Democrats are rejoicing after Taylor Swift finally boosted Kamala Harris in this major way

Taylor Swift is the biggest celebrity on the planet right now. Democrats have been begging her to get involved in helping Kamala Harris in the 2024 election. And now Democrats are rejoicing after Taylor Swift [...]


    • Swift has a following due to song writing and performing. That no way makes her a Constitutional scholar. She is flexing the same touchy, feely muscles she uses in her craft to pick candidates to vote for. Highly unscientific.

  1. You can sing but you can not Know much, because you want Harris , who is in your boat with you- she does not know much, and she cant sing.

  2. So why would anyone look to a singer, actor, athlete, etc. for voting guidance?? Get serious and research the people you are voting for realizing very few ever do exactly what they said they would if elected.

      • I just wish the entertainers would stick to what they do best. Really does Taylor need more publicity? She continues to make bad choices and slowly her career will start going down hill. She’s let it all go to her head. She needs to remember how she got where she is, and it definitely wasn’t politics.

  3. I agree with Rich Heidecker Sr. why should anyone rely on a person, simply because that person may be a celebrity??? Do your own homework, search the history of the candidate, make your own decision on how you will vote, and be thankful, in this country we can do that!

    • We can do that “still” that’s a crucial word and these kids are like sheep if one goes over the cliff the rest will follow due to ignorance and lack of knowledge VERY SAD😔

  4. Big mistake Swift to endorse Harris….if you do….you have probably no clue!!!!
    Can’t know enough to get in the tank with her and what she will do to this country.
    You will bare part of the burden when she takes us down. Just stay out of it.
    Take a political stance like Elvis did and stay out of it……you’ll be better
    off for it…..just some sane advice for you to consider…..

  5. she won’t have a place to sing when democrats are destroying America for china and iran and russia, therefore, any vote for any democrat is a vote to destroy America.

  6. Anybody with 1/2 brain can see through the misleading captions and spin. Taylor has NOT and SHOULD not support any candidate. The Dems must be desperate with so little time left. Now we have Pfizer ads with cackling people, India-themed balloon pants being shoved down our throats, along with all of the rest of the hype-garbage. Starting a Swifties for Kamala campaign with ballot boxes at concerts is getting close to the edge. I hope Taylor is ready to sue whoever is behind this pretty soon.

  7. Only A 100k And Some Change.? That’s Less Then Trump Makes In Intrest. Trump’s Pod Casts, Along With ( Now) Anti- Woke, DEI B.S. In The NFL , Lil Taylor Is In A Tough Spot.?

  8. Why no mention of all the Swifties for Trump??? Go ahead and piss of half of your fans. Drop boxes at concerts ????? Should be ILLEGAL. Demoncrats trying to steal another one.

  9. If she endorses Harris this country is done! Everything was so much better with Trump. Democrats are destroying the USA. I think voting should be done when we file our taxes. You don’t pay no vote. The IRS is so good a keeping up with every cent of money surely they can keep track of votes “honestly”. TRUMP 2024 !!

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