All hell broke loose when the Kansas City Chiefs made this eye-popping announcement about Harrison Butker

There’s less than a month left until the National Football League’s regular season kicks off. The Kansas City Chiefs are hoping to become the first team to ever win three consecutive Super Bowls. But all [...]


    • Good for him. To many weakminded men out there these days. We need the military draft back so that we can make men again but this time the good men stay hone abd the weak men ho so they can be made in to men abd not wennues

  1. GO CHIEFS!!! THREEPEAT FOR SURE!! And good for Harrison. Congrats and now let’s kick some butt this coming season.

  2. To the Kansas City Chiefs ; For standing by your ‘ top kicker ‘ Harrison Butker , your my top { team ] ! GO KANSAS CITY CHIEFS !!! JACK

  3. Further confirms my support for KC, win or lose. Standing up for Christian values is far more important than any sport venue. God bless KC and Harrison Butker.

  4. I have been a Chiefs fan longer than they have been in the NFL. They are not perfect, but they seem to exhibit better values than most of the NFL.

  5. Although I pretty much stopped watching NFL games when so many of the players sided with that racist creep quarterback from San Francisco, it’s good to see a guy like Harrison Butker telling it honestly without backing down from left wing attackers. I hope Kansas City wins another Super Bowl since the team’s front office had the gonads not to throw Harrison under the bus too.

  6. Good for him. He has beliefs, and he is not afraid to express them. Unlike many on the far left, he doesn’t tell them what to think and say. Last I checked, we still have the right of freedom to think and express what we think. The direction we are heading might change all that, but for now it is still our right.

  7. I am glad he is doing well. And I am even more happy that he is willing to state his beliefs in public. And tell me this, why does a man saying “men, be unapologetic in your masculinity” is given more grief than men who want to have women genetially mutilated when they are 12 yrs old so they don’t have any pleasure! Just think about that for a few minutes and please have a lefty reply and give me an honest and real anyswer. He is not suggesting that ALL women should be nothing but barefoot and pregnant and chained to the house so they can’t leave!!! I mean, really, it is ridiculous!

  8. From 81 yr old wife and mother of 5, I will celebrate the Chiefs 3rd win. KC is smack dab in the middle of the country, which shows the world that God is in control and has many honest, strong, faithful followers of many faiths and cultures.
    Men who respect women and encourage them to be strong and faithful to their family values create a safe haven for America’s children to grow and prosper. Gotta love the Chief’s organization for protecting and promoting respect and value to the players and their families and, in turn to all who watch their games.

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