Tim Walz made one shocking confession about the border that left Kamala Harris scared

Tim Walz is already becoming a big headache for Kamala Harris. He went rogue on one of the biggest problems facing the campaign.  And Tim Walz made one shocking confession about the border that left [...]


  1. It’s an election year so one must read between the lines and understand the BS that is being shoved down our throats. If they wanted control of the border that the “LAW” addresses, they should have started 3 years ago and not make promises they aren’t about to keep.

    • Lying KamalToe, like Liar Obummer, IF elected, would do the OPPOSITE of everything she promises to be running on!
      She also has the problem of Multiple Scandals plagued Evil Stolen Valor Tampon Timmie!

    • Yes, sir, you are 100% correct, but, the real problem is that if you are a Democrat, you don’t pay attention to anything, they just smile and agree with everything. In other words most Democrats are brain dead.

  2. I hope and pray that the current administration’s open border policy will help give Trump a landslide win on November 5th. over the Administration’s so called border Czar!!!

  3. Trump, with a historical default, in not running for President, following his successful first term, is a proven leader, President, and one who will definitely get my votes, and the families, which numbers could populate a smal village!

  4. trump needs to concentrate on pointing out the short comings of the Biden/Harris administration. Just calling them names fails to change minds. There are plenty of short comings from the last administrations that need to be hammered on. I think this is the more productive way to proceed.

    • Listen to his rally speeches. He IS pointing out that all of the issues harris talks about fixing are ones that her administration caused.

    • Joe Biden has been inactive for a long time. There in name only! Kamala Harris was appointed czar of the Border 3 years ago . The failure to control
      Is all on her. She will continue to pass the buck
      And do nothing to CONTROL THE PROBLEM AND
      DEPORT ILLEGALS!!! Donald J Trump is the
      Only answer!!!

    • Joe Biden has been inactive for a long time. There in name only! Kamala Harris was appointed czar of the Border 3 years ago . The failure to control
      Is all on her. She will continue to pass the buck
      And do nothing to CONTROL THE PROBLEM AND
      DEPORT ILLEGALS!!! Donald J Trump is the
      Only answer!!!

  5. The Bible tells us why there is so much corruption in ALL human governments; Satan rules! Luke 4:5 So he (Satan) brought him (Jesus) up and showed him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth in an instant of time. 6 Then the Devil said to him: “I will give you all this authority and their glory, because it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. 7 If you, therefore, do an act of worship before me, it will all be yours.” AND, this is why I have never voted; I will NOT participate in Satan’s system!

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