Liz Cheney couldn’t wipe the smile off her face after she and Joe Biden gave Americans this final middle finger
The past few years have seen Liz Cheney repeatedly make a total fool out of herself on a national scale. With the Biden regime coming to an end she knows things will only get worse [...]
Liz and Joe have made a mockery of an award which, at one time, was priceless.
Absolutely, Biden has managed to cheapen what was once a prestigious award.
They are a total disgrace to this country and themselves “It is better to be thought a fool than open ones mouth and remove all doubt”
Liz Chaney is a snake in the grass just like her daddy !
Since this award means nothing anymore, he may as well give one to Putin.
I wonder if Trump can recall the award based on her shameful actions, get her completely kicked out of Congressial poltics altogether so she can never return to Capital Hill. Both her and Hillary only deserved the third class turd Award.
How can anyone as mentally challenged as sleepy JOE Biden claim any mandates that could ever be legal?
Liz Cheney is her own worst enemy, and so is Joe Biden his own worst enemy. I really think the Democrat Party has hurt themselves in the long run. They took a chance on Kamala Harris which was a mistake. They listened to the Far Left, choosing Kamala Harris to run for president, not allowing the DNC members to Vote on a candidate but were forced to support Ms. Harris. So many Real Democrats who support the Constitution, left/resigned in the Democrat Party, along with Democrats all across America to leave the Democrat Party and join with the Republicans or became Independents. The Left Progressives Democrats really hurt themselves as well as the Democrat Party by choosing Kamala Harris to represent them. American Voters were not fooled nor like what the Far Left did and was doing to our Nation. But what I saw was the Perfect Democrat to run for the Presidency as he has the sense, at least for a Democrat, to be a reasonable, sane man who had some wisdom, that they chose to ignore because of the Far Left wanting to change America. Even Senator Kisten might have voted for him as she was smart enough to recognize his worth while she was a Democrat.
Does Senator Joe Manchin (if I spelled his name correctly) ring a bell? Even though I liked the Senator, I would still have voted for Donald John Trump for the 47th President, but I think the true American Democrats would have stayed in the Democrat Party and voted for him. To me the Senator was their best bet. And had he been chosen, perhaps the Far-Left Progressives of the Democrat Party would have been defeated, as it is, the American Democrats, true American Democrats are no more, that is unless the DNC wises up. The DNC needs to reevaluate their position and what they stand for, because at the present, they do not stand for the United States of America, period.
Wow you are so right. The democrats did nothing for America or for the American people. They took taxpayers money and made us pay for everything they wanted, illegals didn’t have to pay for anything, WE DID, food, utilities, gas, insurances(car, house, property taxes)etc. The past 4 yrs have been HELL. I think they all should be put in prison for committing Treason, instead they get pardons, medals, other rewards just to be liars, corrupt, traitors, invent witch hunts, hoaxes, pay others to falsely accuse people they want to get rid of. They gave our money to help other countries so they can get paybacks. I’m so disgusted with these democrats/liberals they get richer and we end up poorer. President Trump cares about us and America and he has a lot of work to do because the Democrats destroyed it all. God will help him clean up this country and so will “WE THE PEOPLE”. GOD BLESS AMERICA, PRESIDENT TRUMP, HIS FAMILY AND HIS ADMINISTRATION 🙏🏻❤️🇺🇸👊🏻👏🏻👍🎉
Liz Cheney stick one of your middle fingers in your mouth and the other on in your ass and play switch
Your just like your old man a American Trader and your time will come when you fall on your fat ass.
Liz Cheney need to face the punishment for TREASONOUS! She can claim she a lawyer, but her action say otherwise. She a warmonger who want to see a war to killed off the young people! Just like her father who doesn’t deserve any respect either. She know she has violation so many laws on the CONSTITUTION, she doesn’t care what the law says. Not one ANTIFA or BLM was arrested or charge for their role on MEMORIAL WEEKEND ATTACK ON THE CAPITOL! You made wonder why? Because they were sponsored by DEMOCRAT party! Biden fail the COGNITIVE TEST, show you democrats knew it! But didn’t care what the American people thought! They were trying hard to destory America by letting these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS IN THAT WERE RELEASED FROM PRISON IN SOUTH AMERICA AND VENEZUELA! I say it again you have to be some kind of FOOL, if you going vote for a democrat who doesn’t care you live or died!