Donald Trump could put Nancy Pelosi in jail for this awful crime

Nancy Pelosi is one of the figureheads in the Washington, D.C. Swamp. Her recent actions are attracting new scrutiny. And Donald Trump could put Nancy Pelosi in jail for this awful crime. Trump accuses Pelosi [...]


    • Big question now is can we boot Jokementia/KamalToe and their 6 new unneeded wars out of our White Powder Cocaine House before they achieve their ultimate GOAL of WORLD WAR THREE / WWIII ???

      • Nancy has made her bed with Crooked Joe/Jill, Kamala and Tampon Tim. They are all in this together. Nancy orchestrated this whole scenario behind closed doors to take down Trump to start with. From the time she tore up Trump’s State of the Union address, she has sought her revenge against Trump. I’m only surprised no one has tried to take any kind of a ‘shot’ at all these Democrat bureaucrat heathens.

  1. Take her stock earns away and give it to FEMA to help Helene victims. Then put Mayorkas in jail for allowing it to happen

  2. It seems that members of congress and the senators have been getting very rich for years of insider trading, not to mention long terms in government to stuff their pockets. Do we still have a government of the people, by the people and for the people or is it now totally for itself by itself and of itself? There are too many “Pelosi’s” in the government.

  3. Martha Stewart got charged with insider trading and was charged, convicted and sent to jail??? Same thing, been going on for years with those in office, yet they went after her???

  4. Nancy and her husband both need to serve prison time for insider trading. Take their ill gotten gains and use it to help the victims of Hurricane Helene

    • but the DOJ would say they are to old and the jurors would would not prosecute senile (Democrat’s)old people so its not worth bringing charges!

  5. As many politicians that get to Washington crying poverty and leave office millionaires none of them should ever receive a raise. They scam the system for enough compensation.

  6. Seems to me that specific members of Congress just get richer and richer while We the Little People just get poorer and poorer. Yet people just keep voting into power the same members of Congress.

    And they get richer. And We get poorer.

    Insanity. STUPIDITY.

    *R.I.P., USA.

    *Rest in Poverty.

  7. Pelosi always says that SHE doesn’t own stock that her husband owns it. So what, if you give him the information then it’s still insider trading. She also gave the information to her kids. She needs to be charged. She is no different than people on Wall Street getting caught doing this. She is such a condescending liar and BITCH.

  8. As much money as she has they should charge her and take away her pension and pay. And she needs to be charged for libel and fraud for the January 6 joke of a trial. Everyone on that joke of a trial should be charged and have to pay restitution to everyone they charged.

  9. Swamp Queen Pelosi gets the inside information. The at night, she tells her husband what she knows. The next day or so he makes the trade. Then she claims that she’s in Washington while he’s in San Francisco so she doesn’t know what he’s doing. That’s her sxam.

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