A top Republican sounded the alarm on one hidden threat from China on the coasts
The Chinese are looking to exploit any weakness they can find. One glaring vulnerability when overlooked under Joe Biden. And a top Republican sounded the alarm on one hidden threat from China on the coasts. [...]
They have come over here to the US and bought up so much of our in house resources from land to manufacturing. We need to take that back. Especially our food supplies back. Our lands they bought up that supply our food. We are flooded with them
Agree 100% with Cheryl Bell. Does anyone believe that China would allow the US to buy land in China, Heck No, as Americans we need to wake up and see Chia for what they are. A threat to our Country.
Agree with Cheryl
Agree with Cheryl ! Take all of that farm land back from China ! Kick them out of the top research University labs ! Expell all of their illegals who came in under Biden…now !!
Trump needs to take back the usa land .throw china out.
He also needs to investigate the drones on east coast
China is not our friend. The are taking over the South China sea illegally and pose a clear and present danger to the peace of that region. The Chinese leadership wants a good share of the artic, and is advancing itself all over. After the Philadelphia bridge incident they can bottle up any port easil with collapsed bridges if they exist. They are a cosigner to the Economic restructuring of BRICKS which is to our disadvantage. Over 90% of the Fentinal is shipped from China to the US and Mexico transported to the US. They are buying up land around our military bases for what reason? The send spy balloons across the US and highly suspected of running the drones over the northeast recently. Tell me that this is a nation that at peace in the world and one to be trusted and I will laugh.
Great comment db ! Keep it coming !! Thank you !
We need to take our land back from the CCP. They cannot be allowed to own any property or factories in the USA. How stupid is our government for allowing this. I hope that Trump takes everything back.
We need to have a big conversation with Greenland about having a large presence there. Denmark is not protecting Greenland and they definitely want us there to protect them from the Chinese government and Russia. We also need to take back the Panama Canal. We built it and the Chinese government is trying to control it. We cannot have them in control of the ports in Central America or anywhere near us in South America. It’s getting too dangerous. Canada needs to get together with us to stop China and Russia. Together we are united and stronger against anything that they might try. If Mexico is smart they will join with us and make their country stronger. They have a mess in their country that needs to be cleaned up.
The Democraps are short sighted and stupid people who don’t understand how the world works or else they think that if we are taken over they will be in charge but I have news for them, they will be the first ones who are put in prison or killed for being stupid. They can’t take care of themselves and would rather die than fight.
I can’t believe that there are people who believe that China is not a risk to the USA!
Get your head out of the sand!
They have been a great to the USA ever since they sent troops into Korea to fight against us.
Wake the hell up people!
it isnt sand their heads are stuck in. Look behind them to find their heads.