Donald Trump made one confession about Melania that took everyone by surprise

Melania Trump has kept a lower profile during this Presidential campaign.  Speculation is growing about what role she is going to play this year.  And Donald Trump made one confession about Melania that took everyone [...]


  1. Melania will always do what is best for the country and her family. A very classy lady, many should take lessons from. I admire her greatly

  2. Melania knows five languages. She should do podcasts in all five of them to support her husband. She is one smart cookie and she looks great!

    • She has stood by her man through ‘thick/thin’ – all the lies, fraudulent lawfare, all attempts to ‘banckrupt’/jail time, defamation, character assassination as well as actual assassination with the help of ‘backroom’ planners. THAT ALL TAKES A PRETTY TOUGH LADY, A LOVING WIFE.

  3. To reach the young voters he is doing what is necessary.He needs to concentrate on the issues & show how Harris has failed this country during her reign as VP. She is trying to play herself as a moderate, but it is like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. She will turn our country into a Communistic country.Trump/Vance 2024!!!

    • You think that Harris will turn the country into a Communist country? Really? She’s not an admirer of Putin, or North Korea or China’s leaders. She doesn’t call them her friends. trump is a dangerous, unstable, insecure egotist who ONLY cares about himself and needs constant reassurance that he is great. (he isn’t!)I am not interested in his Project 2025, nor having a President who is a convicted felon, a liar, a cheat and a convicted rapist.

      • DEnise, President Trump cares about America. That’s why he’s running for president for this election. America needs him to FIX the mess left us by the Biden/Harris administration. When he was President No. 45, there were no wars, our economy was in good shape, and we didn’t have illegal aliens ruining our country! Apparently, you don’t keep track of what’s going on in America!!!

      • You just described Joe Biden, except he hasn’t been convicted, YET. The BIDEN CRIME FAMILY has sold this country out to China, Russia and who knows to who else, to the tune of $27 million tracked already to them. They are still unravelling all the Biden shell company bank accounts. The libs have been trying to take down Trump since he announced his first run in 2016, but all attempts failed so they tried to assassinate him but failed on that also.
        The conviction you attempt to say is proof was just made up charges before corrupt liberal judges and will all be thrown on appeal.
        If you are better off now than you were 4 years ago with all the problems the Biden Harris duo has brought to this country, then you either have your head buried in the sand or dumber than a pile of bricks.
        He will bring this country back from the brink of destruction.

      • denise, denise, denise–you people are so stupid. you will believe anything the democrooks say. you are such morons! i am glad i am old and won’t be here much longer to see what you loonies do to this great country. i just feel bad for my grandson that your kind of Loonie country is what he is going to grow up in!!! the only reason trump is a convicted felon as you say is because of the corrupt justice system with it’s bogus lawsuits!! conservative all the way!!!!!!!

        • Rebel,
          Being conservative doesn’t mean that if you don’t agree with the verdict in a trial, that it is corrupt. All of trumps legal problems were caused by one person, and that is he, himself.
          And name calling should be beneath all of us.

      • Good luck finding someone one your side of the fence who isn’t a liar and cheat. But you probably have already drank the delusional koolaid

        • One more thing Denise – do a fact checker on that convicted rapist statement – BS being repeated…. She was just another greedy b***h enhancing her bank account!

  4. Oh Denise, pull your head out and tell satan to get thee behind you & stop falling into lock step with the horrendous sinners against Our God and SAVIOUR Jesus Christ.

  5. Oh Denise, pull your head out and tell satan to get thee behind you & stop falling into lock step with the horrendous sinners against Our God and SAVIOUR Jesus Christ. Oh Denise, pull your head out and tell satan to get thee behind you & stop falling into lock step with the horrendous sinners against Our God and SAVIOUR Jesus Christ. Oh Denise, pull your head out and tell satan to get thee behind you & stop falling into lock step with the horrendous sinners against Our God and SAVIOUR Jesus Christ. Oh Denise, pull your head out and tell satan to get thee behind you & stop falling into lock step with the horrendous sinners against Our God and SAVIOUR Jesus Christ. Oh Denise, pull your head out and tell satan to get thee behind you & stop falling into lock step with the horrendous sinners against Our God and SAVIOUR Jesus Christ. Oh Denise, pull your head out and tell satan to get thee behind you & stop falling into lock step with the horrendous sinners against Our God and SAVIOUR Jesus Christ. Oh Denise, pull your head out and tell satan to get thee behind you & stop falling into lock step with the horrendous sinners against Our God and SAVIOUR Jesus Christ. Oh Denise, pull your head out and tell satan to get thee behind you & stop falling into lock step with the horrendous sinners against Our God and SAVIOUR Jesus Christ Oh Denise, pull your head out and tell satan to get thee behind you & stop falling into lock step with the horrendous sinners against Our God and SAVIOUR Jesus Christ..

    • I realized when I posted that my different opinion would probably not be popular, and I was right. There is one reason that trump is in legal trouble, and that is totally because of his actions. Talking about drinking the kool aid, some of your responses don’t even make sense. He only cares about one thing, and that is himself. His ego must be fed every minute. He led an insurrection when he lost the election, he should be in jail for that crime. And as for religion, do you remember when he was still president and was posed holding a Bible? It was upside down. Don’t bother responding, I already know most of what will be said. Obviously, most of you don’t think he can do any wrong, and that is the scary part. He is a very dangerous person, with a voracious ego that must be fed constantly. He has turned the once proud Republican party into a shambles. They don’t do anything without his okay, and he is NOT the current president. Dick Cheney has gone public with his declaration that he is voting for Harris, and he is not the only one. trump wants to be a dictator, and he is quite open about that. He sees it only one way: his way. If you don’t agree or like it, he will spread lies about you and fire you, if you are in his employ. If you think he cares about America, or should be allowed to get away with his crimes, then YOU are not for America. The reason all of us, including trump, can say and write what we do is because of the foundations of America. trump admires dictators, and that is what he wants to be. If he doesn’t like what is said about him or he is accused of, he wants to just put you in jail. He is dangerous,. Wake up!

  6. If DOJ went after Denise like they do Trump, Denise would be locked in solitary confinement and never have two cent in the Bank.

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