Jen Psaki is in hot water for what she slipped up and admitted about Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris

The corporate-controlled media is in the tank for Kamala Harris. They’re working overtime to keep Americans in the dark about the real Kamala Harris. And Jen Psaki is in hot water for what she slipped [...]


  1. what most ppl. do not understand is that most democrats are hard core democrats, they dont care if their nominee is dumb as an ostrich, they don’t seem to care if they lose all their rights as long as their party wins. iv got a couple democrat friends who get extremely hostile if u talk about anything their beloved party is doing to destroy America.. eyes are blind, ears are deaf.

    • Yep, Have you ever tried to have a debate with a demonrat? They clam up and get real mad and then run off.

      • Absolutely! That’s what most ignorant folks do as they cannot adequently defend their positions. Thank GOD we have intelligent folks in this Country that can see through all their nonsense!

    • I simply do not understand their ‘lack of thinking’. I cannot understand why any ‘person of ethnicity’, other than what the democRATs deem as ‘white’ would want to be associated with that party, considering their history. Nor Jews- how can they want to be democRAT, considering the antisemitism that has been allowed by the democRATs- starting with the hate that was exhibited by Rashid Tlaib, Omar & Cori Bush on all the college campuses, this last summer. It is unfathomable. I can’t believe that was considered ‘American’, in any fashion. They encourage the burning of the American flag. No other country would even come close to allowing that. The democRATs have come to ‘the fork in the road’ & they are choosing the wrong path. I prefer not to be a party person, for that very reason. I prefer to think; & there’s no way I could be democRAT today.

  2. my parents were hardcore democrats , not me i always voted by actions not sides. Thank God my dad was listening to my rants and finally had enough of what Obama was doing and did not vote for him again and is no longer a democrat, but my mother went to the grave in her loyalty to the party.

  3. 20 years ago the Democrat Party was for the people. Then Obama came in and divided the nation. He wasnt even born in the USA couldnt be President. But since he was in office it was spy on conservatives, power and party, nothing for the people. The Democrat party doesnt follow the laws and hate the Constitution. All they seek is power and everyone to bow down to their stupidity. When Kamala debates she will go down hill fast. God is in control not the MSM and democrats.

  4. Elaine, I agree with you. My Democrap friends get extremely hostile and start yelling at me if I even suggest that their party and their beloved Joe Biden is destroying America. Two former “friends” will no longer speak to me. They’re stuck on stupid and they don’t want to learn anything. You can’t teach stupid if stupid wants to remain stupid.


  6. Just goes to show Jen Psaki is a dumb as Hillary AND Kamala. Neither has done a damn thing for our country, only themselves. TRUMP 2024!!!!

  7. One recurring difficulty that Repubs and rational people have in trying to debate an issue with a Democrat is that liberals do not arrive at their positions logically and a logical counter-argument has no traction. We keep trying to be logical with emotional people and wonder why it is a waste of effort. If you want to mud-wrestle a pig, you are going to have to get dirty. And the pig will love it.

  8. Kamala’s mother named her after two Indian goddesses. Kamala and Devi. She acts like she’s a goddess. People need to bow down to her, as Tim Walz did. So we have a choice for president: either a pagan goddess or a man who professed faith in Jesus Christ.

    In 1608 a European explorer came to the shores of Virginia, disembarked, put up a cross in the sand, and he and his crew bowed down and prayed, dedicating the land to Jesus Christ.

    I know which one I’m choosing.

  9. It must be in the democRAT play book. After helping a neighbor and “friend” with major health issues for a year, finds out I’m a conservative Republican who has voted for Trump twice, has decided not to be friends or to speak with me any more. How lucky can I be? She can take care of herself from now on.

  10. Killary and marble mouth, look in the mirror and say, “I can do this”. Then they enter the real world and say, “Damn, I’m screwed”.

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