Democrats received one dire warning about Donald Trump that left them trembling with fear

Democrats think that Kamala Harris is about to run away with the Presidential race.  But the state of play for the election isn’t what they think.  And Democrats received one dire warning about Donald Trump [...]


  1. democrats are destroying our Constitution and Bill of Rights. any vote for any democrat is a vote to destroy America for china and iran and russia

  2. This “report” is the stupidest thing that I have read in weeks. I was offended at first but than laughed my butt off. This person believes woman vote for whom their husband votes or for whom her husband wants her to vote for. Ridiculous !!!

  3. I agree! Never once in my life has my vote been decided by my husband. Very often, when it comes to politics, we agree to disagree. I think today’s woman is strong enough to stand on her own…and I think Kamala showed extreme weakness in having Tim Walz with her in the only interview she’s given. Kamala doesn’t represent today’s woman.

    • I totally agree, I only saw a weak and fearful Kamala for showing up with Waltz, she was afraid to show up alone,

    • – Tampon Timmie Walz has promoted a life story of gaslight lies that have all now been proven to be TOTAL LIES!:
      1. Tampon says keep Govt out of people’s lives? “mind their own business”? Nope, Tampon created a Govt Snitch Line for neighbors to snitch to his Govt about neighbors!
      2. Coach Tampon? Nope, he was the unpaid Coach’s assistant, carried the water bottles
      3. Protect children? Nope, Tampon takes kids away from parents who try to prevent secret surgical mutilation of them!
      4. Tampon was “in war”? Nope, he went AWOL!
      5. Tampon retired a Command Sergeant Major? Nope, “Command” rank stripped from him for cowardice!
      6. Tampon’s common sense? Nope, ordered tampons into 4th grade boys’ restrooms!
      7. Tampon’s Kids Lunch Program? Turned into a GIANT $250Million EMBEZZLEMENT SCANDAL with 70 people indicted! Tampon has to respond to subpoena by 9/18/2024…
      8. Tampon for Law and Order? Nope, allowed BLM to burn Minnesota’s cities down! Refused help from Pres. Trump…
      9. Tampon only loves and is loyal to USA? Nope, 12 Red Books Communist Tampon made 30+ trips to Communist China paid for by China!
      10. Tampon/wife had kids by IVF? Nope, used a different procedure!
      11. Tampon didn’t have a DUI? Wrong, state police say he drove 96 MPH and blew well over the limit!
      12. Tampon was Nebraska Young Man of the Year? Nope, Chamber of Commerce wrote ‘stop telling that LIE’!
      13. and many more… (look up any you don’t believe!)
      (feel free to copy/paste the above anywhere)

    • I agree with you. Women don’t roll over to their husband’s demands. We women can vote the right way. If you have a husband that controlling you need to dump him

  4. Well they can talk all they want but the thing that will make a winner in this election is NON CITIZENS voting, fake mail in ballots and rigged machines. The democrats have been doing this for a long time and they used it to put Biden in. They knew he would do what they told him to do and have ruined our country. I have already read articles of people being arrested and convicted for voting as a ILLEAGAL IMIGRANT
    As citizens we should make the government make voting a LIVE thing. Damn it SHOW UP IN PERSON and show them Identity and vote. Whats so hard about that. If we don’t do that we will loose our country.Remember we are a RUPUBLIC and they work for us not us working for them.

    • My state mailed me a mail in ballot request even though I didn’t ask for one… that must cost $$Millions in postage…

  5. Democrats have shown that they are the Party of liars. They think they can do whatever it takes to win. I do not trust Kamala to change as she claims. She has NO experience in any of what it takes to be President or
    in an situation where a laugh is not a good idea. Putting Kamala up for this nomination tells me someone else would be calling the shots, and it wouldn’t be Kamala.

    • Oh, KamalToe will CHANGE… and then CHANGE BACK after the election… just like Obummer did…and Jokementia just did again…

  6. Democrats went to bed with the Communists in 50’s,so by now they are hardcore Communists and pushing up a true Communist ,born and raised Communist to destroy what’s left of the America we knew.How stupid will the voters be 2024?

  7. Illegals will be voting that’s what there here for to make sure the democrats win just how stupid and blind have the American people become or are there more traders in our country then I know illegals are here to replace Americans we must vote Trump if we want our Republic and freedom back Harris is just a puppet for the elites NWO want American’s dead and there doing it though the democrat party can’t believe I’m the only one that can see this happened to our country to our Republic our freedom an old man told me about 30 some years ago that this shit would be happening and we’d need to take up arms again to keep what we have as Americans he always talked about it and say open your eyes and mark my words well my eyes have been open I believed him vote Trump our loss your Republic I’ve had my arms and pops for sometime now lock and lode 1%. Love y’all

  8. Polls are unreliable! I wonder how many people say that they are voting for the candidate they don’t support. I am one that just doesn’t answer phone calls or questions I receive in the mail or on email.

    • the republician states have pulled the voting rollls and found thousands of non citizens on the voting polls..they remeved all of the democrooks are all upset the got caught with their pants this time they wont be able to cheat..the republicians have people watching every place that people will vote to make sure they are registered voters..not illegals..we need paper ballots one day voting with proof your legal…we must save america from these corrupt crooked democrooks who have been robbing the american people and america for years and is sickening that these rich elites arenot backing our best president…who truley loves america and the american people…President Trump isnot corrupt…Plus President Trump put his rich life aside to save america from the massive cesspool of corruption..I dont understand why these movie stars dont back Presiddent trump who is fighting to have a safer and healthy and wealthy america..It is having pride of america..I could careless if people dont like me cause I am voting for the best president that the unitedstates has ever had ever in the history of the unitedstates which is President Trump…I stand behind the best person who will make america the best it can be which is president Trump,,.VOTE MAGA 2024

  9. Polls are unreliable! I wonder how many people say that they are voting for the candidate they don’t support. I am one that just doesn’t answer phone calls or questions I receive in the mail or on email. Polls are unreliable! I wonder how many people say that they are voting for the candidate they don’t support. I am one that just doesn’t answer phone calls or questions I receive in the mail or on email. Polls are unreliable! I wonder how many people say that they are voting for the candidate they don’t support. I am one that just doesn’t answer phone calls or questions I receive in the mail or on email.

    Polls are unreliable! I wonder how many people say that they are voting for the candidate they don’t support. I am one that just doesn’t answer phone calls or questions I receive in the mail or on email. Polls are unreliable! I wonder how many people say that they are voting for the candidate they don’t support. I am one that just doesn’t answer phone calls or questions I receive in the mail or on email. Polls are unreliable! I wonder how many people say that they are voting for the candidate they don’t support. I am one that just doesn’t answer phone calls or questions I receive in the mail or on email.

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