A Supreme Court Justice just blindsided Donald Trump with this jaw-dropping betrayal
Three Key Takeaways: Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett, appointed by Trump, shocked conservatives by securing a $2 million book deal while siding with liberal justices on key cases important to Trump’s agenda. Barrett’s voting [...]
Well, everything going on is about one’s greed for the money, money, money….For the pleasure whatever that is, I see, especially educated ones, them losing their morals and shame on them…I lose respect for those kind of people.
After they leave office. As you can see even Judges are after the all mighty dollar. Their decicions are bought. Leaving We the People at risk for unfair decions!
First off no justices should have lifetime appointments. Them and politicians should be limited to ten years of service. Get out go home and continue your career in the public sector. No more government work ever again.
Exactly what I’ve thought all along! No lifetime appointments, and politicians go back to your job, your families and your community! The Founding Fathers never intended Congress to make it a career – after serving a certain amount of time, go back to the real world to experience first hand the damage you’ve done!
She should be impeach. She lied about being a Republican. She had shown her true colors just like judge Roberts has. When you betray the American people with lies you must be impeach. The democrats tried getting to of only black man on the Supreme Court. When Biden put a woman on the bench that doesn’t know what a woman the Supreme Court is over. Democrats have for years tried to destroy the courts, justice and America. With help from stupid young adults! Amy, is a embarrassment to America and the court. She needs to walk away and take Roberts with her.Traitors to the constitution.
Absolutely! Had enough donkeys in elephant suits! Besides – judges are not supposed to be biased by party politics@
There is this thing called Ethics. I do believe though that when you are placed in a SCOTUS postion you are on the job 100% of your time. The POTUS sure is. For that amound of money a Justice should be. That leaves no time for the writting and selling of any books or promotions of anything else. If she wants to do that they she should step down from the Bench.
Ithink Trump learn his lesson Like Jesus was betrayed by Judas
Sad day indeed. Here we have a SC justice hiding her true beliefs to get nominated
by Pres. Trump. Then shows her true self….greed for the all mighty dollar casting
all her so called beliefs aside and follows the money like so many others do that
are weak and forget what got them where they are. Betrayal comes to mind. She can
fool some of the people some of the time but not all the people all the time.
Here’s to this haunting you going forward. You are letting a lot of folks down…..
sad day indeed…..
These book deals are under the table payoffs. Im sure there will be a semi truck load of her brand new books sent to DNC headquarters for free distribution to show off the bribed judges betrayal
Her so called book deal is brokered by none other than george soros who owns (indirectly covertly)the book publisher. Soros gives her 2million chunks at a time as a reward for deciding cases the way soros wants her to decide them . amy grin andberret should be criminally investigeted and impeached .
Lets not forget that when Biden in office Chuck Shumer threatened SCOTUS when he did like their decisions. He said justices Kavanaugh and Gorsuch “will pay the price” if they voted against Democrats pro life stance. Shortly after Shumers comment a man armed with a gun and knife was arrested next to Kavanaugh’s home. He had made social entry that he intended to harm Kavanaugh and his family. Think SCOTUS got message that they would not be safe if they didnt make Democrats happy.
She’s been bought!
That’s no different government on stock
Simply……. no one buy the book !
Barrett for a time has been going far too left for the job she has, They are supposed to stay neutral and she is swaying in the wind on the left side. This is a good reason why the SC should NOT be lifetime positions. Too much of one siding is happening far too often for quite a while and time for it to be looked into. Writing a book with the left more than shows where her priority’s lie.
No matter who they are or what position they hold or which what party there in should be held accountable for committing acts of treason and everyone of them is guilty and when that is proven they should be given a choice firing squad or hangman’s rope it’s simple and efficient people act like it’s not important that so many of the people in power have committed multiple Acts of treason it’s very important because they do not love America or understand how and why a government of the people for the people and by the people works and allows us to live in freedom from government oppression untill the Obama Biden Harris administration used a weaponized justice system that includes control of the military to carry out the actual insurrection and to imprison anyone who challenged their insane agenda to destroy America and build it back the way they think it should be there agenda is right out of the communist Chinese play book on how to take control of an entire country erase their historical past and do not allow people to build wealth or to participate in anything that would unify the people keep them divided and if any American doesn’t realize that we are at war for our freedom God gave us a reprieve a chance to make things right and save America from communist democratic america last party and what there doing with these judge’s is proof of the depth with which they have infiltrated every level of government from the school board to the white house and when they show themselves like they are doing right now theY should be removed and charged with treason we have 4 year’s to clean up enough of the corruption to have honest elections across the board and replace all the traitors with God fearing Patriots and get back to the America I knew as a boy
Do anything and say anything to sell a book regardless of your true beliefs and understanding of the constitution. I am glad to be the age that I am so that I won’t be around to see the annilation of the american way of life.
We were told she was very religious. We were lead to believe she had good moral virtue. Turns out, she’s just another misguided liberal – with an emphasis “misguided”. She suffers from TDS!
Supreme Court Justices are dangerously close to bribery in forming their Judicial judgements influenced by remunerations from ‘so-called’ book deals. Therefore, all such activities for open or private remuneration should be totally banned for Sitting Active Judges!