Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Kamala Harris has led to a major plot twist that has Democrats flipping their lids

Taylor Swift recently endorsed Kamala Harris for President. That caused many “experts” to celebrate all of the younger voters who will supposedly now vote because she told them to. But Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Kamala [...]


  1. Those young adults are smarter than you think. They are going to vote for freedom ,peace and a future in a land where they can have freedom of speech freedom to chose the future of their choice. They don’t want to pay someone else’s collage tuition for the rest of their lives. They are going to vote for President trump!!

  2. The biullionair Taylor Swift has no clue what the average person is going thru. I don’t believe that she has looked into any of the horrible things that Kamala Harris has done in her career. Harris got her political success by being Willie Browns whore. Im sure she has whored herself out many more times. As far as Taylor, well her many relationships that did not work out shows she has a very bad judgement of people. I think Taylor is a very nasty person from what I have read.

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