J.D. Vance just took “The New York Times” to school over this reporter’s despicable lie about the Biden-Harris regime

The countdown clock is ticking as voters wait for Kamala Harris and her running mate, Tim Waltz, to finally start answering questions rather than reading scripts from teleprompters. Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s running mate is routinely [...]


  1. Well all you have to do is listen to Harris supporters. Some of them tell you that they want to destroy America as we know it and support communism. You may say that maybe some of her crazy followers are delusional. Personally I think they are telling us the truth. Democrats feel their plans aren’t the people’s business because we have people that will vote the way we tell them to.

  2. If they, the voters, weren’t so busy just trying to keep their body and soul together and feed, cloth, house and keep all their family healthy, they might be able to wrap their heads around the Biden/Harris/Waltz mess.

  3. The Democrat Party is not democratic. RFK Jr is perfect example. People associate the name Kennedy as being democratic. But today’s democrats wont even lit RFK Jr in the door of the DNC. And wont let him run against the people in charge. That sounds more like Venezuela than the U.S.A.The RNC welcomes people like Tulsi Gabbard into the Republican party. And I’m glad she woke up.

  4. Camel breath is just as inept as joe Joe. That is why she was chosen by Barry obumer and George Sorriest. They stupidity would allow them to be controlled in order to destroy this nation. Beginning with opening the border. Opening prisons, defunding police, giving illegals the rights of American citizens while they are taking the rights of legal citizens away. They are calling Good Evil and Evil Good. They may control man but, make no mistake about it. They can not control GOD ALMIGHTY!!!!!

  5. Trump and bands are not focusing on the real cause of inflation. The real cause of inflation issue is no drilling.No fracking and closing up the pipelines. The real cause is oil. We don’t.
    Just need oil to put in our gas tanks. It takes oil to produce beef chicken.Pork lamb produce clothing and everything else we buy. It takes oil to bring all of those things to the market.. Reduce the price of oil and you reduce the price of everything. Trump needs to push this more. We also need to end the law that says, if you’re born here.You are automatically as citizen. That law was put into place 175 years ago for the sake of the children of slaves. We have no more slaves.I’m sure black people don’t even care about this law. If we don’t abolish this law, evevtualy the democrats will have 45 million more voters and we will never see another republican administration again.

  6. Serious Democrats, Please think logically about todays problems with our government leadership and vote common sense this November, Thanks.

    • Absolutely 100!! Harris is a radical marxist already has been destroying our country for 3 years! Anyone who votes for Harris Walz to finish destroying our country are either stupid. Being conned by the radical dems liberals. Or communists marxist. Wake up America vote red to save our country!!

  7. She, like the Obama’s are multimillionaires. Think they give a rats behind about the price of a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk?

  8. She, like the Obama’s are multimillionaires. Think they give a rats behind about the price of a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk? She, like the Obama’s are multimillionaires. Think they give a rats behind about the price of a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk? She, like the Obama’s are multimillionaires. Think they give a rats behind about the price of a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk? She, like the Obama’s are multimillionaires. Think they give a rats behind about the price of a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk? She, like the Obama’s are multimillionaires. Think they give a rats behind about the price of a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk? She, like the Obama’s are multimillionaires. Think they give a rats behind about the price of a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk? She, like the Obama’s are multimillionaires. Think they give a rats behind about the price of a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk? She, like the Obama’s are multimillionaires. Think they give a rats behind about the price of a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk? She, like the Obama’s are multimillionaires. Think they give a rats behind about the price of a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk? She, like the Obama’s are multimillionaires. Think they give a rats behind about the price of a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk?

  9. For sure. Who wears a $62,000 necklace and then tells us that we should give them more money. That necklace could help this woman who lost her husband to a botched heart surgery and is on disability to pay my bills for a year.

  10. There are none so blind as they who have eyes yet will not see. From the very beginning of this nation, there have been those who want to seize control and become little tin gods. And the current crop of Democrats are no exception. In their greed, they completely miss the truth that they who need the common man; not the other way around. Dave

  11. Groceries +21.6%
    Eating Out +23%
    K-12 Food +65.5%
    Rent +22%
    Transportation +33.9%
    Car Insurance +54%
    Wkl Income +3.9%
    Average buying Power -29.81

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