A vulnerable Democrat gave Kamala Harris one brutal rejection that confirmed the worst

Kamala Harris is being treated like a rock star by Democrats and their media allies. Not everyone in the Party is drinking the Kool-Aid. That’s why a vulnerable Democrat gave Kamala Harris one brutal rejection [...]


  1. Prices of foods and products have skyrocketed under the Joe Biden Administration. Also,the prices will remain high. I’m I living better today than when Trump was in office. The answer is “No”. So will I vote for Kamala Harris, the answer is “No”. Do I like Trump, I can’t stand Trump.

    • You don’t have to like a candidate to vote for him. I look at his record and how things were under him. I try explaining that to folks and they don’t understand. Harris says things will be better if she’s elected. She’s part of the problem. Makes no sense.

      • so why didnt she and biden make things better NOW instead of later. why does she have to be elected to do the job she was paid for three and a half years to do? She has botched everything she touches and including killing newborn babies that she refused medical attention. I cant get over the fact that people let this monster deny the medical and made the babies lie there and suffer till their little hearts stopped. What kind of a human being does such a disgusting thing? Why is this okay with any party or any woman for that fact? LETTING lLIVING BREATHING BABIES DIE HOW DEMONIC CAN A PERSON BE?

    • Why? Because he is a successful businessman? AND, not a professional politician? Who actually made the states BETTER during his 4 years as president? And by the way, born and raised in Montana/Wyoming, but I do not live in the states and have not for almost 30 years. Why? Because 30 years ago, I knew where the states were heading and I wanted nothing to do with what was happening. Trumps 4 years as president is the only relief that I have seen from the political class in the states in all of that time. Cause he is NOT a part of that political class!!

  2. I believe Republicans will enjoy a significant change in the political landscape.

    My optimism is weighed heavily by my belief that God is in control. I also believe that many Americans will know that our country will be better of if we move closer to God and disengage from the LEFT policies that our Country has been following.

    Just for the record: I have not always been a big fan of Donald Trump. But I am even less enthusiastic about Left Wing Democrats.

    • Almighty God is NOT in control. Satan is; Satan rules! Luke 4:5 So he (Satan) brought him (Jesus) up and showed him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth in an instant of time. 6 Then the Devil said to him: “I will give you all this authority and their glory, because it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. 7 If you, therefore, do an act of worship before me, it will all be yours.” — Almighty Jehovah God had to make a decision when Adam sinned and lost his (and our) perfection. Eliminate Adam and start over, or? Solve the problem Adam created by his disobedience when the time was right to do so. Enter Jesus. Think about it; YOU and everyone else is a descendent of Adam, so that gives you a good picture of why the Almighty made the decision that He did. If He took out Adam, then He also would take out ALL of Adam’s offspring and descendants, including Noah, David and etc.etc.etc. And you and me. Thanks to Him for that decision! For putting up woth this evil so that we could exist.

  3. The Democrats hate the United States, led by Obama. I hope our voters open their eyes to see the treason going on from Biden and Harris and all their lackies!

  4. The only thing that voter need to do is look at what this administration has done as compared to the previous administration! The previous administration has gas prices under $2.00, our borders were secured, our police were funded and our employment opportunities for all, women, black, espanics and asian was the best it ever was.

  5. copycat kamala and timmy tampon would continue to take orders from barrack obama hiding in the shadows to destroy this country.

  6. If they do wat will change They still have the rino s that shafted the rep last time they had control and Johnson is a waek fighter like old mitch and mc conly How did we get the dedt we have now RINOS helping dems

  7. A vote for Kamala is a vote for Obama’s forth term he got his third term with Biden and all the left wingers are the one’s doing it. And you are the ones crying the loudest over hi prices. You can only hide shit for so long before the Stink gets out

  8. America got away from our Founding Principals of Constitutional Republic & Christian beliefs of Our One and Only Great, I AM. In God We Trust

  9. What people don’t understand is that Trump isn’t a politician he doesn’t care about telling you what he’s going to give you because he knows what you need to do to make America Great Again. The Democrats just hand stuff out for no reason but we have to pay for it so it’s the workers, mostly Republicans, who pick up the cost in higher taxes. And now she wants to take away jobs to give to ILLEGAL ALIENS along with giving them more free stuff, free college, healthcare, housing on our backs. She is a communist. She has probably never balanced her own budget or her checkbook. Trump knows what it takes to get things done right. How to run a business within your budget and make money. But he won’t sugarcoat what it’s going to take to get it done right. That’s why I like him. He’s a warrior, a fighter. Cameltoe and her campaign are not. That’s why she runs from anyone who wants to ask her questions.

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