A whistleblower dropped this bombshell about the FBI agent in charge of investigating the second Trump assassination attempt

Joe Biden turned the FBI and Department of Justice into his personal political police force. The same corrupt FBI and Justice Department is now leading the investigation into the assassination attempts against Donald Trump. But [...]


  1. In 2008 Obama set out to turn a capitalist,christian Nation into a communist
    Islamic state. After 8 years he was unable to do it. Hillary was suppose to
    complete it but Trunp got in the way. Old slow joe’ blew it. So Obama turned to
    Kamala and like joe’ will fail. Let’s hope that Obama goes to his virgins in
    the next 4 years.

    • Yes. I do believe that Obama started all this terrible period we are going through.
      He stated that he wanted to “fundamentally change America” and it is clear that he has
      his followers. I think it interesting that he was the only ex-President in history to remain in Washington DC and not return to his home state. I believe Biden has not been doing the Presidential job, he is simply a figurehead. I believe Obama and George Soros are part of the group including possibly, Hillary Clinton.

      I am appalled at the language and lies the democratic party is spewing forth over
      President Trump. Their rhetoric is why there have recently been two assassination
      attemps. Under his leadership we lived why better than we are now or did under Obama.

      SHAME ON ALL OF THEM. Kamala lies everytime she opens her mouth but is never fact-checked – Why? Kamala and her choice for VP are the closest things to communists we
      have ever had in Government. I pray Trump wins even though he needs to know when to
      shut his mouth.

  2. When Joe Biden weaponized the DOJ and the FBI and give them so much damn power against Republicans he screwed up American people are not stupid they may think we are but we’re not we know exactly what he was doing they trying to take Trump out by all these fake indictments to put him in jail for rest of his life didn’t work too many American people are behind Donald Trump they not going to investigate this assassinations attempt because they now know the only choice they have to take Trump out is to kill him and they done tried what two times the American people’s not stupid but they are we going to vote their asses out and when Trump is back in the white house he needs to dismantle the DOJ and the FBI if he don’t we will because the American people will make their life and the Democratic party’s life miserable because we Republicans are not violent people but the Democrats are we going to make their lives miserable for making them embarrassed for fighting against everything they have done to America when Obama was in office and the last 4 years with that idiot Joe Biden and Harris we’re going to make them sorry they’re even Americans

    • I fail to see how the Obamas/Clintons, entire Biden-Harris alphabet ‘firing squad’ could get away with even half of the crimes they have committed. Treason doesn’t even cover all the charges they should be held accountable for.

      • If we can keep Trump safe from these demons, and get him in, I seriously wouldn’t want to be any of these treasonous pigs. If Trump doesn’t take them all down, I’ll be very disappointed in him. Disband the FBLIE and DOJ. They’re all criminals, from top to bottom. Get rid of every military person with a pride badge. They don’t belong in military. Give them their own, call it the milifairy. Disband teachers union. Worthless scum. Teachers go back to reading writing and rithmatec. Period. And it’s perfectly fine to call Obama other half Michael, cuz Buttcrack Obunghole did that on at least 3 occasions, during speeches, saying. And I quote. Michael and I. So Big Mike it is.

    • Their sorry a**es were never Americans. They are traitors to our great country. We need to vote them out of office and then start cleaning house from top to bottom. All of the alphabet agencies, the prosecutors, DA’s, the AG’s, the judges. The entire school system, including getting rid of the teachers union. So much work and so little time. Imagine America belonging to the people again! Vote Trump/Vance 2024!!!

    • Yep they need to totally get rid of the FBI AND ATF AND START OVER! scum has infiltrated these agencies and the only way to fix it is close them down completely!

  3. They have audio tapes of FBI,DOJ and Homeland Security conspiring to weaponize their departments against Republicans.

  4. Obama isn’t a Christian and neither is Michael. The powers behind him, Biden and Cameltoe are evil anti-Christian’s. We need Trump back in to bring Christian values back to America. And to DRAIN THE SWAMP.

  5. I don’t understand why people think Michael Obama is so great. She stated that she hated America and was embarrassed by Americans

  6. Clinton’s started it Obummer posion the FBI IRS CIA And now Biden has Weaponized all Federal Government Agencies. They wil all have to be purged buy pro America agenda leaders

  7. It is VITAL to remember that, YES, the rapid acceleration into Communism started under the Bid Red Boots of Barack the Muslim/Communist/Kenyan. But keep in mind that the GOP absolutely knew his birth certificate was totally bogus! His genuine Kenyan B/C was available. His own family said he was born IN Kenya to a Kenyan father and American mother. His bogus B/C claimed he was born in a hospital that didn’t even exist yet!!

    Yes, the GOP knew all that but was to stinking COWARDLY TO STAND UP TO HIM BECAUSE THEY WERE AFRAID OF BEING LABELED “RACIST”!!!!!

    Then the RINO turn coats laid down and gave him virtually everything he wanted for 8 lo-o-o-o-ng years of national destruction.

    True, the Democrat/Communists are the party doing the damage, but the GOP IS NOT DOING ALL THAT IT CAN TO STOP IT!!!

    This is what we get from Jimmy Carter’s US Department of Education that has been INDOCTRINATING our young into Communist for 40 years now! Millions of us have been trying to get that out but NOBODY LISTENS – including the COMPLICIT GOP.

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