Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez picked one fight that was the worst mistake of her life

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is ready to brawl with Republicans in control of Washington, D.C.  She learned a painful lesson about picking her battles.  And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez picked one fight that was the worst mistake of her [...]


      • Who you think will vote for her? She is mean heartless evil monster! She think people will vote for her. She think people are stupid! Not enough to know. AOC belongs to CUBA. She needs to go back to CUBA. She is not an american. She lied to much infront of the american people. She is anti american. People wake up! She is a demonrats after all.

  1. AOC you just don’t get it, do you? Read these words- SHUT-UP! Nothing you say makes sense! Hey what happened to CLIMATE CHANGE? Look like every part of America feeling the WINTER COLD! For once tell the truth! Oh, that right! You a democrat politicians and you CAN NOT TELL THE TRUTH!

    • No,No,No, let her stay! Let her run her mouth, the people saw how bad the democrat party really is in 2024.
      Which was if you are a moirmal thinking person a HUGE landslide in your face to out of touch democrats and either they are too ashamed to admit it or too stupid to realize it. I think its the former…Honestly or or wise….it’s the later..?
      AOC is the perfecto of touch with reality mouthpiece for the democrat party and would make a great 2028 Presidential candidate for another landslide victory for V.P. Vance.
      Everyone realized what the “Squad” really was, they are like that uncle at the family gather that people hear and do the eyeball and ignore them.
      By all means keep AOC front and center…PLEASE !!!!

  2. It would be a shit show to see AOC and Harris debate each other. Neither one can put together a coherent sentence. They are both brain dead idiots.

  3. AOC would lose worse than Harris did because neither one of them would make good presidents Harris was the worst vice president we had and with AOC on America she would be a worst president and it’s time the Democratic Party understands. They lost the election because the American people are tired of their bullshit And it’s time we let them know that American people have spoken take that to the bank

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