Gavin Newsom turned beet red when Steve Bannon destroyed him with this brutal reality check
Three Key Takeaways: Gavin Newsom’s new podcast, aimed at positioning himself for a 2028 Presidential run, backfired when it alienated both his conservative critics and liberal base, leading to a significant drop in his favorability [...]
Gavin Newsom is not a very nice man.And I hope he cannot get into b.EA President because the world will be not good at all.He’s worse than anything in the whole world I think
Newson is your typical demorat, he will lie, he is worse then most demorats. California was once the state people wanted to come, live work and enjoy the meny different things you can do here, but not anymore. Don’t buy into anything that comes out of his mouth, it’s most likely a lie.
I agree with you. I wouldn’t vote for him for dog catcher. He should resign and go away
Grabing Newscum is nothing but a greasy haired turd. I wouldn’t vote forhim for any position other than street cleaner after a parade on farm animals (usins his mouth).
Newsom has a horrible track record in California. He has done everything wrong for the people of California. I am amazed that anyone in the state could still approve of anything he has done, including the mayor of LA. Why haven’t the people of California removed him from office, As Californians should be well aware that Newsom is leading California to destruction with lies, deception and false promises, it doesn’t bother him, he really doesn’t care, he is only concerned about his own self interest, welfare and benefits, not Californians citizens. Newsom has generated a 3 BILLION DOLLAR DEBT WITH HIS INCOMPETENT AGENDAS.