Benjamin Netanyahu’s office just released a video that exposed Chuck Schumer as a liar

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Congress last week about their ongoing war in Gaza. Democrats and their anti-Semitic, pro-terrorist minions gathered outside the Capitol during his speech. And Benjamin Netanyahu’s office just released a [...]


  1. I don’t Trust Chuck Schumer. He lies like the other Democrats to get what they want. We need to Defend and back Israel. Shame on You Schumer.

      • Those evil religics in the Middle East have been enjoying mass murdering each other for past 10,000 years! All religions/religics are the enemies of secular USA! Don’t try and drag us into that religious evil ever again! We just stopped Catholic Religious Terrorists Hitler/Mussolini and Shinto Japan… Putin, Zelenski, Netanyahu, Jokementia, Ayatollahs, KamalToe, Trudeau all have to GO !!!

    • I agree, Schumer is nothing but a LIAR, abd trying to defend these loons in the party, who prefer “terrorists ” rather than a legitimate government like Israel. These loons in the party will destroy themselves eventually

      • These so called democraps that proclaim to be good Catholics are all for murdering not only unborn but Americans. What Satan do they get down on their knees and blow?? Worthless pieces of shit all and should be shipped to GITMO. GOD PROTECT US FROM THIS EVIL CORRUPT COMMUNIST REGIME called diaperjoe and camelbitch and the rest of the democraps and rhinos.

    • shumer is a lying hypocrite and just cares about his bank account. He’s jewish? the kind that hates jews, I guess. shame on him is right. If he’s running in Nov. I am going to support his opponent. we have to get rid of those swamp creatures.

      • There are so many Jews in gov like Blumenthal,Raskin,Nadler Schumer, Sanders and what did they do to help Israel???Shame on you all

    • To Dennis & all the others– FULL agreement. He is a permanent ‘democRAT’. They’ve stayed in office because they practice lying– while keeping themselves [supposedly] ABOVE the law. They ARE JUST politicians. Hopefully, they will all be ‘replaced’ when we vote. This is the replacement that needs to be taking lace– not with illegals coming in to replace America’s citizenry [which is what the democRATs want] Just sayin’

  2. if you step in dog crap on the sidewalk ….do you really care if it’s a german shepherd ,or a labrador retriever,or chuck schumer

    • CHuck needs to go to Federal Prison for inciting violence against Supreme justice’s…. Law’s are for We but Not the 😡Treasonous administration. Same as corrupt lying Maxine Waters inciting violence against American’s.

      • They are all money hungry and power hungry. I believe they will see in November that WE THE PEOPLE [the smart one’s] are sick of their bullshit AND HAVE RISEN UP AGAINST THEM !!!

  3. Shumer knows that he`s for Israel, as all Jews shd be, but he lies for Dem party votes. Shame shame. Les P.

  4. Shumer is a Jew & is for Israel, as all Jews are, but he lies for the Dem party votes.
    Shame Shame.

  5. Israel is Gods people. He could call a halt to this any second and where would our lost people be. Please think before you speak against Israel.

    • Amen!! You hit the nail on the head! Israel will be standing when all others are gone!
      Take heed radical left and WOKE people, your end is coming!!

  6. If the U.S.A. doesn’t support Israel, no one in the world will ever trust us again. I think Schumer is a JINO, just as Biden is a CINO.

  7. I don’t understand why any Jewish person votes for a Democrat they double cross them every chance they get . They didn’t start this hamas did who were voted in to power by the people of Gaza etc so you reap what you sow. Isreal stood by us after 9.11 so we need to do the same for them . Any studen from another country cought defacing our monuments or burning our flag should be sent home immediately.

  8. The U.S.A. does support Israel as we many across the World.
    No one can trust Schumer, he is a foul & abussive scumbag.

  9. Shumer should be ashamed of his self, but he is not because he is power hungry. Just like we know who is running the white house, Its Obama and Clinton Joe can’t put six words together and make sense. He’s a puppet that’s the reason the U.S. is in the mess we are in.Obamma hated the Keystone Pipe line and he finally got it shut down using his Puppet Joe

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