Scott Jennings threw down the gauntlet on CNN over this big lie about Donald Trump

CNN is ramping up its lies and hoaxes against Donald Trump for the election.  But one of the network’s personalities wouldn’t stand for it.  And Scott Jennings threw down the gauntlet on CNN over this [...]


  1. Don’t pay attention to the polls that the left show. GOD is on the side of truth Donald Trump is truth. Good for Scott Jennings for speaking up. I think ABC should Fire David Muir and Lindsey Davis they are on the side of Harris and her lies and last but not least Kamala Harris is not black maybe 10% if that .Vote Trump and Vance for a better tomorrow.

    • ABC also needs to fire kackalmala’s sorority sister Executive best friend first. Trump should appoint Scott Jennings as White House communications director when he’s elected as our 47th president!!! He does still have his job at CNN I assume ???
      *****TRUMP/VANCE 2024*****

    • I totally agree. ABC should be shunned for the awful debate moderators. Shameful. Lies upon lies from the Democrats.
      Harris is incompetent and ABC actually proved the point.

      • Harris’ executive friend on the ABC network gave her the questions in advance. She should be fired, and indicted for election interference, as should David Muir and Lindsey Davis. They were all a part of this plot to make Kamala look better, basically negating the whole point of having a debate, and even having moderators, whose role it is to simply keep the candidates within their time limits for the sake of EQUALITY. It’s NOT their role to debate and fact-check EITHER of the candidates.

    • Lies and terrible policies of the Biden/Harris have come to the surface. I can’t believe anyone is falling for the leftists in the Democratic Party. Please use your intelligence.

  2. When people in the news repeat lies and try to change the narrative only tells how deep they are in with the democrats. So sad I thought journalism was suppose to not be biased. Thats why people don’t watch or trust the channels they are on anymore.

  3. It’s a shame that more people do not know history. In the 1930’s the newest member of the Chancelor’s cabinet was given the lowly job of working with the media. In those days it was newspapers and newsreels shown before movies. He weaponized that media, turning them against the Chancelor. He sold the media a package of lies and they sold it to the people. There was no 2 sides to the story – only one. And if you did not buy into his violent rhetoric you were burned out of business, arrested and disappeared. He won. The world appeased him until it could do it no longer and then the world burned. The man’s name was Hitler, and the country was Germany. This is what your media has become and where your world is going. The media – they are Hitler’s children, the Democrats they are using Hitler’s playbook. You decide!!!!

  4. Comrade Hyena Harris is the lying Demon Dictator that will use all the illegals she let in this country to have a blood bath of Mega Americans and anyone else that apposes her!! I don’t watch the news anymore it is all propaganda for the Communist Democrat party. I’m afraid of the army she has let in this country I wonder when they will attack us with a military action. Dictator Hyena Harris didn’t receive one vote to be the presidential candidate!! NOT ONE VOTE FROM THE PEOPLE!! President Trump is an honest patriot that is telling us the truth about the evil Communist Democrat parties plan. Please vote Trump Vance to save us all.

    • American voters will never hear the real truth about Harris, because the liberal media cover for her as they have covered for Biden!
      Democrats have lied, continue to lie, and will always lie and cheat to remain in power.
      It is not this country or the people that Democrats care for, it is all about remaining in power!

  5. Viva Trump! Viva Vance and Viva Jennings from CNN! Someone suggested above that Jennings be made the White House Communications Director by Trump…completely agree with that.
    We need to vote out all the “progressives” in congress…they are all progressing toward communism!!
    We have no room for that kind in the USA! I was part of the fight against that in the Vietnam war!!

  6. I have been scepticle about anything reported by the MSM since Vietnam. ABC has become the most left-wing of all the media outlets in redent years, but they all are ant-americ in their reporting. If other personalities, like Jennings, would speak the truth America might survive this coming election since most Americand are brainwashed by left-wing propaganda about Trump and his followers. If a person truly loves our nation and believes in God they will vote against the violent, lying sociolist democrats at all levels of government and return America to patriotic sane governance.

  7. MSM,CBS,CNN,ABC,PLUS MSNBC all lie listen to them they all read off the same sheet they dont even try to change one word They all follow George Sorros

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