A CNN host accidentally let the cat out of the bag on one bad secret about Tim Walz

Democrats can usually count on the media to serve as their public relations team. But every so often, they tip their hand. And a CNN host accidentally let the cat out of the bag on [...]


  1. I just hope the DemocRATs don’t steal the 2024 election from TRUMP like they did in 2020. Corruption thy name is DNC!

      • im sorry and you don’t think trump lies steals and degrades the women and handicapp of the us. I could care less who made president as long as its not trump and his cult followers

    • What Pisses me off as a Veteran myself is not only the Fact he ran away from his duties by Retiring instead of heading to War with his Company he continues to Lie saying he did serve in Combat. The truth is he never came close to a Combat Zone while in Uniform and going to one as a Member of the Political Machine does not count. He like Harris has a very difficult time telling the Truth and even when caught Red Handed. I’d personally love to see every Politician be doused in Hot Tar then have Feathers poured over them each time they do Lie.

    • I told myself when Biden was elected that I thought I would not survive his administration.He has always been a corrupt political hack. Now if Harris wins the oval office, our constitutional Republic is doomed!

    • I don’t think God is going to let them steal this one.He allowed the 2020 just to show us how deep the corruption was,because if he hadn’t we would have never just how corrupt the Democrats were.

  2. They didn’t steal the election in 2020 trump lost it because of the way he treats women and he is not good for people of color. He is a crook and every chance he gets he will try to steal the elections this time. He needs to stop saying that God put him in this place before God strike him down. You don’t play with God.

    • oh Jean, i feel so sorry for you that are are this brainwashed that you cannot see reality…please open your eyes, become more informed and maybe there will be hope for you

    • The Democratic Party is in no positions to lecture anyone about God with your stand against abortion, your attitude against the members of the Jewish community, your support of the Hamas terrorists with the torture and mass murder of the young people during the October raid on Israel, your serial lying, cheating and general unAmerican attitude including destruction of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence. Instead of destroying what We the People love, why don’t you just move and try this at some other country and see how it works out for you. What do you expect from a party whose masot is an ass.

      • This is the truth Judy,I trust in God and he will give us back what they have stolen from us, Don’t look at circumstances God will get the last word in the last laugh. He’s a big God.

    • They stole the election it’s really been proven, but the Democrats in Congress keep blocking it, but truth will prevail.It doesn’t really matter if you believe it or not.Just watch what God will do for America.

  3. If Kamala and Tim win the election, this country will go to hell in a hand basket! They are so crooked they will destroy this country. I’m 82 years old and I hope this doesn’t happen. We have enough crooked politicians now!

  4. May GOD save AMERICA should Harris win which is likely when all these illegals will be voting!! Our founding forefathers wouldn’t have engaged so wholeheartedly if they saw this country now!! America would not exist from my studies in American History!!!! ALL MUST VOTE AND PRAY TO SAVE AMERICA!!!!!!

  5. A win by The Cackling Hooker, and Tampon Tim, will most assuredly destroy the republic. Citizens will be forced to become their own first responders, to protect their family and loved ones. Who knows to what degree the feckless, spineless, low life, sub-human Venezuelan gangs will fan out across the country, but they would be well advised not to assume Americans have been defanged by woke, progressive, defund police policies. They should look up Yamamoto’s observation that “behind every tree, will be an American with a gun.”

    • Hello Scott,,, Small correction on your reply,,, Yamamoto’s quote is ” You cannot attack the United states mainland as there is a gun behind every blade of grass “.

      Relate that to our 2nd amendment.

  6. It is insane how brainwashed the liberals are. I used to be one until the realities of where the DemonRats were taking this country. It all started with Clinton. You can’t even show them facts, they call them lies and say you shouldn’t do your own research. They have left critical thinking behind and trust the news for their thoughts. I’m sure they all took the jab and are now mind controlled with the graphine oxcide, nanotechnology and gene editing Chrisper technology that was in it. And with all the “died suddenly “ deaths around the world, I’m sure they are just as confused as the medical world on why. The truth doesn’t need 24/7 365 discussions by the powers that be, lies do.

  7. democrats lie and Americans die (abby gate)
    any vote for any democrat is a vote to destroy America for china and iran and russia.

  8. Kamal-toe is just furthering the legacy of all of Joe Biden’s bad picks throughout his career in the Senate! No change, just more of the same!

  9. Kamal-toe is just furthering the legacy of all of Joe Biden’s bad picks throughout his career in the Senate! No change, just more of the same!

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