A Secret Service agent issued a dire warning about this nightmare scenario coming true

The attempted assassination of Donald Trump exposed serious problems within the Secret Service. But it could be worse than anyone could have imagined. And a Secret Service agent issued a dire warning about this nightmare [...]


    • How could we so soon forget who assinated Kennedy. Both of them. The CIA. And are we so blind and oblivious that we don’t believe our own Secret Service is involved in the plot to assasinate Trump?

    • it is a bitter pill to swallow, but this comes from the DEEP STATE,,it it has all the and prints of the CLINTONS, OBAMA,PALOSI, Schiff, never Trumpers..desperart people
      Schumer God Help US!!


    • Because you have people in power that hate America and what she stands for as well as GOD haters and it’s not going to change.

  2. All alphabet-soup agencies need to be rid of high & next to high management released! Downsize Government! This Cabal has gotten entirely out of control! We the people need to restore sanctity & Our Constitution to our “gov’t. The Constitution Must Survive or surely WE will cease to be.

    • you are so right,every member needs to be evaluated and their past records
      investigated.Some don’t like Trump and would approve of his assasination.
      the fbi are not trust worthy and need to clean house before a tradjuty happens.

  3. No one is mentioning that MANY of the Secret Service personnel were with Jill Biden in Philadelphia, or Kamala Harris in Pittsburgh at the time of Pres. Trump’s rally! While I admit they would need some security, wouldn’t Pres. Trump need more, just due to the larger crown he always gets? Who is overseeing this Secret Service Department, and are they providing real security for Pres. Donald Trump, or just the Biden family, et al ??

    • This problem comes from leadership of the president and down the ranks of the government. When a president and vice president uses the government to not stop corruption they need to be replaced and punished.

      • Correct.All government agencies incl SS has been politicized,weaponized and made into President Biden’s Nazi type SS agencies

        • Puppeteered by Obama (who was hand-selected by Soros). Biden’s just been a figurehead even though he has been evil in his own right. NWO is the endgame plan and they will stop at nothing. They’ll keep trying.

      • Don’t hold your breath it’s not going to happen only when the real Americans step up and remove the entire government by force will this happen

    • I think that Soros is the biggest reason we have dishones & corrupt people in the Gov, just because he has lots of money and buys the media and most of the electee’s in the Gov, we probably wouldn’t have half as much corruption and disloyality to our country. Soros and his family need to be deported to wherever he came from & take all of his assets from him before he and his family are deported or jailed.

      • Soros’ goal is to destroy America and then go on to the next country. He’s not welcome in his home country, Hungary. He’s got a price tag on his head in some countries and he’s persona non gratis in many more. He leaves destruction in his wake. NWO is his only goal and he’ll stop at nothing until someone stops him and his cohorts. Trump is the man to do it. Go Trump/Vance 2024!!!

      • Soros is not a born U.S.citizen and can be removed and tried for treason against the United States but he pays the democrats lots of money so there not going to remove the hand that gives them lots of money

  4. This problem comes from leadership of the president and down the ranks of the government. When a president and vice president uses the government to not stop corruption corruption they need to be replaced and punished.

  5. I would hate to think that this lapse in protection for a former President who is also a possible future president was intentional. The more that is revealed, the more I think that this is a definite possibility.

    • The communist democrats want Trump dead anyway they can do it because he is in the way of the New World order the the communist democrats want.

    • Diane, I couldn’t agree with you more. There is absolutely NO WAY this many “lapses” could have occurred “by accident”!!! In video after video prior to shots fired, you can easily hear people YELLING to both police and USSS about “a guy on the roof with a rifle” and yet nothing was done……if even acknowledged!


      The moment this clown was seen with his rifle on the roof, he should have been taken out right then and there. By delaying long enough for him to take his first shot nearly cost Trump his life. Only by the Grace of God and timing did he survive.

      There is absolutely no way in Hell that you’ll ever convince me that these “lapses” and “failures” were anything BUT intentional!!!

  6. Two dead flies running under a Democratic Party banner have a more than even chance of election in our country as it exists today. Can’t cure stupid

  7. If you look over the grounds to secure
    . You don’t leave the one building that’s direct line of sight to the podium open. Even I would know that.Who ever made those decisions should be fired and investigate.

    • No one will lose their jobs and if Harris is elected it’s only going to be worse to the point that a civil war will happen

      • world war 111 is waiting to happen putin,china,& N korea are all waiting to see who is going to win the 2024 Presidential election.if Harris win,World War 111 will break and PRAY that God have mercy on us.Our military are not prepare for this kind of war.

  8. we can’t trust any of them to protect President Trump.I believe God has a plan, Its starting to unravel ,God will protect President Trump , WATCH AND LISTEN!

  9. Everything else has failed. their only option is to continue to try to assassinate President Trump. Iti the evil communist scum in our gov’t and “media.”

  10. WHY is any of this a new issue in this country????

    The Democrat/COMMUNISTS have been seizing our government institutions and pushing us into COMMUNISM for decades now. It has only become obvious in recent months!

    MILLIONS of US citizens have been screaming the warnings for a lo-o-ong time now and have been ignored, threatened and insulted for doing so!

    Well, here we are – AT THE CUSP OF GOING COMMUNIST AND BEING RULED FROM BEIJING – and now people are running in wild circles waving their arms in alarm.


  11. Maybe the Secret Service Snipers should go out a week ahead of a detail to set up protection for the Presidents . Military Snipers know the routes of military Coveys , Snipers do overhead protection of Military Patrols, Snipers takes advantage of all high level points to protect our Troops. Water towers , buildings, snipers take advantage of direct line of fire to our Troops. Maybe the Secret Service Snipers should be retrained, especially if their job is protecting the President ,if President Trump didn’t shift his body when he did we would have been having a Presidential Funeral . I find it hard to nobody has been fired . If you go back in History more Republican Presidents have been killed and wounded going back to Abe Lincoln. We really have to look into why the Secret Service is so incompetent at protecting Republican Presidents.

  12. This attempt on President Trumps life has “INSIDE JOB” written all over it! The reports of “stand down” orders is a red flag so huge that it would ompletely cover the state of Alaska. The Secret Service, as well as the whole Democratic Party, needs to be flushed and rebuilt.

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