Joy Behar looked on in horror after Kamala Harris made one game-changing mistake

It was the moment the harpies on The View waited for their entire lives.  Kamala Harris appeared as a guest on the daytime show.  But Joy Behar looked on in horror after Kamala Harris made [...]


    • Do you know what endears a rhino of each party to politics, and to each other? They can get down and dirty. Which is which is where they are most pigs in a sty. What you say about them doesnt matter because soul has already been bought and paid prayer will always be for Devine Justice. They are people who will have to have a pass from Satan to get into hell..


  1. you’re being gentle & kind here about the senseless, useless laughing (and bumbling brainless Barak Obama’s newest puppet who can’t speak or think for herself– told what to say, when, what to do etc.) hyena!

  2. Biden the CATHOLIC TRAITOR has abandoned Ukraine. Well, he is getting money from Russian oil (as well as son Hunter) which is used to pay for bombs against Ukraine.
    CATHOLICS have a perfect record of a thousand years of 99.55% FAILURE. Vote accordingly.

  3. Kamala Harris is a cackling candidate. If she wins the United States of America will become a worst country in the world.
    She has no business accument and poor International Relationship.
    If Kamala is elected the rest of the world will catch pneumonia.
    Please do not let it happen.

      • i would say the puppeteer would be borack, piglosi, shummer, and the rest of the democrook loonies!! F the democrooks!!1

    • you are absolutly right kamal could never run our country like trump has done and will do again. kamala has no sense to run a country. absolutly stupid she cant answer question that makesense. she is real stupid.and if people vote for this stupid vp we wont have a country anymore. please vote for president donald j trump the first thing that trump will do is closed the dam boarder. this women wont even talk about our open boarder because she wants it wide open for illehgals to vote for her. and by then we will never have a free country ahgain vote ythis nut job out period wake uppeople in our country.trump in 2024.

  4. kamala is a disaster anyone that remember the moviee How to Succeed in Business without really trying wil recognize the Robert morse candidate as Kamala He keeps getting promoted to higher positions because he is mcompletely incapable at each position this conttinues til he becomes President so you can imagine the result Kamla is Morse

  5. Harris will say both ng important about anything she will do because it is the same idealogy she had when she ran for the president before she is a communist Marxist she has not changed her spots she just avoids answering questions because she knows she will be rejected, anyone who votes for a Democrat is voting to destroy America or should I say finish America off because we are in the edge now. This Biden regime wants a America and American last and they have proven it time and time again for anyone to believe the media or a Democrat is plan stupidity they are lairs and cheats, Democrats what to rule not serve, and I will not be a government tax paying slave!

    • You should consider saying you are sorry to every knucklhead in the world for comparing those 2 $hit heads to knuckleds world wide

  6. Please do ur Homework America,,,it’s the 11th hour people,,,WAKE UP!!,,(KKK)-Kackling Klueless Kamala just made herself very Clear on “The View”,,,They gave her a huge open window opportunity to distance herself from Biden,,but she buried herself deeply by stating,,” I can’t think of a single thing to differentiate me to Biden,,& I’ve worked very close to him on most of the Decision making that has impacted & effected American Lives”,,That sums it up in a nutshell folks,,Another disasterous 4 years of Biden,,,The same disaster happened on late night with Steven Colbert,,The rally in Michigan truly sums up her stupidity when the Teleprompter malfunctioned & the look on her face looked like she just crapped her pants & she repeated “32 days” over & over & over & over again ,,Proving she CANNOT speak off the cuff or think on her feet what so ever & she wants to become Commander & Chief of America,,,I’ll say it again America,,,WAKE UP!!!

  7. Harris is a disgrace to America we are already the laughing stock of the world thanks to Joe Biden but if Harris gets elected all these foreign countries will be on the floor rolling with laughter because they know they are going to be able to push her around just like they did Joe Biden. And Ukraine will really take advantage of her for more money from America cuz she will be too weak and afraid to say no more money because we are putting America and the American people first wouldn’t that be a big change from the last 3 years and 10 months putting America first.


  8. Her presidency will be more of the same Biden policies! Why…because Puppet Master Obama will pull her puppet strings just like he has been pulling Biden’s puppet strings the last four years. If this country is foolish enough to put laughing Hyena Harris and Tampon Tim Walz in office, we’re DOOMED. VOTE VOTE VOTE TRUMP!

  9. Wonder if she’s ever listened to her answers on any interview she’d had and thought…boy I screwed that up…betcha not or she thinks her rambling, incoherent answers are perfect. What a blithering imbecile. VOTE DONALD J TRUMP 2024!!!!!!!!

  10. If you can not figure out that Harris can not give you answers, and has no answers on want she can do to Help the American people and Not the illegals. Harris was in charge of the Border and in 3 1/2 years she did not stop the illegals. We as Americans will have to pay for all the Free things Biden and Harris have given the illegals – money, phones, credit cards, places to stay, food, medical care. Did Harris and Biden give you all these free things?

    • not just free things she will be doing.these illegals will be killing our country and our kids and people in our country. wake up people of america vote please vote for president donald j trump in 2024. get these luney people out karris biden and rest of the corrupt demorats. vote for president donald j trump in 2024.if you dont were not to have a country no more,god bless america and god bless president donald j trump.

  11. Differences: He is ill with dementia and should never have been elected. She is stupid and can’t blame dementia.

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