Bill Clinton freaked out guests at the DNC after they made one key observation

Bill Clinton was embroiled in major scandals throughout his political career. Yet the beloved Democrat just had another chance to be in the spotlight after delivering a speech at the Democratic National Convention. Now Bill [...]


  1. I am sorry that he is ending his participation to help solving the problems left unfortunately by the Biden Administation

    • Democrats are going to ‘spin’ their agenda every which way they can – always false, without any truth to what they propose or intend. They are ‘hell-bent’ on destroying this country. Especially bringing it to our own bankruptcy.

  2. Yes, I think, sadly Bill Clinton may need to at least see his regular doctor and be throughly checked out!

  3. Conservative underground needs to add a “Don’t care” box to their surveys/polls. This would rank right up there with a big “Don’t care” check mark.

    • I agree with you Paul, about the “Don’t care” check mark in the polls. That would be my choice in many cases! I would also like to see the results of the surveys/polls we submit. But they never show up for me. Anyway, TRUMP 2024!!

  4. Bill Clinton shows everything that’s wrong with the Democrats. It’s sad that they count on Bill and Hillary Clinton, Obama pelosi all as the been instead of promoting someone that could be a bright light and that is not Kamala and waltz so sad

  5. More likely he has Parkinson’s as his symptoms imply; and now beginning to have dementia that accompanies the disease. He needs to step out of the democratic lime-light and stay at home away from politics and keep his wife with him.

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