A Secret Service agent exposed this terrible reality the agency’s “leadership” wanted to bury

The Secret Service is trying to reform itself after two assassination attempts against Donald Trump.  But the proposed reforms are only papering over a bigger problem.  And a Secret Service agent exposed this terrible reality [...]


  1. SS using dei is the reason, all the money in the world would not help when they are using dei
    just more of the democrats that are destroying America for china and iran and russia and all the illegal criminal border insurgents.

  2. ALL of the agencies -FBI, CIA, Secret Service have been compromised. One poster mentioned DEI-true. We are talking SECURITY here. America has been really F##ked up since Obama got in office. He weaponized the IRS-remember Lois Lerner? And he did it to allof the other agencies. Look at our Armed Forces!! Biden/Harris have them worried about pronouns and DEI while the Chinese and iranians laugh and keep pushing us!!

  3. Obama was the worst President ever!! His only qualification was that George Soros liked him. Democratic Presidents are a was of money and time!!

    • all of the alphabet security agencies need to be overhauled from top to bottom. they should all be committed to doing their jobs without prejudiced regardless of their political affiliation. if they can’t then they need to resign and get jobs as rent a cops which what i have seen lately is what most of them qualify for or maybe the keystone cops. if i were President Trump i would hire my own security going into this last month!!

  4. When Trump takes the Oval Office in January, he will need to demand the resignations of all leadership positions in these agencies. Starting with the top department heads and extending down the ladder to include as many leadership positions as can practically be replaced. A test fir leadership positions must include no political bias allowed. Get rid of all liberals from every level of government.

    • That’s going to leave a LOT of vacancies! However, most of those agencies are unconstitutional and should just be shut down, and all that money applied to the national debt.

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