American drivers are facing this scary future because of Joe Biden’s electric vehicle scheme

The future of the automotive industry will be electric if Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats get their way. Now, the awful reality facing the country is coming to light.  And American drivers are facing [...]


  1. Why do you invite me to comment on an article that you didn’t show me?? You must be a democrat.

  2. Deplorable Dumbocrats ( sorry Dumbo) Don’t understand the State of our Power Grid. It’ll never fly and the absurdity of not getting more invested in hybrid vehicle’s first beyond assanine.

    • The law in CA to ban gas vehicle sales in CA by 2025 should be repealed. Newsom and his extremists need to pay for all of these ridiculous, unreasonable things that don’t work!

      • Californians will be using their friends in states like Nevada and Arizona for their licensing, address, and other tax avoidance in California. Car sales will soar in states without these ridiculous mandates.

      • My family has lived in the SF/BAY AREA for more than 120 years! As I’ve watched California sink like a torpedo hit it I realized it time to leave before it goes under! With a government that is totally inept, it’s going to happen soon! More and more families are paying the bill for all the hoards of illegal people. In time, the people getting a ‘free ride’ will vastly outnumber those the taxpayers!!!! These are just a few reasons my family and I have relocated to Georgia! God bless Georgia 😇 !

  3. It sounds like Obama is working behind the curtain to make life missable for Americans. A smart President would make a smooth transition over many years and less painful for the people who do not have 50 grand lying around to buy a new electric car

  4. Ev is ok for daily commute to work, running errands within the city limits, but that’s about it! Long distance travel or commuting in an EV, even in urban driving is dangerous to the driver’s personal safety, esp. at night time.

  5. Totally Pathetic On The Parts Of Car Mfg.What Happen To Men? Just Basic Understanding Of People’s Need’s And Basic Science Should Have Been Enough For A Solid NO.

  6. Time to vote for Trump, he will stop the EV madness of the democrats and keep auto production here in the USA.

    • Why do people think that Trump is going to solve all the problems that the Democrats created. Trump really care. he just wants to get in office so he can dictate to the people. He hasn’t help the poor people one bit. even when he was president. I know cuz’ I’m one of those people.

  7. EV needs to be proven that they are equal or better transportation than gas vehicles. Until the EV can provide data that are equal and surpass the gas vehicles in every aspects then the mandate to outlaw gas vehicles is just idiocracy presented by idiotic politicians and climate control fanatics.

  8. EVs have exactly the same problem today that they had in the early 20th century. expensive, limited range, slow recharging (fueling) and very few people actually want the hunks of junk. Oh, and todays EV has the added issue that they are prob=ne to catch fire and burn forevere.

    These are the reasons the internal combustion engine destroyed the EV market in the early 2oth century and the same reason it will destroy them in the 21st century.

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