Nancy Pelosi just uttered one gas-lighting sentence she hopes will rewrite recent history

Even at 84-years-old Nancy Pelosi refuses to go away.  She may have stepped down from Democrat leadership in the U.S. House, but she remains in Congress and is still one of the most powerful Democrat [...]


    • A coup with KamalToe riding in on Jokementia’s coat tails is the only way zilch popularity KamalToe was getting in… but those coat tails don’t stretch very well into the General Election which requires actual VOTES! And true info on incompetent warmongering elite mega liars KamalToe/Tampon will be getting somewhat out…

      • It’s what Democrats do best – lie and corrupt the whole system. It will be the most fraudulent election in American history. And yes, Pelosi will do all in her power to see that all injustice is done. It wouldn’t surprise me if she conspires a ‘revolution’ of her own, or should I say an insurrection? She is very good at ‘back room politics’.

  1. When pelosi dies she will go to hell for all her lies and dirty deeds. She will then return and spend her next 80 years in what she created. She will live her own karma.

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