Barack Obama turned red with rage after this wrong move cost him dearly

Barack Obama’s charmed life is coming to an end.  His friends and allies are starting to turn on him.  And Barack Obama turned red with rage after this wrong move cost him dearly.  Barack Obama’s [...]


  1. That question was hard. They were both terrible presidents and thank goodness I didn’t vote for either of them because I could see that they were both liars. But unfortunately I think Obama had a lot to do with Biden’s big terrible choices while he was president. Although Biden was an evil person and an idiot who was terrible the whole time he was in office. Obama was a do nothing for Illinois. But he was so arrogant about everything and he lied about who was controlling him. I never liked Michelle either. She tried to tell moms how to raise their kids when she didn’t raise her own kids. She looked down on everyone. She can stay in Hawaii and never show her face because she doesn’t have anything to say that I want to hear.

  2. I agree they both are very corrupt Obama was a plant and Biden was brain dead and was indebted to other countries with his corruption. They both tried to destroy this country along with the democrats. Biden was a show dog bring him out just to prove he’s still breathing. He milked this country for everything it’s was worth. Both are assholes and a disgrace to themselves and the American people and world leaders.

  3. Obama was a greedy lying wannabe. Biden was a lost puppet who simply wanted to be famous. The only difference between them was Bidumb was born to parents that was natural born citizens,,, Obama was not.
    I have a C- note that says no one will even think of going to the Obama library. he will use it as a tax rightoff for his own benefit. ( if it ever gets built, maybe he should change it into a Gay Hot Tub Club )

    • Soros and Obama have been running our country. Biden Harris Gewsom Pelosi Waltz Brown were just puppets for Soros and Obama. Obama didn’t stay in DC for his health. His chef who was murdered should be investigated.

  4. Can you help me? I was doing some research on the Obamas and wanted to write about their early lives. Can anyone tell me where I can find a photo of Michelle and Barry at the birth of their children, at a hospital or Clinic? Both daughters do not state anything about where or when they were born in their University entry logs.

    • They are not their children! How can a man have a child? Real name is MICHEAL played college football for 2 years! Democrats politicians pay a couple million of dollars to BORROW THEIR CHILDREN! That why you find nothing on it! Democrats party SEAL IT OFF!

    • I don’t think you are going to find anything. I did some research and I found that Soros was one of Hitlers Brown Uniform Kids. Hitler was a community organizer. I think Soros and Obama might go back to when Obama was a community organizer in Chicago. I don’t think the girls were birth from Michael. She is a man. Maybe you can find the person who carried the babies for them. Their should be DNA. But one of them could have given the sperms for the person who gave birth to the kids.

  5. This sounds like a job for Super-DOGE! All needs to be brought into the light (kicking and screaming, of course)! The hunted beast can be the most vicious of all (and they are!), meaning quick and careful when approaching such animals!

  6. barack obama was the worst, because dementia jo was never a president just obama’s demented puppet extension of the commie obama regime.
    democrats lie and steal American tax dollars to launder for their own use.

    • You are correct! Obama was place in office by PELOSI AND SCHUMER! To help hold onto the blacks voter! Those who voted by SKIN COLOR! NOT CHARACTER!Democrats needed someone who WHITE REPUBLICANS WERE SCARED TO DEBATE AND FIGHT AGAINST! Mitch MCCONNELL did nothing but let it happen. Then he and other Rino attack Palin because she was trying to win the White House for McCain. But McCain didn’t even care about being president!

  7. Since I’m convinced that Obama was running the Biden presidency, I have to concede he was the worst president in my long history. It was obvious to anyone with a working brain that Biden was a puppet, and not even good at that. Was Obama the puppeteer/ Well of course we the people will never know. A good question, why did Obama stay in DC, after his term was up??

    • Because Obama and Soros have been running our country for years. They are both puppies to the Chinese Communism president.

  8. Obama was the worst because he was playing puppet master on brainless Biden. I doubt Biden actually made more than a handful of decisions on his own hook, but presented “decisions” by others as his own. Im actually surprised that Obama didn’t get a pre-emptive pardon to go along with all the others that were issued.

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