Donald Trump was grinning from ear to ear as MSNBC’s Democrat propaganda machine implodes

MSNBC’s liberal empire is finally crumbling under the weight of its own Democrat propaganda. President Trump’s relentless exposure of their bias, coupled with plummeting ratings and failed programming, proves what the Conservative Underground News team [...]


  1. It’s just an unamerican news outlet! They don’t stand up for freedom and rights for the American people. They like illegals ,criminals, terrorists, the Nazi regime taking over the democrat party. They lie every day. Never tell the truth. They makeup lies to fit their pea brains. No thank you. They have caused a lot of problems and destroyed people’s lives with their lies. How much does it pay to betray your country and lie? Where do you go after your fired? Do lie about everything to a new owner? The web you weave will only get you death and destruction of your life.

  2. Cannot stand any of them! All they ever do is manufacture stories and
    lie, lie, lie! If they really think that is what we the people want to hear they are sadly mistaken!

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