This bombshell report revealed how George Soros spent over $100 million to ruin America’s once-great cities

George Soros uses his vast fortune to bankroll virtually every radical left-wing politician and organization in America and around the world. He was the Democrats’ biggest donor in the 2022 Midterm elections. And now this [...]


  1. I wonder why Americans are so unconcerned about what the Democrats are doing to our once-beautiful America. Our country is very quickly becoming a third-world country controlled by what can only be called a dictatorship. So sad no one tries to stop this mess. Look what happened to California. Do we really want to let them turn America into a wasteland?

  2. The courts in Clintor’s term allowed the corporations to vote with the power of their employees. THAT is when the floodgates opened for this current situation. And you can bet SOROS funded both CLINTONS for all their elections.

    So the courts have to change that ruling to close this floodgate and stop the funding of destruction. And how many employees do you imagine SOROS has?

    • Steven, You are so right, & he needs to have to pay back these cities for the damage he has done. Then spend whatever time he has left in Gitmo. Most people don’t know what he did at 14, he & his father sold out all f their neighbors in Hungary to the Nazis when they were taking over the country, so they could live. PURE EVIL!

    • Why has Soros not been kicked out of this Country?. He contributes nothing ! He hates all Jewish people! Confiscate all monies and kick Him out! We do not want to be a Socilist Country! He can go to Cuba or any other Country! He was kicked out of Hungary!

  3. Absolutely – and to think how much better the world would be if they had just dealt with this trai tor So ros at Nuremburg! His own country kicked him out for trying to run things there, how did we get stuck with him and his filthy money? The guy even looks like evil personified.

  4. I was with the understanding that only so much money would be permitted from any single entity, what happened to that policy?

    Soros and his son only believe in destruction, they should be limited in the amount of funding they are permitted to do. Or they should be banned from giving to any US election nomatter how insignificant.

  5. I have wondered for a long time why he has not been sent back to his own country and let them take care of him! They could sentence him to a lifetime in prison or execute him for betrayal of his own county (Hungary). We certainly have the right to expel him from this country as he has done terrible damage to us!! He has no right to stay here enjoying what the USA used to have to offer!!

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