American Veterans are coming out of the woodwork to expose Tim Walz’ stolen valor lies

The Democrat Party is trying to paint Tim Walz as a military hero to gain interest from rural America. But working-class Americans know a fraud when they see one. And now American Veterans are coming [...]


  1. Bef0re election there have been negative people talking about a presidential candidate. Why this is happening. Mrs Harris has been the vice president for over 3 years and never received a negative reactions from the public until now that she is running for president. Just get in the voters that if you been Republic or Democratic voters that what is take a voter mind to vote either Democrat or Republican to win an elections. If we compare at the candidates there is one way to vote. Vote to keep America Safe and the economy on track until we be back like in the Kennedy presidential time. Thi only take time responsability.

    • she has never had any positive reactions to her never doing anything while vice president but her trying to destroy america

    • Pedro, just a suggestion. Take an English class. Anyway, Harris did have lots of negative input during her 3 1/2 yr rule over her subjects. We all knew she was running the country for our criminal so-called president while he hid in the basement. Every bad policy that’s been instituted was forced upon us by Harris with the backing of other criminals like Pelosi and Schumer. These three took their marching orders from Soros. Don’t believe me, just check the White House roster for Jr Soros and see how often he was there as delivery boy. All you need to do is follow the money.

    • You just said nothing in this response. She’s the worst VP in years. Her decided votes on the inflation reduced act which is just more spend is why America is reeling in inflation. Plase do yourself a favor get the facts and take your feeling off the table




    • what you say is fine, but the topic was Walz’s lying about his military service, and veterans who have put their life on the line for you and for me have every right to go after him for his lies. The military has strict rules and standards. He is despicable for his actions and deserves to be hung from a tree over it!

  2. I’ve never served in the military, I was born in that age group that missed just about everything. But I served as a professional firefighter/EMT in a post in the middle of nowhere where we were 1 person per shift. We lived for weeks at a time leading and caring for inmates in wildland fires. Non of us quit right in the middle of an incident that might get us injured or because we might miss a better opportunity. This guy is a typical democrap coward who only thinks of himself. Absolutely disgusting!

    • I served honorably in the United States Air Force! I was a medic and loved my service! But I’ll not all heroes are not military thank you for your service in fighting the fires and risking your life for us!

    • He only did these 24 years 80 through 2004 because he was a weekend warrior and 2 weeks in the summer and no wars to speak of. But after getting paid all those years when he really got the call to serve he then bailed out on his men by overriding he’s commanding office after he told him he would go to Iraq. So now he bailed and gets his pension. See how this works for this coward.

  3. My husband was the in National Guard, my father was an officer in the USAF, my daughter was in the Navy, my brothers were in the Army, Marine Corp. respectively, my husband’s brothers were in the Navy. We love our military who have fought for and enlisted to defend this, Nation. The idea that anyone would embellish they’re military records is insane and should be punished for doing so. This is a slap in the face of everyone who has fought and served our nation. My family would be happy to sign a petition to have Walz rank reduced.

    • Absolutly. Just what to include that the NG BRAND him “Loss of Trust and Confidence.” This generic labeling can cover “Dereliction of Duty, AWOL or others” as fitting under the UCMJ.

  4. He only did these 24 years 80 through 2004 because he was a weekend warrior and 2 weeks in the summer and no wars to speak of. But after getting paid all those years when he really got the call to serve he then bailed out on his men by overriding he’s commanding office after he told him he would go to Iraq. So now he bailed and gets his pension. See how this works for this coward.

  5. That man is a liar from his head to his feet . There is not a true thing about him. He is a scumbag and both him and Harris are liars . All her ads are all fake . Both should be in court and prison . Her votes and money are fake also . Either one of them should be in the Whitehouse. People better wake up vote for right person to be in Whitehouse in 2024

  6. Strange, isn’t it? How the Media and Auto(D) voters went on and on about Trump being ineligible for military service because of bone spurs. But now, NONE of them have anything negative to say about Walz and his bail out, outright LIES about carrying in combat and stolen valor.

    Well, I guess what is bad for a Republican is just peachy keen for a Democrat. Yep, Democrats – on BOTH sides of everything as is convenient at the moment.

  7. The media is up to their ears in lying about Tim as an American hero for serving this country honorably when he is nothing more than a “traitor” and a shill for the democratic treasonist party.. How could intelligent American voters want Harris, the biggest liar, and Walz a traitor to every honorably serving soldier, elected to the the top position in America? If so. Good Bye freedom, hello communism!!!

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