people helping the illegal immigrants escape from I.C E.? Yes they can be charge with ” AIDING” OUR ENEMIES! Because these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ARE NOT AMERICA CITIZEN! The CONSTITUTION LAWS does not apply to illegal immigrants either. So kick the door down and remove them.