Kamala Harris is panicking after a lawsuit was filed that contained these three words

Kamala Harris has had all the breaks go her way since entering the race. The political winds are starting to blow against her. Now Kamala Harris is panicking after a lawsuit was filed that contained [...]


  1. She never spends the quality time to get results. She is a ‘just enough’ to get out of doing anything.Smile, laugh, it isn’t funny anymore.She directs others to do her job. This was what happened the last 4 years, other people in the white house underground are making the descisions and they Biden -Harris take the credit.

    • Why would we lie about Joe calling her the “border czar?” He appointed her to that position. Butvthey lie to cover lie after lie after. We’ll NEVER get a straight answer from any of them. So let’s just get them ALL out of the WH in November and be done with it. The left is trying to cover their as***. She has done absolutely NOTHING in her stint at the WH. Now she’s got these “pipe dreams” that she plans for this country. CAN YOU SAY COMMUNISTS/COMMUNISM? THAT’S where this country will be headed if she and her coward VP choice get in!!!

    • Joe Biden put her in charge of the border PERIOD, He didn’t call her border czar but he still put her in charge and she has done nothing!!! She is the worst VP ever.!!!!!!

    • And even ‘the undergrounders’ don’t do the job, which may well be their plan in the first place. This promises to be the greatest election interference of all American history. The carefully orchestrated destruction of true democracy.

  2. It would be a very worthwhile endeavor.
    I would be honored
    to serve my counry
    and increase my knowledge.

    • She and Biden have made a mess together!! The Afghanistan debukle was all because of them!!! President Trump laid wreaths for the thirteen that died and you never heard a thing from either of them !! In fact Biden was at the beach again for the 100th time!! Hes more at the beach than at the White House!! And where is she????? I will not vote for 4 more years of HELL!!!!! We were better off under President Trump!!!!!

      • This administration spent more time off the clock than I thought was possible. Total deadbeats with a guaranteed income. They have done nothing to benefit this wonderful nation,or it’s Citizens, but were a total embarrassment. They have proven to be qualified to do nothing but Mop the Floors.

      • Don’t forget Obama’s rollin in this. I think he has he was lead musician in thus orchestra . He is as evil as any of them.

  3. If Harris denies she was responsible for the border just what did she do for being appointed to get to the root cause of our border issue. Seems to me the root cause is the having an open border…no brainer

  4. Anyone that has a brain can clearly see that they don’t want the public to see that she is nothing but a liar. It was even on the TV and Joe Biden was the one that called her the Boarder Czar. Now they have to go and scrub Social Media and all Networks of any of that footage. Just tell the truth and own up to it. Your lies are going to catch up to you.

    • Goes to show you, even at the DNC she will say an out right lie, when we all know on Biden’s Day 1 in office, he signed (showing him live from the oval office) the executive order to open the border,,,,then later appointing this useless VP to be in charge. All this has been spoken about for the entire administration on film and yet she is stupid enough to blame it on Trump. The Democrats just can’t seem to understand that all the major things they did was filmed on camera…yet they deny it never happened.

        • 81 million people voted for kamtoes. Just ask any idiot liberal turdsack. Demroids are so far removed from reality that they honestly believe that men, multiple men, are in hospitals around the world, pooping out babies and having menstrual cramps. Follow the science they say. 2+2=17, or whatever little Jaun says, cuz you know. Can’t hurt his widdle feewings.

      • And yet there are so many people that don’t seem to care, they still support her. They seem to believe anything she says. You would think they could see where we are headed. There are so many lies being told by the Democrats and they get away with it,

  5. If the mainstream media told the truth the Democrats would never win another election. She was put in charge of the border by the president. Nice job allowing 12 million illegals to enter.

    • Does anyone believe a word that this administration says, as far as I anm concerned they all need to be investigated, from the top to the bottom of this administration all under oath.

  6. Why won’t she attend the debate on Sept 4 at Fox news? Is it because they would ask questions she refuses to answer or questions she can’t answer because she is afraid of being asked real hard questions. That’s why she is willing to debate on September 10th because that station will only throw soft-balls at her. She is not qualified to be President of this country or any country for that matter.

    • She is a liar and a coward, I have to say the one thing about Trump,,he is fearless and he fights, he is fighting for our country and for us…Obama had the audacity saying Trump is fighting to be a dictator. Really, then what has he and all the others orchestrated -being the puppetmaster- directing Biden what to do. Now in their usual manner havng thrown him aside…goes to show you money talks, bull#### talks.

    • She doesn’t want to go on Fox because she’s a coward!!! and now she wants to bring notes with her!!! She’s probably going to cheat anyway because she has a good friend that works at that network who will probably give her the answers!!! I’m hoping President Trump puts her in her place!!!

    • Every word you say is true. She can’t answer the questions truthfully, so she ends up talking in circles….all word salads. She is no match for Trump in a debate. The interview scheduled for tonight is a joke. She has to have her VP with her to help deflect for her. And I don’t believe this is a live interview. It is being recorded so anything that she messes up can be deleted. I believe she will find a way to get out of the debate. Even if she does participate, she has demands before she agrees. For some reason, she is being given everything she wants…..the tv station she wants, the person asking the questions and wants the microphones open rather than mute so she can interrupt anytime and Trump will be criticized for interrupting her since she is female. We need a lot of prayer for our country.


    • There is someone who knows her heart no matter how she tells it. This is another democrat who will have to have a pass from Satan to get into hell.

  8. The Democrats know the Truth Kamala Harris was named the person by Joe Biden to Oversee the Southern Border but Kamala Harris never went to the Border, she went to other Nations to Tell Them how to rule Their Country. Kamala Harris can not follow through on her responsibilities. She puts a finger in, then as it gets tiring, she hands her responsibilities off to Others. As President, she will be lousy. period. The Democrats who are not “Progressive Left” will rue the day they allowed the “Elite Democrats” to push Kamala Harris on them and this Nation. Freedom is Lost if she manages to win. What a sad day that will be-the Dems will deserve it, But Not The Rest of The Nation.

  9. Just get the news recording of Biden saying she was the border Czar and broadcast it world wide so everyone can see and hear it! They all stood on stage at the DNC convention and told out and out lies! Anyone who listens to them are as much an idiot as Harris and Walz are. God forbid they get elected!

  10. I watched and heard Joe Biden smile as he appointed her “border czar” on his first day or two in office !

  11. I want to know why when I answered the question about Ms Harris being the Border Czar, that NO RESULTS SHOWED UP NOT JUST ONCE BUT THREE TIMES???

  12. if she wasn’t the border czar what exactly was her responsibility??? What was she doing to serve America. What was it was she accomplished in three and half years?????

  13. Harris is a poor excuse for DEMONRAT President nominee. LIE, LIE,LIE ! Her speech last night at the CONVENTION WAS ALL A LIE. She is INCOMPETENT for anything but a DOG CATCHER and that might to generous!! If she is elected, we all need to bend over and KISS OUR BUTTS GOOD BYE!!

    • We are not a Democracy, we are now and always have been a Constitutional Republic Article 4 Section 4 states that all 50 States not some are to form a Republican form of Government. The D.C. Corp is The Swamp, Military Industrial Complex with Eisenhower warned us about in 1961! We were sold back to the crown in 1871 when U.S. Grant bankrupted us, we have been slaves to their system ever since, until E.O.!3848 bankrupted them. They have it all and caught them all! Now we just have to wait for the others to wake up, until November, it’s going to be bumpy and quite scary! 45-47 (The DASH Matters) The Military has it all under control right now, so rest assured we are in good hands!

  14. If Harris wins she won’t be running the country, Obama will just like he has for the last 3.5 years, he has had his 3rd term going for his 4th. Harris or Walz are not smart enough to run this country! We need Trump back in the White House!

  15. Based on the reactions on this post, and the fact I know she was in fact,vv appointed to secure our Border, I’m gonna go out on a limb and say she would never know how to be truthful. Sad state and a preview of what will happen if this country elects her as President. I for one, hope the majority doesn’t have their heads ( politely, in the sand).

    • She had ONE task, Biden named asked only that control the Border, I can’t imagine how should would manage being President. With all of the QUALIFIED Liberals I this country choosing her was a mistake and they should admit it and move on.is she?

      • She has already has convinced people she is a phony let’s prove it and send her back to her daddy czar and czar is a Russian word but I don’t think she even knows that Kamala loves to hurt people and make her self feel good GOD PLEASE Help us get her ass fired

  16. It was public knowledge that Biden APPOINTED her Border Czar the very first day he was in office and OPENED THE BORDER. I am sure there is footage somewhere that shows him signing the paperwork to open the border COMPLETELY.

  17. She now claims she was not named Border Czar, she says she was assigned to find the root cause of Immigration. Well that’s easy, your Admin. opened the border and put the welcome mat out for them to come. Come on in and we will take care of you. The answer to your job assignment is obvious and we all know it, even you. Does that mean we all can be the VP someday?

  18. I remember her saying on TV when ask about the border she said I don’t know, instead to going to the border “I got drunk” Who knows the truth

    • They asked her if she’s been to the border and her answer was And I haven’t been to Paris either,whats your point?? President Trump just was at the border again!! He really works hard!! Biden has been at the beach 40 % of the time in office and not sure where she’s been,!! You never see either of them !! Worst President and VP ever!!!

  19. If she or Joe were actually in charge, then why do they say when or if elected? They could take care of this right now, if they wanted to but they don’t. Why was President Trump allowed to touch The Wreath of the Unknown Soldiers? Why did he address The National Guard? What former President has ever done this? Why does President Trump wear a MAGA hat that says 45-47 (The DASH Matters) way too much evidence not to question it!

    • He placed the wreath on the unknown soldier’s, because Biden and Harris didn’t even show up. Thank you PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP FOR WHAT YOU HAVEDONE AND CONTINUE TO DO FOR THE AMERICA POEPLE.

  20. Kamala Harris is the worst vice President ever. She did nothing no accomplishment at all. If she let’s immigrants vote that is wrong. This is America land of the free. Her or Biden never put Americans first. Ukraine, and everywhere else not the people paying the taxes. Now over 40 trillion in debt.

  21. Joe was Democrat’s best, until they pushed him out. Now Kamala is after no one voted for her. How stupid are they?

  22. Biden and Harris really do stink and they need to leave now, Becaue they dont give a damn about this country. They are only interested in lineing there pockets. We need Trump back again. He is all for us and our country. And i for one want to be able to do the things that we are used to.So now we all must stand together and take our country back and toss them out. WE DONT WANT YOU BIDEN OR KARMALA,GET OUT OF OUR COUNTRY.

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