Ron DeSantis and Elon Musk blindsided Washington, D.C. with this billion-dollar move that left bureaucrats scrambling

Three Key Takeaways: Ron DeSantis and Elon Musk shocked Washington, D.C. by returning nearly $1 billion in federal funding, a bold move that highlighted Florida’s rejection of federal overreach and spending manipulation. This financial decision, [...]


  1. Gov. Ron DeSantis and Elon Musk is Doing what Desperately needed to be Done and every state that has Federal or state Funding for illigle Aliens………
    UNDOCUMENTED ILLIGLE IMMIGRANTS That Broke our Immigration laws… when Joe opened that BORDER up to millions upon Millions of illigles with no plan to go with it, it has caused Nothing but serious Problems we Don’t have the money or the Resources to take care of these PPL were close to 37 Trillion in Debt.. The Americans hard earned money Didn’t sign up for this BS it is HURTING every American Citizen that’s entitled to state or government funds or programs BUT we keep Dealing with Waste Fraud and Abuse caused by the DEMS the illigle immigrants are also getting away with committing Fraud taking money their not entitled to…..
    I’ve noticed a huge difference and Because of this it’s making it 10 Times worse on the American people.
    President Trump is RIGHT what he’s Doing is not wrong he’s trying to FIX AMERICA B4 it’s to late WE ARE IN A SERIOUS MESS BECAUSE OF THE LAST ADMINISTRATION those 4YRS has Hurt our DEMOCRACY OUR NATION OUR RIGHTS our LAWS……. It’s time to Deport every undocumented illigle alien that came over During the Joe ADMINISTRATION they Broke the LAW..

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