A campaign finance report just surfaced that shows how Liz Cheney is bankrolling Democrat candidates

Wyoming voters booted RINO Liz Cheney from office in 2022 after she helped lead Nancy Pelosi’s January 6 witch hunt against Donald Trump. Despite her crushing defeat, the disgraced former Congresswoman vowed to do everything [...]


    • Unfortunately RINOs vote for RINOs. They are trying to infiltrate the Republican Party. Be diligent voters! Make sure you’re voting for a conservative.

  1. Liz Cheney is a toxic, bitter, beaten politician. She is angry that trump knocked out her chance at political advancement by beating out Jeb Bush and taking the Bush-Cheney cabal out of the political ring. Bitterness rarely wins over pragmatism in politics, and now Liz Cheney is reduced to sucking along with her enemies who will never be her friends. She is a traitor without a country, and her words are nothing but vile bile.

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