Harley-Davidson’s epic failure was just uncovered by this leading executive who blamed ‘elitist jerks’

The latest company to feel the wrath of its customers by going woke is iconic Harley-Davidson. The storied motorcycle manufacturer failed to learn the lessons of other companies who found out going woke makes you [...]


      • Flash: Many people witnessed an LGBT “it” wearing a Mickey Mouse shirt, drinking a Bud Lite, riding a Harley (painted like a rainbow), over a cliff in front of a Tractor Supply store. “It” crashed below on top of a group of protestors burning an American flag. There were no survivors.

  1. Looks like their brain trust was “educated” in the same schools and universities that have turned out the legions of COMMUNISTS running the country today.

    We see this kind of thing everywhere we look now.

    But, America, you were loudly and repeatedly warned!! Remember this? “It can’t happen here”.

    Well, it did!

  2. Harley is an archaic company trying to stay relevent in an age of the new & modern…just another example
    Of a company trying to live and survive upon its laurels ….farewell, we will see you in the museums.

  3. Well Harley Davidson hope you like drinking Bud Lite because you’re both done for. I will never ever by a Harley again all my friends are selling them as fast as they can before the same Bud Lite death sentence hits you. 65 years of supporting you not a penny more you are done for ever I won’t list our chapter but it’s huge. You screwed the wrong pooch this time. In joy your warm stale beer.

  4. When I worked in a bar the main rule was you don’t talk politics or religion it is subjects that businesses need to stay out of because customers are from both sides and you don’t want anyone thinking your business had picked a side. Trump 2024 I am retired now so I will talk about any damn thing I want now and I love God, family, Trump and I always will!

  5. What did they do?
    I reread the article when I realized it was all about the “exec” who had uncovered IT but still don’t see what IT was.
    Waste of a read.

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