All hell broke loose when Fani Willis said these six words about her witch hunt against Donald Trump
Donald Trump’s victory on November 5 was supposed to be the end of Democrats’ lawfare. But Fani Willis has other plans. And all hell broke loose when Fani Willis said these six words about her [...]
trump should not pardon hunter biden
Again, this site never shows it’s polls results.Done with your crap site.
Same here
Agree completely!! They already let him off on more serious tax evasion charges by letting statute of limitations expire. He should be held responsible for the rest. No more, no less than anyone else would be.
I agree with that.
What is interesting to think about is they “let him off onmore erious tax evasion charges by letting statute of limitation expire” as you said, but on the other hand they dismissed SOL on a change they manufactured in NY on tax records of much less significance (thousands instead of millions of dollars) against Trump. I bet Trump didn’t even prepare his own taxes, he has accountants that do it.
That goes for me as well Kathy.
It’s time to forgive on both sides. Our nation is angry because evil has disrupt the Democratic party and we has Republicans will be the ones to show grace and mercy first. God has spoken. 🇺🇸❤️😇🙏🏾
BULLSHIT, time to make them PAY.
There is stil so much TDS but that’s the crooked Dems for you .
National Anger???? Look at the side that shows all the politically based anger, BLM, LGBTQ+, Black Panther, Chicago, Detroit, NYC, SFO, dirty politics, throwning false accusation, illegal aliens, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Shiff, Maxine Waters, Mazie, Gavin Newsome, and the rest of the immovable politics people. Compare that against any list of Extreme Radical Right wing concervatives. Trying to change these people would be like trying to move Mt. Rushmore.
I’ve quite taking their polls for that very reason! It’s very annoying. I wonder what they do with the results, and why bother having it here? Crap site, yes!!
This site is sad
Agree, Steve. That skunk.should be jailed for the rest of his life, along with his father who condoned everything he did!!!
You are RIGHT, if it were anyone else they would be still SWING!
If these people are never held accountable for their crimes! They will always be above the Law’s implementations. Killary Clinton is proof of that. And Nancy Pelosi. Law’s are for We but Not the 😡Treasonous
Your right Keith,, They just arrested a father for a crime his son commited, so if Hunter is a criminal then it is the father that is responsible. Oh wait ,,, we are talking about democrats here,,, never mind.
That slippery piece of s*i* Hunter deserves this and more! no he should not be pardoned it sets a poor example!
AMEN and is father
I read that some of the people that Trump pardoned are now being brought up on State Charges. If that is true then what good is any Presidential Pardon that any POTUS can give? NO POTUS should be able to give any pardon to any family member. If any question exists the Pardon should go to the SCOTUS for review prior to becoming legal. “Last Minute” pardons should never be allowed as it screams impropriaties and should stand review even into the next term, by the SCOTUS again. These pardons are getting out of control and way beyond their intention.
last time. site is worthless
go 4 it
Bullshit it’s time to jail these crooked Democrat once and for all on proven guilty admissions using false information based on nonstop lies and fantasies just because they can’t accept defeat in a Presidential Election. Just look at the mess these Democrat have created and put the country in. The Trump administration needs to start right at the top by indicting Bitch Nancy Polouski behind bars for the rest of her life. Joe Biden was used as a pawn by that Bitch knowing full well that he was suffering mental decline and also both Joe and his son were guilty of criminal acts through political advantages to themselves at the expense of taxpayers. Both Joe Biden and his son belong in jail for their crimes,
all of them FBI, CIA, and IRS
Jokementia will pardon Hunter and say he doesn’t remember promising to not pardon Hunter… videos of his promise will appear… but nothing will be done…
I agree that! that corrupt prosecutor Fani f*** should get life in prison and all of her innocent victims she got convicted should get a pardon! Unfortunately though she’ll just continue playing the race card and get away Scott free more than likely!
Fat Fani must get LIFE IN PRISON!
That would be fine with me Buzz. She earned it. She is one arrogant bitch!!
Fani should have her fat fanny in jail. What an arrogant POS! Someone please shut her up.
What did that guy ever think was good about that F.A’ed woman? How did he ever find the wet spot?
Agree! Put her in solitary confinement!
No leave her in open population. KARMA WILL PREVAL!!!!!
First Fatty Fani has to get slapped down by the GA circuit or Supreme court. Disbar the bitch which makes her ineligible for her current job first.
and her boy friend
It’s time that the Governor of Georgia took over and started investigating this piece of shit DA. She needs to be disbarred and charged along with Bragg and Letecia.
I AGREE 1000%.
Bang on!!!!
Its time for this women and others should stop the law cars that all became liers.
If they had a case, this would have been done with.
Its time for these to blacks get on with there lives and start going after crimal like all the killer who rape little girls and illegals even if their black.from foreign countries.
Start cleaning that for a change instead sitting on your butt and making it bigger. Catch the killers, maybe we could go out at night or even the day without looking who’s going to stab you in the back. She is not worthy being in the DA office. Get rid of her. Plus the others, like Smith and especially that black letitia and Brag who from what I read he gets paid from outside sources. Owns many hugh boats for entertainment, where does he get that kind of money to buy those kind of boats on his salarys.
you all forget, BIDEN has already paid her to stop TRUMP at any and all costs. she is not following the letter of law described so clearly in our BILL of RIGHTS. SHE IS ONE OF THE WORST JUDGES THIS COUNTRY HAS EVER SEEN. DIS-BAR, SEND HER A** TO JAIL AND LET THE INMATES THERE SHOW HER THE INSIDE OF THE LAUNDRY CART
She is not a “judge”. Unfortunately the court she is using is run by another demoncRAT bised POS judge.
if anything, he could commute his sentence,but do not pardon. This way he could show that unlike you DemonRats, I don’t play lawfare to get revenge on my enemy. I am the adult in the room.
Agree, with your comment. Reasonable and diplomatic.
As far as Fani goes, she needs to be recalled or forced to resign for her egregious use of her office to pad her on pocketbook. There should be enough proof to have her removed. It shouldn’t be taking this long to get rid of her. But of course what do you expect from a Soros backed DemonRat.
The money fanni and her boyfriend stole would be enough to end this witch hunt.
It is time for true Americans to push these lying,TREASON pieces of shit and take out Soros, Pelosi, Schumer, MYORKUSS, Killary the Demond get off SCOTT FREE OF ALL THE EVIL SHE HAS INFLICTED ON NORMAL HARD WORKING PEOPLE. OBAMA Schiff, NADLER Pence, all those TREASONOUS TRADER’S WHO HAVE TRIED TO KILL GOOD AND TRUTH IN THIS COUNTRY.
Tried to kill the USA, and send them to PRISON
I think I saw a Democrat in the road the other day. ( yup it was a SKUNK.)
a piece of s-i=
President Trump should not pardon Hunter Biden.
No Hunte
Or his big boss
so where are the so-called “poll results” ?
They flashed up before this discussion/reply chain did.
Don’t you know that Fani, Bragg, Letecia, Joe, Kamala, and the rest of the far left Dems are above the law? Maybe President Trump will fix that!
That will be one heck of a tall order. Even though they are as guilty as sin.
TRUMP should not pardon Hunter Biden and Fani Willis is to consumer with hate that she cannot see or think straight, she needs to resign
I actually can’t believe the state of Georgia voted her in again this year. The woman is one sick idiot! And it is time this case was moved to a sane precinct. She can pursue it with a real judge and jury! I know the case is Bull Crap because as a retired CPA what was done was business. She is hurting her own state in this ridiculous lawsuit. What business will stay or relocate where the state attorneys make up charges that have no crime reported only their own animous to the person their lawsuits are aimed at. Even the normal folks in that state should be afraid of a rabid attorney like her. They would rot in jail real fast and the cost to defend would be just too much for a normal citizen! Consider who and what you left with a job in your state. Recalls can take her out. Better do it!
maybe it was riged.thats what demorats do.there disgracful.kamala needs to go her and joe far far away,
“Rigged” elections are the only way that Democrats stay in office anywhere.
It wasn’t the state. It was her far left demoncrat infused county that elected this POS.
All the democrats need to be swinging on a rope. It is obvious that the democrats have brokent almost every law tring to hang President Trump. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. The Democrats have broken almost every law to hang Preident Trump in revenge for winning the previous election. President Trump proved this again by winning the popular & electorial vote for relection. President Biden has shown to have been one of the most crooked elected official that I know of.
in my 77 years
Soros is behind Willis and also Biden so nothing will make either one disappear
I agree that! that corrupt prosecutor Fani f*** should get life in prison and all of her innocent victims she got convicted should get a pardon! Unfortunately though she’ll just continue playing the race card and get away Scott free more than likely!
it not a race card it is a neg—car
Not ever to a pardon of a Biden they all should be in jail or prison for treason.
Hunter caused a lot of trouble with his lies,50 lying FBI agents, corrupt justice system,a little girl that he shit on, middle man for china,treason. He needs a some time in prison to reflect.
And have his sentence comuted to LIFE by another inmate.
Personally, I think it’s a typical GOP to say that they are going to prosecute the criminals then balk down and do nothing. It’s cowardice and the failing the voter’s who got Trump and the GOP elected, was to take down the criminals like Hunter Biden. Biden his hierarchy criminals are once again about to make life disgusting for 4 more years. Criminals fight, Republicans bow down because they are not driven to fight the criminals as the criminals fight justice. I’m hearing that same old cliche that they are going to do this but when the demons strike out with threats, Republicans have got to put passivity and pity aside and put the enemy in prison just like they have done every single supporter and his chosen cabinet. But not one single true criminal has been prosecuted. How do you conquer the enemy? Cutting them brakes, or going head strong and destroy them. They, the GOP will be over in 4yrs because they have proven that Republicans will not stand together as One party. Look, liberals are smart. They will run as Republicans yet are loyal liberal Democrats set up to off balance the majority and beat the system the GOP will prosecute, yet will side with the liberals when they need a majority to destroy their actual opponents. What they will continue to do is draw out the approval of every single appointment Trump makes for months to break the back of the promises of taking out the criminal swamp. GAETZ is only the beginning of the nightmares of 2016. MAGA,hold on because the real war began after the election and they lost. Between then and 4yrs from now, their goals to destroy Trump and every MAGA on the voting list. Either we beat them with their own games, or there will never be a GOP president again. America has fallen because of Biden, Schumer, Pelosi and McConnell specifically. But Clinton, Obama and the illegals will be voting, by then and every American will be out of work, illegals will be working and prospering unlike majority blacks and high paid union employees. It will all go to China and America will be socialized forever. No country or power Nation has not been destroyed from within or wars. History proves this. Americans are not intelligent to put think the world that has been fighting wars for 5000 years, and even in the past 300 yrs. It’s coming down the tubes if Trump doesn’t get the appointments he has selected to fight the battle he has promised. Republican voters had better come together or boycott the rat infestation installed as Republicans but are truly liberals.
So Democrats want Hunter to walk free after his long list of provable crimes. But those very same Democrats want Trump in prison for a crime that wasn’t committed.
THAT should tell everyone just what Democrats are today. But the Auto(D) voter ignores all of it.
Maybe that tells you all you need to know about the average Auto(D) voter.
Dems. do not have a brain to think with
I don’t give a shit about reading what people have to say. I just wanna see the pole. I have no interest in sitting and reading with people in their thoughts.
TRUMP 2024
Know he should not pardon Hunter Biden. And hot pants Fani needs to be walking into jail for taking all that money but she had a democrat judge and he let her go free cause old Soro would of cut off his paycheck and it looks like Soro got her elected again. This bitch needs to get her head out of her ass and stop smelling shit and start working for the good people that she is supposed to protect. That means leave Trump along her other boss will be stepping down from his office and Trump will be taken over so Fani ass stop being a stupid jackass and for once in your life do your job for the good people who help put your hot ass in there and stop with a witch hunt on the innocent. GO TRUMP 2024 !!!!! Make are country safe again.l!!!!!
Yes make are country safe again cause idiots like Fani Willis will not help or try to make are country safer.
Fanny is still a good Democrat. Voters love her.
Fanni Willis needs to be investigated for her roll of misuse of funds
All IS being REVEALED! The Whole Obyedan clan and Fanny Willis, her lover and all associated with Persecution and Prosecution of President Donald J Trump Deserve one way to GITMO, Military Tribunals, sentenced and summarily executed. The Whole Global Cabal deserves DIRT NAPS.
Convicted felon trump and family won’t have a chance to pardon Mr. Hunter Biden because popular President Biden will have the Honor to pardon Mr. Hunter Biden
When Biden retires, will he, the big guy, continue to get 10% of the dirty money from the money laundering scheme? Also, will his grandchildren still get theirs too?
Pull your head out of your ass, dumbocrat.
It’s time to forgive on both sides. Our nation is angry because evil has disrupt the Democratic party and we has Republicans will be the ones to show grace and mercy first. God has spoken. 🇺🇸❤️😇🙏🏾
Well Fat Fanny Willis I hope you saved a lot of your stolen campaign money because your going to need it when all these indictments come flying your way because the government isn’t going to represent you in court you’re going to several attorneys to keep your fat ass out of jail. Believe this when you go down it’s going to feel like a earthquake.
You really are a stupid corrupt asshole. It’s going to be every person for themselves and you don’t have a lot of friends anymore. So we will see how high you bounce after hitting the floor. One good thing about prison it’s like a weight reducing facility. Pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered
Hey, Conservative Underground News — your readers would like to see the results of all the polls you ask us to participate in. Why bother taking a poll, if we can’t see the results? SHOW POLL RESULTS PLEASE!!!
I honestly think that pardoning Hunter Biden would be a mistake. We need to show everyone, it doesn’t matter who you are or if your dad’s the president, if you commit a crime, you do the time. Otherwise it shows us as weak and bias. Hunter and all of them who broke the law should be protected like anybody else! Hunter is not above the law!
I do not want revenge or pay-back with any Democrat. what I do want is JUSTICE ! They have treated DJT, and many others with their Bullshit scams, hatred, and jealously for years & years. And they NEVER let it go! So we ALL should DEMAND some justice against their evil !!!
I cannot believe you blacked out part of my opinion. Shows me you are censoring free speech……high class aren’t you !!!
The entire Biden family should be tried for treason along with many demograps in congress,the FBI and the DOJ.
Trump has already said it looks bad for the Country. I will not like it but I believe he will pardon him.
President Trump should not pardon hunter biden! The Biden Crime family needs to be charged and prosecuted. Its time to give us all our freedom and country back!!
Line every one of them up from Biden ,Smith, Fanni Ass, all who have a witch hunt against Trump line up the judges to and let the American people have a good slap down — go down the line and slap them down. There all a bunch of no-account idiots who can’t get there own heads out of there on ass’s. If they could stop smelling there on shit long enough they would realize that Trump is the people ‘s choice and to leave him along. Fanni Willis aka Hot Pants who breaks up marriages is the biggest idiot of the idiots.
Why is democrats never ever with all their corruption ever go to prison.
The Biden’s family before Old Joe was president needs to be charged with Treason and Hunter for espionage and snacking down foreign countries for financial gain this woes not one of deal he and Joe planned this so they thought they would never get caught. Off shore bank accounts bogus companies and everything else. Distributed and hid money in all family names this is a prime example of why all the Biden’s belong in prison. Don’t care Old Joe now is brain dead he did the crime and knew it was illegal and still did it. FBI have some people there searching for ten to fifteen years and when the catch them they are put in prison. TRUMP. on day one All Biden’s should be indicted for their corruption before he was president show the world your the leader with balls for justice. That’s what we voted for.
Don’t pussyfoot out of this you will lose all respect letting these corrupt democrats get away with major crimes
This country became a disgrace under the democrats administration it’s time these people go to prison for all their corruption. The Biden’s family all of them should be in prison. No pardons no exceptions if the were regular citizens the would be in prison for their crimes TREASON. Biden’s are no different than any other person. Lock them up and take all their money and assets away from them. Look what the democrat courts did to Rudy Giuliano the are taking everything from him homes cars jewelry everything. The Biden’s family need the same treatments.
They destroyed America’s values.
Why has fat Fanny not been indicted and put in prison already is it because she’s a democrat. She’s a disgrace to the court system and the people of Georgia. She wasted millions of taxpayers dollars on her corruption incompetence and stole campaign money for vacations with her over paid lover. If that’s not criminal fraud charges then Georgia is another democrat corrupt state. Just get a bigger broom and sweep under the swamp hole