Don Lemon nearly broke down in tears when Jen Psaki asked him this one question about black voters and Donald Trump

Don Lemon was one of the most partisan names in the media during his time at CNN from 2014 until 2023. But Lemon started his own show after CNN gave him the boot in April [...]


  1. I think the black people need to know more about Trump and all of what he stands for then just one part item. Like immigration, voter id, price of gas, etc.

  2. I am not black, but if I were there are several questions I would be asking the Democratic Party:
    1. Which party was involved heavily with the KKK?
    2. In cities that the Democrats control, how has the black community improved?
    3. Do you accept individuals that lie continually and steal from your community for
    their own profits?
    4. Do you vote based on facts or because someone tells you how to use your vote?
    5. Depending on how you answer the above, are you really FREE?

  3. I’m Black and I fully support Donald Trump; Kamala Harris is Marxist; A Lying, Cackling Witch!! A “MEDUSA” in a Business suit!!
    An Incompetent, Unqualified, Moron who is a modern day “QUERN JEZEBEL” with an insatiable lust fir power at any means necessary!!!

  4. The Democrat Party cannot stand the black people turn the backs on the Democrats but they’re waking up and they’re realizing everything that the Democrats has promised them has not improved their lives the Democrats has had done nothing to prove black lives or brown lives or even White lives that’s just how bad the Democrats party is they lie to get you to vote for them the Democrats want to keep the American people uneducated and stupid but the American people are not stupid we know when the Democrats are lying all their mouth is moving but put that aside they are very dishonest. Every American needs to get out there on November 5th and vote Donald J Trump for president of the United States so he can make America safe and respect again around the world he is the only person who can make America great again so get off your ass and get out of there and vote on November 5th for Donald Trump

  5. Blacks and Hispanics are, finally, beginning to realize that the Progressives are great at spewing lavish outrageous promises, but delivering excuses, rationalizations and outright lies in the end. That’s exactly why the Progressives are so determined to keep our borders open. They are repopulating their diminishing constituency!

    • i remember when (about 5 or 6 yrs ago the National Police (from all USA) started shooting at a number of non-identified black guys that were running away from the police, rgen, President Obama was asking (to anybody) why is the Police shooting at them , DONT THEY KNOW THAT BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL?, well, that maybe true, but, those guys were commiting THOSE CRIMEN< That is the true, Mr, Obama

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