A Pentagon official dropped a new bombshell about UFOs that sent shockwaves

The government is keeping the full picture about UFOs hidden from the public.  But the truth is slowly starting to leak about what they know. And a Pentagon official dropped a new bombshell about UFOs [...]


  1. As a 1947 baby boomer, I have always believed that the earthly presence of unworldly beings is factual. Throughout my life, Personal exposure and experience have taught me that “theories” are temporary answers to put the unknown on hold until facts are confirmed through actual hands-on intelligence. We are, after all, human beings still in

  2. They are real , I was captured , I lost 8 hours of time . I was flown into space , had medical experiments done . Then flown back to Earth. I was really sore in places on my body but don’t like talking about it. I also met people from earth that never was returned. They also have bases deep into the ocean where they live among us .

  3. When I was a boy of about 12, in 1960, I saw 5 of them in the sky in a stationary position. Like shaping the 5 outer corners of a pentagram. Much like the old chrysler car symbol. Equidistant from each other. This was in the dead of winter, January. They remained there for a few minutes, then they were gone. They were grayish discs, all the same size, and were not showing any lights. This was in the sky over Buffalo New York.

    • Watching “First Encounter” years ago I shocked to see the very similar Mother Ship of the aliens to the huge ship that slowly passed over my yard on the south shore of Long Island. This occurred in 1958 when I was 10 years old. The memory of tge ship I saw has come back to me often and even more often since watching “Close Encounter of the Third Kind”. So, yes I do believe that their are aliens that have visited earth. Advanced aliens who are watching how humans develop before announcing their presence to us

  4. Did I see an aien? It was in the late 1960s and I was driving back to my office when I saw a man walking alone across a field..I watched him as I drove and then he turned, looked right at me and an electrical flash occurred between us before my eyes, at least about a foot and a half long . I momentarily lost control of my car and almost ran into a ditch..I drove around looking for him but never saw him again. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this?

  5. Easy to see why the populace in general does not trust anything that comes out of the mouth of our government. From elections, to UFOs, to the Kennedy assassinations, to the recent attempt on Trump’s life, all of it is utter bullshit.

    • I feel the same way. How long do they really believe that they can continue to lie and be believed.

  6. Let’s get both presidential candidates to promise that they will declassify all government and intelligence regarding UFOs, UFPs, etc. We can get their promises during the debate!

  7. So, what’s to worry about? I’ve read dozens of reports of crashed UFOs and dead alien bodies being found by the government. Think about it. These aliens fly gazillions of miles through limitless space to get here then can’t land on the planet without crashing and killing themselves.

    Oh, and according to the media Trump is a Nazi (LOL LOL LOL) and UFOs are real. Which is the bigger lie?

    There is absolutely NOTHING in Bible Prophesy that indicates extraterrestrials will enter the End Days. Nothing at all.

  8. Trump is. But I don’t know how much each president is told. I think a lot was hidden from Trump because they knew he would tell the truth to everyone. I watched 3 fly over high line towers at the back of my parents farm. They were sucking electricity from the wires. Our lights were dimmed. Took at least a half an hour.

  9. It is scam to shake up the Russians and CCP just like Reagan’s Star Wars scam was.

    I would say more but the aliens in my backyard are drinking all my beer and screwing with the barbeque.

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