Bodycam footage recovered from the Trump assassination attempt caught a police officer admitting a disturbing fact about the Secret Service

It’s been a month since the assassination attempt against Donald Trump during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. But Americans still don’t have any answers about how the Secret Service failed miserably in protecting Donald Trump. [...]


  1. We hear nothing because the guilty Democrats who set it up has paid everyone off to keep their mouths shut. They are dirty as they were in 2020.

    • WHY so little about the cop who came face to face with armed Tom Crooks, but didn’t engage him, just ran away? Reminds of all the cops who didn’t engage school murderers!

  2. Sorry to say that I don’t believe you really find out what happened We the people do not trust the government whether it be the CIA to Secret Service or the FBI and we believe this is a set up just like everything else with Merrill Lago and what followed

    • Who for one minute doubts this was the deep state, SOROS<CLINTON,PELOSI,SCHIFF,BIDEN
      the NEVER TRUMPERS< ____ when did we ever hear about all the Clinton DOING's, how about Paul Pelosi?? (really)?? etc.,etc, the American Public, are like Musrooms-feed them Crap, and keep them in, the DARK, POWER IS EVERYTHING !

    • True. They knew there was a sniper. If he truly was a sniper how did he miss. I think the democrats set this all up and not to kill Trump but just do enough damage to get us thinking ok they’re trying to oust Trump. A sniper if a true sniper doesn’t miss.

  3. Where is Kimberly Cheatle today. Did she get a kush job in return for her silence. Is she at the same pay grade? After almost he SS should have their coverup story almost in place,

  4. Unfortunately they (Secret Service) are never going to admit their screw up. If they were not going to put someone on the roof (a high spot with line of site to the speakers) you would hope they had a way to monitor that location. We have drones and helicopters that can standoff a short distance and monitor those locations.

  5. Unfortunately, the USSS, the FBI and the DOJ, among others are all involved in trying to get Trump Killed and will never let the whold truth out. They will just blame the Line people take the blame when they get the story “Straight” and the higher ups will go on to the next “PLOT to Kill the President”!! They will try again, because they hate him so much and he’s a threat to their Power!!!

  6. The SS will cover it up just like the FBI, CIA, DHS Just like the Border is Secure, the 51 agents signing off on false computer, like the Russia hoax, come on SS where is your coverup story. All our government knows how to do is lie and spend money

  7. Thomas Crooks had many ways to try and kill President Trump. With the relatively lax security, he could have just taken a walk up to close to Trump and shot at point blank range. Crooks’ furtive movements to get in place on his roof seem to indicate that he expected to get away after the shooting. Someone in authority must have assured him that he would have help in getting away. The USSS and FBI do not seem willing to get to the facts here, and that indicates their complicity or direct involvement. As bad as this seems on its face, the reality may show an even deeper corruption and a filthy violent revolution taking place. The USA is a dangerous place to oppose the Democrat power structure. See Hillary Clinton, et al.

  8. The secret service endangered many lives. We are lucky only 4 were shot. One fatal two critical and one minor. Nobody fired or arrested.

  9. Shades of JFK! Heads may roll but we will never get the true facts, just what they decide to feed us.

  10. The real truth that would have occurred was eliminated for telling who was actually behind it. That is why they eliminated the youngster so he could not tell everyone.

  11. It could be that when Trump is in the White House again this investigation will continue to make sure the whole truth and nothing but the truth is in the open. No, it won’t happen before that. As long as the Democrats have anything to say about it.

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