J.D. Vance dropped the hammer on a CNN host after this sick attack

The media is on a mission to destroy J.D. Vance after he became Donald Trump’s running mate. He’s not going to pull any punches defending himself.  And J.D. Vance dropped the hammer on a CNN [...]


  1. J.D. Vance will be a tremendous asset to President Donald Trump’s candidacy! We can’t wait until they are sworn in!

      • The media CNN MSNBC ABC and FOX News should be held liable for there Lies and Bias agenda. Republicans should start bringing lawsuits against the media. Bankrupt them so they will have to close there disgusting doors

  2. Tampon Tim wore a camo uniform as a kid would go to an Army/Navy store and buy camo’s and wear them playing. He should be wearing a Chinese uniform, he spent over a year there and has made many trips there.

    • Does Tim get into trouble with a brand name tampon? It really doesn’t matter. This just gets more increasingly insane day by day. Tim himself cannot differentiate between genders. And he is a grandfather! How do they feel about all this? It’s just so ridiculous, and WEIRD. OH, yes, he bows to China wholeheartedly; even welcoming in their best assassins, who are most likely already ‘in country’. He has joined Kamala in just opening the door to all terrorists, hiding behind women and children. Harris and Walz are true wolves in sheep’s clothing; disguised as ‘angels of light’, servants of the Lord Himself, while secretly planning the destruction of this nation. I can’t detail entirely how I truly feel about all this. But you get the idea.

  3. Wall valor is not the question,the question is that he lied. End of story, he lied about several things.


  5. The lies are many and profound. The portrayal of the Dems as supportive of fully elective reproduction rights is another lie. What they want is “single payer” to take away ALL choice, both surgical and medical! If their lips are moving,…..

  6. If you lie about one thing u will lie about others. When you are caught in lies people aways questions what you say. You lose respect and your honor two things you should cherish as you only get it once. Sorry you have put a blemish on honor and your service. You are pass every being vice president as no one can trust you. Move as you are a loser.

    “Welcome to the UNITED STATES OF KOMMIE-KAMALA. Make room in your homes for our new “American Citizens”, who just arrived from the southern border. Wine them dine them and keep them happy.”
    These lying lefties make me sick 😫. How can so many people be so delusional and buy all the 💩 that these radical wannabe kommies serve them on a silver platter?¿?
    What do you think their reaction would be if Kommie-Kamala would make it mandatory for these blinded fools to be forced to open their homes to the illegal immigrants and having to support their “freeloader-roommates” without having privacy and compensation?¿?
    Let these brainwashed 🧠 😴 fools be the victim[s] of the horrible illegal immigrant crime style.
    There is so much more that could be said, but I think we [trumpsters] are intelligent enough to see through the crooked lefties plans and ideas.
    Let them be victims of their own ignorance, because the sound of the music changes drastically when it enters your home.no more privacy and the kommies control everything from your kid’s piggyback to your bank account.
    GOD HELP US….😢😭😭😭😭
    Let’s pray for a miracle,
    🙏 🙌 ✨️ we really need it.

  8. BTW, what jobs did the Kommunist-Lefties create??
    The ones that were abolished when the pandemic hit us?¿?

  9. Democrats have been living on lies of the elected Democrats who are in Office now. I doubt very much they care one way or another as long as their Party wins. They really do not realize if our Nation goes under, they go under too.

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