Nancy Pelosi just revealed how Chuck Schumer plans to give Democrats permanent power in Washington, D.C.

There’s less than two months left until November’s election. Control of the entire federal government is up for grabs. And Nancy Pelosi just revealed how Chuck Schumer plans to give Democrats permanent power in Washington, [...]


  1. God forbid that America is shackled to anymore asinine policies and massive overspending by unethical, power-mongering, Democrat traitors!!!

    • Federal election laws would be in violation of the US Constitution. The US Constitution give the power to make election laws solely to each individual state.

  2. these corrupt democrooks wont get away with thinking they can hire all these workers and President Trump wont be able to fire them..wrong…wrong..wrong… they are going to audit everyone with the goverment and the ones who committed crimes with fraud and stealing funds will be spending the rest of their lives in federal prison where they belong…heads are going to roll…the laws are going to change..the government workers work for the American people..Not the American people work for the goverment workers…we can have them fired… when they leave their paychecks will stop also..they have made their own laws and have not been following the constitution like they are suppose to..these corrupt democrooks dont own the goverment like they seem to think..Looking forward to President Trump back in the whitehouse… Elon Musk will be handling the audit…alot of smart businessman will be in charge of the goverment..not these morons who have been destroying the unitedstates for far too long..Obama hopefully his racist ass will be in jail along with the rest of those lowlifes..Obama is the one behind the destruction of the military etc…Obama brought in 500,000 illegal muslims they too should be sent back to where they all came from…we will have a better unitedstates for all the legal American people..we wont have any more poor people..everyone will live a better life in every way under President Trump..Obama purposely left the whitehouse a mess and all the crap with the Russia BS was all done on purpose to keep President Trump busy..Obama tried to break President Trum.obama isnot as smart as he seems to think he is..President Trump is a very smart businessman who knows what he is doing…plus Obama cant handle that President Trump is very well respected by the leaders of the world..Obama isnot..Russia wouldnot even shake Obama’s hand..He even said that he didnot trust Obama and that obama is dirty..corrupt..Obama depleted the military on Obama is behind ISIS..Obama belongs locked up..they all will be held accountable..all in good time…VOTE MAGA 2024

    • Very true. Obama was sent here to destroy our country and he tried his best to do that! His own Brother says he is a liar and he WAS born in Kenya and not Hawaii like he claims! He is married to a MAN, who claims to have had two kids! That would be interesting to watch!

    • Excellent summary of the TRUTH never told by Demonicrats, their Fake leaders, Fake media, Fake Intel agencies, Fake Pharma, Fake Military, Fake Justice system & Fake Academia ALL WEAPONIZED VS THE AMERICAN PEOPLE & OUR TRUE PRESIDENT & COMMANDER IN CHIEF DONALD TRUMP!

      The only thing l would correct is that these DEMS & RINO TRAITORS All get the Death Penalty acc to the US Constitution. And make it by the 10,000 guillotines that OBAMA, the Fake & illegit Resident bought to use on ALL CHRISTIANS when the 2016 was rigged for Hitlery Rotten Clingon but SHE LOST ANYWAY!! THANK GOD & THANKFULLY PRESIDENT TRUMP WON! THEN THEY TRIED TO ASSASSINATE HIS CHARACTER THRU-OUT HIS PRESIDENCY, STOLE HIS 2ND TERM & THEN ACTUALLY TRIED TO ACTUALLY ASSASSINATE HIM. BUT with EVERYTHING DEMS DO… they FAILED And they will FAIL AGAIN to STEAL the 2024 Elxn in November to save their sorry ASSES!


  4. There was a reason God saved President Trump from that assassins bullet, because President Trump’s story needs to be written on purging this cancer that has infested God’s creation of the greatest Nation in history and is up to us Christian’s to hold these demons accountable for their destruction of our nation. Once America falls, so does the world into darkness, it’s up to us Patriots to hold the truth of the light of God in our lives and ask for redemption of our evilness in our country least we fall like every nation in the past that has embraced evilness in their lives..

  5. Vote Red all the way. These marxists are totally wanting total control of America and Americans. They are all horrible, lying, cheating swindelers. We need them all out ASAP.

  6. Schumer is a hateful underhanded liberal. He has been in office most of his adult life. It’s time for him to go. Conservatives must WAKE UP! No more time for complacency, it’s time to be heard. Vote! Vote like your way of life depended on it, because it really does.

  7. As Truman said: anyone who gets rich as a politician is a crook. It was them – Pelosi and Schumer – that Truman had in mind when he spoke about politicians – crooks.

  8. We must get schumer, Piglosi, schiff and all their demon cabal out of our government! They know that when Trump wins, they will be done for! He will drain the demon sewer swamp for good, and we will have a safer, more prosperous country again! We have to demand term limits for congress and senate, get the lifelong crooks out. Most of them have been in office their whole lives, and should be ousted. Piglosi and Schumer have greatly profited by being in office so long, they should have been removed years ago! They are traitors to our country, and should be prosecuted for their traitorous acts! Obama as well. He is NOT legally born, his birth certificate was falsified! Sheriff Arpaio proved that! Obama saw to it that Arpaio was removed as sheriff because he showed the proof! Obama is destroying our country through all his stooges he put in place! He “ installed” Biden so he would continue the Ibama agenda, and Harris is his new puppet! He is running her campaign! He wants Walz in the top spot, because he doesn’t like commielala, but will try to install her, so walz can take over. Stop this agenda cold! Vote MAGA all the way, our country and our freedom is at stake! GO MAGA!!!!!!!

    • Sorry; but term limits is not the answer, The real answer is to heed the words of B. Franklin, i.e. All political offices are served without pay, only a stipend to cover costs such as transportation to and from their office, or duties. To go along with that is that all lobbying is banned and only public petitions allowed to be brought before Congress and Senate! Any politician entertaining a lobbyist should be instantly removed from office and incarcerated!!!

  9. James that would be great, but we all know that will not happen, so term limits would be a good start, along with having to be a natural born citizen not only for President, but VP, and congress. Do we currently even have a President? If he was unable to continue running for reelection should he still be running our country? I think NOT! Everybody please vote for TRUMP!

  10. By reading the various and many remarks made by all the people who types a reply, it seems
    we must support their writings because they are NOT lying but truthing in fact.

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