AOC is throwing a hissy fit after Lee Zeldin announced these huge plans

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would love to be in Lee Zeldin’s position right now.   There’s no doubt the enviro-extremist Congresswoman believes she’s better suited to run EPA than her Empire State colleague from the other side [...]


  1. The more we see What democrats really care about is not America or its people They Just care They just care about themselves and money that they can get. The next election is just2 years Or less and that’s when more demorats need to be voted out.

  2. AOC couldn’t run a bar (remember she was not a bartender) let alone the EPA and I sure as hell wouldn’t want to live in a world where her idiotic ideas were the rules. Vote her out, New Yorkers!

  3. AOC should be indicated for conspiring with terrorist and concealing illegals and providing safe housing. She also is funding their crimes and corruption. AOC should be removed from office and put in prison for financial involvement with illegals.

  4. there are only two ways aoc gets elected: 1. they use fake ballots and cheat, or 2. the people in her district are complete morons and need to be institutionalized.

  5. We need this energy Protecting Act, now more than ever. Lee Zeldin is the one for the job! New Yorkers, i find it so hard to believe that you elected Hochul and AOC!

  6. The EPA has overstepped its authority by making it illegal to do many things. It’s time for the EPA to be reined in. It should never have been allowed to do the things that it was allowed to do. I’m glad that Trump is putting Zeldin in charge of the EPA to clean it up. AOC would have been the worse choice ever for the EPA. She’s a disaster for anything she does or says.

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