A “60 Minutes” interviewer put jaws on the floor when he confronted Kamala Harris with one vital truth

After months of hiding, Kamala Harris has finally decided to start doing televised interviews. The Democrat Presidential nominee probably assumed that she’d be given nothing but soft questions. But a 60 Minutes interviewer put jaws [...]


  1. Harris can’t make any sense unless she reads what someone else wrote for her on a teleprompter! Could you just imagine her meeting with a Foreign Leader and could only “Cackle” and have him wondering what the Hell did she say? That would get around fast and everyone would wonder what has happened to the United States, that they would send someone like this moron to talk business with Heads of States!

    • Right! A reflection on the American people as to who would elect someone like this to represent their nation? Have we overall become this stupid? If so, we deserve to be conquered.

  2. Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and the USA will look the same as everything south of the USA. Ignorant, poverty ridden, no infrastructure, crime ridden, corrupt to the core is what CATHOLIC traitors bring to the USA.
    Now he has abandoned Ukraine. Well, he is getting money from Russian oil (as well as son Hunter) which is used to pay for bombs against Ukraine.
    CATHOLICS have a perfect record of a thousand years of 99.55% FAILURE. Vote accordingly.

    • I’m a Catholic. Got out of the church a long time ago. Can’t stand for what it has become. My ancestor was Sir Thomas More, Chancellor of England under Henry the 8th. Got everything to do with it in this time period as this country is going to he’ll in a handcart.

      • I do not like what is happening in the Church, but my Faith is in God, not People. Sir Thomas Moore was a Great Saint. Stick to your faith, not government.

    • Oh come on, that’s just not true! I was never a JFK fan, but he never turned us into a 3rd world crap hole, and some of our best justices have also been Catholic, without pointing us that way, via SCOTUS opinions. Then you have apostate Catholics like “Joe Biden”, who has done precisely that with hide votes in Congress, and since moving to the fake Oval Office…

  3. Kamala Harris is an inept and inadequate candidate. She is woefully unqualified to be the President of the United States! The Demococrats don’t seem to think the American voter is intelligent enough to see just how poor a candidate she is. They try to shield her from being exposed. Everyone knows that Kamala would just be a puppet-President, someone who Barack Obama could control from behind the scenes. America doesn’t need or want a puppet, we want a real leader. We want someone who can think on their feet and react, not someone who deflects responsibility and constantly offers “word-salad” gibberish. We see what the Democrat’s strategy is, and we reject it! We deserve better!

    • We all know who is running the country. A shadow government run by Obozo and his wingman Holder along with the rest of his cronies.

      • Soros is Obama’s puppeteer. Obama was hand-selected and trained by Soros. The destruction of America as we know it is the goal. Soros is no longer welcome in his home country, Hungary as well as many other European countries. One World Order is the ultimate plan.

      • They also tell her what to say through her earrings which are receivers!!!!!Someone is transmitting answers to her. She has had them on constantly since the debate with Trump! I know of no woman who wears the same earrings that long. Someone needs to check this out. Speak to Sara Gonzales on the Blaze for info!

    • You forgot ineligible! She is not an US citizen under the 14th A, no matter what “Chipaquidick Teddy” believed, since that amendment was never amended and a Congressionally passed “law” cannot override it, let alone a natural born child of 2 US citizen parents at the time of her birth. Ergo, she does not meet the Constitutional requirement to be a native born, let alone natural born US citizen. Her mother was not under US jurisdiction at the time of her birth.

  4. CBS News should be sanctioned by the FCC for blatantly editing that interview with Harris & Whitaker. That’s election interference in my book! That edit job was so egregious it would make you throw a telephone book at your TV.

    • FCC is another WOKE agency. They just fast-tracked “George Soros’ acquisition of more than 200 Audacy radio stations across America.”
      “George Soros closer to controlling 200 radio stations despite … – Yahoo”
      Guaranteed, there will be censorship of any conservative radio talk show host.
      It appears that if there’s any sanctioning by the FCC, it will be against conservatives.

  5. Why didn’t she just tell him, that she was raised in a middle-class home ? I fault the Congress for making this administration fly illegals into my hometown.

  6. Our border is broken and the Biden/Harris regime broke it, but they blame it on Trump. Duh. They don’t need Congress to solve the problem. Dopey ol’ Joe could close the border tomorrow. He could reinstate all of Trumps border control policies, BUT HE WON’T.

  7. Dont tell the American people that Congress has to fix it when you and Biden made the problem. STOP blaming everyone else , when you and Biden made the problem.

  8. Will you all PLEASE give up on the notion that the Democrat/Communists are doing these things out of stupidity! THEY AREN’T! They’re doing them deliberately as part of their scheme to DESTROY Constitutional America and replace it with another COMMUNIST Shiite Hole.

    AND IT IS WORKING!!!! Our so-called “brave defenders” are SOLD OUT and the so-called political opposition is COMPLICIT!!

    The Loud and clear warnings have been SCREAMED at the nation for decades now but FEW were listening! Are you listening yet??

  9. I believe the blood of patriots who sacrificed for this great country are crying out for justice. The demons who want to destroy America must not be allowed to succeed. The time for apathy is over. We cannot have a Communist government.

  10. Do not know where “the Catholic” point came from. I am a strong Catholic and will vote for Trump. He is not perfect, but I vote for who is best for the country. Used to vote Dem. Biden has betrayed America and the Catholic Church and faith. Kamala is not competent to be the President. I am from England originally, both countries are in a mess. Feel sad, but at 83 I will not have to live much longer. The world is going mad.

    • “Biden” is allegedly a Catholic, as are most of the leaders, past and present, of Central and South American nations, but “nominal at best” probably fits them all to a tee.

  11. There are some people who are brainwashed and so stupid they vote for her! They voted for Biden and look what they have done to our country and yet they still will vote Democrat! Wake up!! You are giving our country away!

    • A lot of people separate Harris from Biden saying she’ll follow in his footsteps. She and Biden are both to blame as President and VP – they made the poor decisions together. A vote for Harris is a vote for more of the same that BOTH of them created – she’s not the newcomer. She’s an incumbent, which makes it worse. Vote Trump/Vance 2024!!!

  12. Look everybody Obama got his third term with Joe Bidenhe had his hand up Joe’s butt operating his mouth. Now he wants a forth term with Kamala it will be all the same,Except she may like having his hand up her B-t operating her mouth. CBS ,ABC ,CNN,AND A FEW OTHERS ARE ALL READING THE SAME MEMO ALMOST WORD FOR WORD The Democraps are controling everything WAKE UP

  13. When did Kalama become a U.S. citizen? Her father was from Jamaica and her mother, from India. She lived much of her young life in Nontreal, Canada! I always heard that people running for president had to be native-born!

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